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  • /*=========================================================================
      Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
      Language:  C++
      Date:      $Date$
      Version:   $Revision$
      Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
      See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
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         This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
         the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
         PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
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    #include "otbWrapperApplication.h"
    #include "otbWrapperApplicationFactory.h"
    #include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
    #include "otbChangeLabelImageFilter.h"
    #include "otbStandardWriterWatcher.h"
    #include "otbStatisticsXMLFileReader.h"
    #include "otbShiftScaleVectorImageFilter.h"
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    #include "ImageDimensionalityReductionFilter.h"
    #include "otbMultiToMonoChannelExtractROI.h"
    #include "otbImageToVectorImageCastFilter.h"
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    #include "DimensionalityReductionModelFactory.h"
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    namespace otb
    namespace Functor
     * simple affine function : y = ax+b
    template<class TInput, class TOutput>
    class AffineFunctor
      typedef double InternalType;
      // constructor
      AffineFunctor() : m_A(1.0),m_B(0.0) {}
      // destructor
      virtual ~AffineFunctor() {}
      void SetA(InternalType a)
        m_A = a;
      void SetB(InternalType b)
        m_B = b;
      inline TOutput operator()(const TInput & x) const
        return static_cast<TOutput>( static_cast<InternalType>(x)*m_A + m_B);
      InternalType m_A;
      InternalType m_B;
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    namespace Wrapper
    class CbDimensionalityReduction : public Application
      /** Standard class typedefs. */
      typedef CbDimensionalityReduction             Self;
      typedef Application                   Superclass;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>       Pointer;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
      /** Standard macro */
      itkTypeMacro(CbDimensionalityReduction, otb::Application);
      /** Filters typedef */
      typedef UInt8ImageType                                                                       MaskImageType;
      typedef itk::VariableLengthVector<FloatVectorImageType::InternalPixelType>                   MeasurementType;
      typedef otb::StatisticsXMLFileReader<MeasurementType>                                        StatisticsReader;
      typedef otb::ShiftScaleVectorImageFilter<FloatVectorImageType, FloatVectorImageType>         RescalerType;
      typedef itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<
          otb::Functor::AffineFunctor<float,float> >                                               OutputRescalerType;
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      typedef otb::ImageDimensionalityReductionFilter<FloatVectorImageType, FloatVectorImageType, MaskImageType>  DimensionalityReductionFilterType;
      typedef DimensionalityReductionFilterType::Pointer                                                    DimensionalityReductionFilterPointerType;
      typedef DimensionalityReductionFilterType::ModelType                                                  ModelType;
      typedef ModelType::Pointer                                                                   ModelPointerType;
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      typedef DimensionalityReductionFilterType::ValueType                                                  ValueType;
      typedef DimensionalityReductionFilterType::LabelType                                                  LabelType;
      typedef otb::DimensionalityReductionModelFactory<ValueType, LabelType>                               DimensionalityReductionModelFactoryType;
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        SetDescription("Performs dimensionality reduction of the input image according to a dimensionality reduction model file.");
        SetDocLongDescription("This application reduces the dimension of an input"
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                              " image, based on a machine learning model file produced by"
                              " the DimensionalityReductionTrainer application. Pixels of the "
                              "output image will contain the reduced values from"
                              "the model. The input pixels"
                              " can be optionally centered and reduced according "
                              "to the statistics file produced by the "
                              "ComputeImagesStatistics application. ");
        SetDocLimitations("The input image must contain the feature bands used for"
                          " the model training. "
                          "If a statistics file was used during training by the "
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                          "Training application, it is mandatory to use the same "
                          "statistics file for reduction.");
        SetDocSeeAlso("DimensionalityReductionTrainer, ComputeImagesStatistics");
        AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "in",  "Input Image");
        SetParameterDescription( "in", "The input image to predict.");
        AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage,  "mask",   "Input Mask");
        SetParameterDescription( "mask", "The mask allow restricting "
          "classification of the input image to the area where mask pixel values "
          "are greater than 0.");
        AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "model", "Model file");
        SetParameterDescription("model", "A regression model file (produced by "
          "TrainRegression application).");
        AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "imstat", "Statistics file");
        SetParameterDescription("imstat", "A XML file containing mean and standard"
          " deviation to center and reduce samples before prediction "
          "(produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application). If this file contains"
          "one more band than the sample size, the last stat of last band will be"
          "applied to expand the output predicted value");
        AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputImage, "out",  "Output Image");
        SetParameterDescription( "out", "Output image containing predicted values");
       // Doc example parameter settings
        SetDocExampleParameterValue("in", "QB_1_ortho.tif");
        SetDocExampleParameterValue("imstat", "EstimateImageStatisticsQB1.xml");
        SetDocExampleParameterValue("model", "clsvmModelQB1.svm");
        SetDocExampleParameterValue("out", "clLabeledImageQB1.tif");
      void DoUpdateParameters() ITK_OVERRIDE
        // Nothing to do here : all parameters are independent
      void DoExecute() ITK_OVERRIDE
        // Load input image
        FloatVectorImageType::Pointer inImage = GetParameterImage("in");
        unsigned int nbFeatures = inImage->GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel();
        // Load DR model using a factory
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        m_Model = DimensionalityReductionModelFactoryType::CreateDimensionalityReductionModel(GetParameterString("model"),
        if (m_Model.IsNull())
          otbAppLogFATAL(<< "Error when loading model " << GetParameterString("model") << " : unsupported model type");
        otbAppLogINFO("Model loaded");
        // Classify
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        m_ClassificationFilter = DimensionalityReductionFilterType::New();
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        FloatVectorImageType::Pointer outputImage = m_ClassificationFilter->GetOutput();
        // Normalize input image if asked
        if(IsParameterEnabled("imstat")  )
          otbAppLogINFO("Input image normalization activated.");
          // Normalize input image (optional)
          StatisticsReader::Pointer  statisticsReader = StatisticsReader::New();
          MeasurementType  meanMeasurementVector;
          MeasurementType  stddevMeasurementVector;
          m_Rescaler = RescalerType::New();
          // Load input image statistics
          meanMeasurementVector   = statisticsReader->GetStatisticVectorByName("mean");
          stddevMeasurementVector = statisticsReader->GetStatisticVectorByName("stddev");
          otbAppLogINFO( "mean used: " << meanMeasurementVector );
          otbAppLogINFO( "standard deviation used: " << stddevMeasurementVector );
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          if (meanMeasurementVector.Size() != nbFeatures)
            otbAppLogFATAL("Wrong number of components in statistics file : "<<meanMeasurementVector.Size());
          // Rescale vector image
          otbAppLogINFO("Input image normalization deactivated.");
          otbAppLogINFO("Using input mask");
          // Load mask image and cast into LabeledImageType
          MaskImageType::Pointer inMask = GetParameterUInt8Image("mask");
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        SetParameterOutputImage<FloatVectorImageType>("out", outputImage);
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      DimensionalityReductionFilterType::Pointer m_ClassificationFilter;
      ModelPointerType m_Model;
      RescalerType::Pointer m_Rescaler;
      OutputRescalerType::Pointer m_OutRescaler;
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