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Antoine Regimbeau authoredAntoine Regimbeau authored
otbWrapperApplication.h 36.84 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbWrapperApplication_h
#define otbWrapperApplication_h
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include "otbWrapperTypes.h"
#include "otbWrapperTags.h"
#include "otbWrapperParameterGroup.h"
#include "otbLogger.h"
#include "otbStopwatch.h"
#include "otbWrapperMacros.h"
#include "otbWrapperInputImageParameter.h"
#include "otbWrapperInputImageListParameter.h"
#include "otbWrapperOutputImageParameter.h"
#include "otbWrapperComplexInputImageParameter.h"
#include "otbWrapperComplexOutputImageParameter.h"
#include "otbWrapperDocExampleStructure.h"
#include "itkMersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator.h"
#include "OTBApplicationEngineExport.h"
namespace otb
/** \class ApplicationException
* \brief Exception for runtime errors in OTB Applications
* Usually thrown with the otbAppLogFATAL macro
* \ingroup OTBApplicationEngine
class ApplicationException : public itk::ExceptionObject
/** Run-time information. */
itkTypeMacro( ApplicationException, ExceptionObject );
/** Constructor. */
ApplicationException(const char *file, unsigned int line,
const char* message = "Application error.",
const char* loc = "Unknown") :
ExceptionObject(file, line, message, loc)
/** Constructor. */
ApplicationException(const std::string &file, unsigned int line,
const char* message = "Application error.",
const char* loc = "Unknown") :
ExceptionObject(file, line, message, loc)
namespace Wrapper
/** \class Application
* \brief This class represent an application
* \ingroup OTBApplicationEngine
class OTBApplicationEngine_EXPORT Application: public itk::Object
/** Standard class typedefs. */
typedef Application Self;
typedef itk::Object Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
/** RTTI support */
itkTypeMacro(Application, itk::Object);
/** Set the parameter name */
virtual void SetName( const std::string & name )
m_Name = name;
/** Set the parameter description */
/** Get the parameter description */
/** Initialize the application, instantiating the parameter list */
void Init();
/** Check if the application has been initialized */
bool IsInitialized() const;
/** Set the parameter xml flag */
itkSetMacro(HaveInXML, bool);
/** Get the parameter xml flag */
itkGetConstMacro(HaveInXML, bool);
/** Set the parameter xml flag */
itkSetMacro(HaveOutXML, bool);
/** Get the parameter xml flag */
itkGetConstMacro(HaveOutXML, bool);
/** Update the value of parameters for which no user value has been provided */
void UpdateParameters();
/** Run the application.
* For pipeline ready application, this only wire
* and configure the pipeline, and provides
* the output image or vector data parameters as pointers.
* In other cases, the application must handle
* the I/O (intermediary results for example)
* Returns 0 on success, or a non-null integer on error
int Execute();
/** Run the application, then writes all the output to disk
* if they have an associated filename.
* This is a helper function for wrappers without pipeline support.
* Returns 0 on success, or a non-null integer on error
int ExecuteAndWriteOutput();
/** Request the application to stop its processing */
void Stop();
/* Get the internal application parameters
* WARNING: this method may disappear from the API */
ParameterGroup* GetParameterList();
/* Get the internal application parameter specified
* if the follow flag is on, the function returns the target of proxy parameters
* WARNING: this method may disappear from the API */
Parameter* GetParameterByKey(std::string parameter, bool follow=true);
/* Get the internal application parameter specified
* WARNING: this method may disappear from the API */
const Parameter* GetParameterByKey(std::string parameter, bool follow=true) const;
/* Returns the description of a parameter */
std::string GetParameterName(std::string paramKey);
/* Returns the description of a parameter */
std::string GetParameterDescription(std::string paramKey);
/* Set the description of a parameter */
void SetParameterDescription(std::string paramKey, std::string dec);
/* Enable the use of an optional parameter. Returns the previous state */
void EnableParameter(std::string paramKey);
/* Disable the use of an optional parameter. Returns the previous state */
void DisableParameter(std::string paramKey);
/* Return the enable state of an optional parameter */
bool IsParameterEnabled(std::string paramKey, bool recurseParents = false) const;
/* Return true if the specified parameter is mandatory */
bool IsMandatory(std::string paramKey) const;
/* Return true if the specified parameter was set automatically in
* the application
bool HasAutomaticValue(std::string paramKey) const;
/* Returns true if the parameter has an associated value provided externally
* (not automatically computed by the application) */
bool HasUserValue(std::string paramKey) const;
/* If a user value was provided clear it and update the other parameters */
void ClearValue(std::string paramKey);
/* Returns true if the parameter has an associated value.
* This value can be an automatically computed value or default value,
* or a value set externally by user */
bool HasValue(std::string paramKey) const;
/* Get active flag of parameter with key paramKey
bool GetParameterEmpty(std::string paramKey);
/** Set HasUserValue flag of parameter with key paramKey
* Note that when this function is called from DoInit, DoUpdateParameters
* or DoExecute, it will always set this flag to false, because this is
* the core behavior of the application.
void SetParameterUserValue(std::string paramKey, bool value);
/* Return the user level of access to a parameter */
UserLevel GetParameterUserLevel(std::string paramKey) const;
/** Get the role of the parameter */
Role GetParameterRole(std::string paramKey) const;
/* Get the parameter type from its name */
ParameterType GetParameterType(std::string paramKey) const;
/* Returns the description of a parameter */
std::vector<std::string> GetChoiceKeys(std::string paramKey);
/* Returns the description of a parameter */
std::vector<std::string> GetChoiceNames(std::string paramKey);
/* Is the application ready to be executed : All the mandatory
* parameters have to be set
/* Set the Parameter value and Update the UserFlag. used by xml parameter
/* Set an integer value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_Choice
void SetParameterInt(std::string parameter, int value, bool hasUserValueFlag = true);
/* Set a floating value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
void SetParameterFloat(std::string parameter, float value, bool hasUserValueFlag = true);
/* Set a string value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputImageListParameter
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorDataListParameter
* \li ParameterType_InputFilenameListParameter
* \li ParameterType_StringList
void SetParameterString(std::string parameter, std::string value, bool hasUserValueFlag = true);
/* Set a string value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_String
* \li ParameterType_InputFilename
* \li ParameterType_OutputFilename
* \li ParameterType_Directory
* \li ParameterType_Choice
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_InputImageParameter
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImageParameter
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorDataParameter
* \li ParameterType_OutputImageParameter
* \li ParameterType_OutputVectorDataParameter
void SetParameterStringList(std::string parameter, std::vector<std::string> values, bool hasUserValueFlag = true);
void SetParameterEmpty(std::string parameter, bool value, bool hasUserValueFlag = true);
/** Checks if the application is ready to be executed. It checks that there
* is no parameter missing
bool IsApplicationReady();
/** Checks if a parameter 'key' is missing.
* A parameter is missing when all the following conditions are true :
* - the parameter is mandatory
* - the parameter has Role_Input
* - the parameter is not a group
* - the parameter has no value
* - the parameter ancestors are mandatory or enabled.
bool IsParameterMissing(const std::string &key) const;
/* Set a default integer value, must be used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_Choice
void SetDefaultParameterInt(std::string parameter, int value);
/* Get the default integer value of a parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_Choice
int GetDefaultParameterInt(std::string parameter);
/* Set a default floating value, must be used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
void SetDefaultParameterFloat(std::string parameter, float value);
/* Get the default floating value of a parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
float GetDefaultParameterFloat(std::string parameter);
/** Set a default pixel type for an output image parameter
* \param[in] parameter Name of the output image parameter
* \param[in] type Default pixel type
void SetDefaultOutputPixelType(std::string parameter, ImagePixelType type);
/** Set a default complex pixel type for an output complex image parameter
* \param[in] parameter Name of the output complex image parameter
* \param[in] type Default complex pixel type
void SetDefaultOutputComplexPixelType(std::string parameter, ComplexImagePixelType type);
/* Set a minimum int value, must used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
void SetMinimumParameterIntValue(std::string parameter, int value);
/* Set a maximum int value, must used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
void SetMaximumParameterIntValue(std::string parameter, int value);
/* Set a minimum int value, must used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
void SetMinimumParameterFloatValue(std::string parameter, float value);
/* Set a maximum int value, must used in the
* DoInit when setting a value by default
* for the parameter
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
void SetMaximumParameterFloatValue(std::string parameter, float value);
* Enable single selection mode for list view if status in true
* (default is false).
* Can be called for types:
* \li ParameterType_ListView
void SetListViewSingleSelectionMode(std::string parameter, bool status);
/* Set an output image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
void SetParameterOutputImage(std::string parameter, FloatVectorImageType* value);
/* Set a complex output image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage
void SetParameterComplexOutputImage(std::string parameter, ComplexFloatVectorImageType* value);
/* Set the pixel type in which the image will be saved
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
void SetParameterOutputImagePixelType(std::string parameter, ImagePixelType pixelType);
/* Set the complex pixel type in which the image will be saved
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage
void SetParameterComplexOutputImagePixelType(std::string parameter, ComplexImagePixelType cpixelType);
/* Set an output vector data value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_OutputVectorData
void SetParameterOutputVectorData(std::string parameter, VectorDataType* value);
/* Get an integer parameter value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_Choice
int GetParameterInt(std::string parameter);
/* Get a floating parameter value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
float GetParameterFloat(std::string parameter);
/* Get a string parameter value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_String
* \li ParameterType_InputFilename
* \li ParameterType_OutputFilename
* \li ParameterType_Directory
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorData
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
* \li ParameterType_OutputVectorData
std::string GetParameterString(std::string parameter);
/* Get a string list parameter value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_StringList
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
* \li ParameterType_InputFilenameList
// TODO: Should be rewritten:
// std::size_t
// GetParameterStringList( const std::vector< String > & v,
// const std::string & parameter ) const;
// to avoid useless memory allocations.
std::vector< std::string >
GetParameterStringList( const std::string & parameter );
* Set the input image parameter as an ImageBase * instead
* of filename. Useful to connect pipelines between different
* application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in inputImage ImageBase pointer to use as input
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageParameter
void SetParameterInputImage(std::string parameter, ImageBaseType * inputImage);
* Get the output image parameter as an ImageBase * instead
* of writing to disk. Useful to connect pipelines between different
* application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \return The ImageBase * to the output image
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* OutputImageParameter
ImageBaseType * GetParameterOutputImage(std::string parameter);
* Set the input complex image parameter as an ImageBase * instead
* of filename. Useful to connect pipelines between different
* application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in inputImage ImageBase pointer to use as input
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* ComplexInputImageParameter
void SetParameterComplexInputImage(std::string parameter, ImageBaseType * inputImage);
* Get the complex output image parameter as an ImageBase * instead
* of writing to disk. Useful to connect pipelines between different
* application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \return The ImageBase * pointer to the output image
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* ComplexOutputImageParameter
ImageBaseType * GetParameterComplexOutputImage(std::string parameter);
* Add an image to an InputImageList parameter as an ImageBase
* pointer instead of reading from file. Useful to connect pipelines
* between different application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in img The ImageBase * of the image to add
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter
void AddImageToParameterInputImageList(std::string parameter, ImageBaseType * img);
* Set the nth image of an InputImageList parameter as an ImageBase pointer
* instead of reading from file. Useful to connect pipelines
* between different application instances.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in id Position at which to set the ImageBase pointer
* \in img The ImageBase * of the image to add
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter or if id is out of bounds
void SetNthParameterInputImageList(std::string parameter, const unsigned int &id, ImageBaseType * img);
* Add a value to a parameter list as a string
* Can be called for parameter types:
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in str The string
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter
void AddParameterStringList(std::string parameter, const std::string & str);
* Set the nth value of a parameter list as a string.
* Can be called for parameter types:
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \in id Position at which to set the ImageBase pointer
* \in str The string
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter or if id is out of bounds
void SetNthParameterStringList(std::string parameter, const unsigned int &id, const std::string& str);
* Clear all images from an InputImageList parameter.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter
void ClearParameterInputImageList(std::string parameter);
* Get the number of images in an InputImageList parameter.
* \in parameter The parameter key
* \return The number of images
* \throw itk::Exception if parameter is not found or not an
* InputImageList parameter
unsigned int GetNumberOfElementsInParameterInputImageList(std::string parameter);
/* Get an image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
FloatVectorImageType* GetParameterImage(std::string parameter);
#define otbGetParameterImageMacro( Image ) \
Image##Type * GetParameter##Image( std::string parameter ) \
{ \
Image##Type::Pointer ret; \
Parameter* param = GetParameterByKey(parameter); \
InputImageParameter* paramDown = dynamic_cast<InputImageParameter*>(param); \
ComplexInputImageParameter* paramDownC = dynamic_cast<ComplexInputImageParameter*>(param); \
if ( paramDown ) \
{ \
ret = paramDown->Get##Image(); \
} \
else if ( paramDownC ) /* Support of ComplexInputImageParameter */ \
{ \
ret = paramDownC->Get##Image(); \
} \
return ret; \
// Complex image
/* Get an image list value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
FloatVectorImageListType* GetParameterImageList(std::string parameter);
/* Get a complex image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
ComplexFloatVectorImageType* GetParameterComplexImage(std::string parameter);
/* GetParameterVectorData
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorData
VectorDataType* GetParameterVectorData(std::string parameter);
/* GetParameteVetorDataList
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorDatalist
VectorDataListType* GetParameterVectorDataList(std::string parameter);
/* Get the parameter as a std::string
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_Float
* \li ParameterType_Int
* \li ParameterType_Choice
* \li ParameterType_Radius
* \li ParameterType_String
* \li ParameterType_InputFilename
* \li ParameterType_OutputFilename
* \li ParameterType_Directory
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
* \li ParameterType_InputVectorData
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
* \li ParameterType_OutputVectorData
std::string GetParameterAsString(std::string paramKey);
/* Get the list of all parameters
std::vector<std::string> GetParametersKeys(bool recursive = true);
/* Get the pixel type in which the image will be saved
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
ImagePixelType GetParameterOutputImagePixelType(std::string parameter);
void SetParameterList(ParameterGroup::Pointer paramGroup)
m_ParameterList = paramGroup;
/* Get the pixel type in which the complex image will be saved
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage
ComplexImagePixelType GetParameterComplexOutputImagePixelType(std::string parameter);
otb::Logger* GetLogger() const;
/** Sets the logger instance of the application (use with caution) */
void SetLogger(otb::Logger *logger);
itk::ProcessObject* GetProgressSource() const;
std::string GetProgressDescription() const;
/** Doc element accessors. */
std::vector<std::string> GetDocTags(){
return m_DocTags;
void SetDocTags( std::vector<std::string> val ){
m_DocTags = val;
void AddDocTag( const std::string & tag )
for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_DocTags.size(); i++)
if (m_DocTags[i].compare(tag) == 0) return;
m_DocTags.push_back( tag );
DocExampleStructure::Pointer GetDocExample()
if (! IsInitialized())
return m_DocExample;
unsigned int GetNumberOfExamples()
return GetDocExample()->GetNbOfExamples();
std::string GetExampleComment(unsigned int id)
return GetDocExample()->GetExampleComment(id);
unsigned int GetExampleNumberOfParameters(unsigned int id)
return GetDocExample()->GetNumberOfParameters(id);
std::string GetExampleParameterKey(unsigned int exId, unsigned int paramId)
return GetDocExample()->GetParameterKey(paramId, exId);
std::string GetExampleParameterValue(unsigned int exId, unsigned int paramId)
return GetDocExample()->GetParameterValue(paramId, exId);
void SetDocExampleParameterValue( const std::string key, const std::string value, unsigned int exId=0 )
GetDocExample()->AddParameter( key, value, exId );
void SetExampleComment( const std::string & comm, unsigned int i )
GetDocExample()->SetExampleComment( comm, i );
unsigned int AddExample( const std::string & comm="" )
unsigned int id = GetDocExample()->AddExample( comm );
return id;
std::string GetCLExample()
return GetDocExample()->GenerateCLExample();
std::string GetHtmlExample()
return GetDocExample()->GenerateHtmlExample();
/** Return all parameters which role is Role_Output in a vector of pairs that contains the
* parameter key and its value.
std::vector< std::pair<std::string, std::string> > GetOutputParametersSumUp();
/** If need to force readxml more than once in application */
void ForceInXMLParseFlag()
m_IsInXMLParsed = false;
double GetLastExecutionTiming() const;
/** documentation link */
void SetDocLink(const std::string & link)
if ( != 0) {
m_Doclink = link;
const std::string& GetDocLink() const
return m_Doclink;
inline void SetOfficialDocLink()
std::string link = "";
/** Get the origin of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx' allows
* to select the image in an InputImageList. */
ImageBaseType::PointType GetImageOrigin(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the spacing of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx' allows to
* select the image in an InputImageList. We use the signed spacing convention. */
ImageBaseType::SpacingType GetImageSpacing(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the size of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx' allows to
* select the image in an InputImageList. It corresponds to the size of LargestPossibleRegion*/
ImageBaseType::SizeType GetImageSize(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the number of bands in the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx'
* allows to select the image in an InputImageList.*/
unsigned int GetImageNbBands(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the projection of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx' allows
* to select the image in an InputImageList.*/
std::string GetImageProjection(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the keywordlist of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx'
* allows to select the image in an InputImageList.*/
otb::ImageKeywordlist GetImageKeywordlist(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Set the requested region on the image parameter 'key' and propagate it.
* The returned value is an estimate of the RAM usage (in Bytes) to process
* this region. It should be assumed that the index of the largest possible
* region starts at (0,0). The optional 'idx' allows to select the image in
* an InputImageList*/
unsigned long PropagateRequestedRegion(const std::string & key, ImageBaseType::RegionType region, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Get the requested region of the image parameter 'key'. The optional 'idx'
* allows to select the image in an InputImageList. It should be assumed that
* the index of the largest possible region starts at (0,0).*/
ImageBaseType::RegionType GetImageRequestedRegion(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Returns a copy of the metadata dictionary of the image */
itk::MetaDataDictionary GetImageMetaData(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Find out what is the pixel type from an image parameter
* This function assumes that the underlying object is either an otb::Image
* or an otb::VectorImage. The optional 'idx' allows to access InputImageList.
ImagePixelType GetImageBasePixelType(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Return the image from parameter 'key' as a base type. The optional 'idx'
* allows to access InputImageList.
* Works on parameters:
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
* \li ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage
ImageBaseType* GetParameterImageBase(const std::string & key, unsigned int idx = 0);
/** Set the image in parameter 'key' as a base type. The optional 'idx'
* allows to access InputImageList.
* Works on parameters:
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
* \li ParameterType_InputImageList
* \li ParameterType_ComplexInputImage
void SetParameterImageBase(const std::string & key, ImageBaseType* img, unsigned int idx = 0);
Register all ProcessObject that are linked to parameters :
\li ParameterType_OutputImage
\li ParameterType_OutputVectorData
Those ProcessObjects are stored in the m_Filters set and are deleted at the
end of ExecuteAndWriteOutput (if there are only held by the set)
This method can be called just before the end of a DoExecute in a derived
class of Application.
void RegisterPipeline();
Register all DataObject that are reachable from :
\li ParameterType_OutputImage
\li ParameterType_OutputVectorData
Once registered, the methode ReleaseData is called on each one of them.
void FreeRessources();
/** Constructor */
/** Destructor */
~Application() override;
/* Register a ProcessObject as a new progress source */
void AddProcess(itk::ProcessObject* object, std::string description);
/** Add a new choice value to an existing choice parameter */
void AddChoice(std::string paramKey, std::string paramName);
/** Add a new parameter to the parameter group
* the parent key of paramKey can be the path to a parameter group
* or the path to a choice value */
void AddParameter(ParameterType type, std::string paramKey, std::string paramName);
/** Add a parameterRAM method with no parameter*/
void AddRAMParameter(std::string paramKey="ram");
/** Add a parameterRAM method with parameter*/
void AddRAMParameter(std::string paramKey, std::string paramName, unsigned int defaultValue);
/** Add a parameterRAND method with no parameter*/
void AddRANDParameter(std::string paramKey="rand");
/** Add a parameterRAND method with parameter
* by default seed initialization is based on time value*/
void AddRANDParameter(std::string paramKey, std::string paramName, unsigned int defaultValue);
void AddInXMLParameter()
void AddOutXMLParameter()
/** Remove the items added to the ListWidget */
void ClearChoices(std::string key);
/** Get Items selected in the ListView Parameter*/
std::vector<int> GetSelectedItems(std::string paramKey);
/** Declare a parameter as mandatory */
void MandatoryOn(std::string paramKey);
/** Declare a parameter as NOT mandatory (default state) */
void MandatoryOff(std::string paramKey);
/* Set the user level of access to a parameter */
void SetParameterUserLevel(std::string paramKey, UserLevel level);
/* Set the parameter role (input/output) */
void SetParameterRole(std::string paramKey, Role role);
/* Get an image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_InputImage
template <class TImageType>
TImageType* GetParameterImage(std::string parameter)
typename TImageType::Pointer ret;
Parameter* param = GetParameterByKey(parameter);
if (dynamic_cast<InputImageParameter*>(param))
InputImageParameter* paramDown = dynamic_cast<InputImageParameter*>(param);
ret = paramDown->GetImage<TImageType>();
//TODO: exception if not found ?
return ret;
/** Declare a parameter as having an automatic value */
void AutomaticValueOn(std::string paramKey);
/** Declare a parameter as NOT having an automatic value */
void AutomaticValueOff(std::string paramKey);
/* Set an output image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_OutputImage
template <class TImageType>
void SetParameterOutputImage(std::string parameter, TImageType* value)
Parameter* param = GetParameterByKey(parameter);
if (dynamic_cast<OutputImageParameter*>(param))
OutputImageParameter* paramDown = dynamic_cast<OutputImageParameter*>(param);
/* Set a complex output image value
* Can be called for types :
* \li ParameterType_ComplexOutputImage
template <class TImageType>
void SetParameterComplexOutputImage(std::string parameter, TImageType* value)
Parameter* param = GetParameterByKey(parameter);
if (dynamic_cast<ComplexOutputImageParameter*>(param))
ComplexOutputImageParameter* paramDown = dynamic_cast<ComplexOutputImageParameter*>(param);
/* Implement this method to add parameters */
virtual void DoInit() = 0;
/* Implement this method to update non valued parameters */
virtual void DoUpdateParameters() = 0;
/* Implement this method to build the output */
virtual void DoExecute() = 0;
/* This method will be called after the
* ExecuteAndWriteOutput() call to allow for cleanup. Default
* implementation does nothing */
virtual void AfterExecuteAndWriteOutputs();
virtual void DoFreeRessources(){};
Application(const Application &); //purposely not implemented
void operator =(const Application&); //purposely not implemented
std::string m_Name;
std::string m_Description;
ParameterGroup::Pointer m_ParameterList;
otb::Logger::Pointer m_Logger;
itk::ProcessObject::Pointer m_ProgressSource;
std::string m_ProgressSourceDescription;
std::set<itk::ProcessObject::Pointer> m_Filters;
/** Long name of the application (that can be displayed...) */
std::string m_DocName;
/** Long and precise application description . */
std::string m_DocLongDescription;
/** Doc example structure. Use GetDocExample() to access it */
DocExampleStructure::Pointer m_DocExample;
/** Author List. Format : "John Doe, Winnie the Pooh".*/
std::string m_DocAuthors;
/** Known limitations (threading, invalid pixel type ...) or bugs */
std::string m_DocLimitations;
/** Related applications */
std::string m_DocSeeAlso;
/** Tags that define the application (ex : segmentation, OBIA).*/
std::vector<std::string> m_DocTags;
/** Doc link application */
std::string m_Doclink;
/** Chrono to measure execution time */
otb::Stopwatch m_Chrono;
//rashad:: controls adding of -xml parameter. set to true by default
bool m_HaveInXML;
bool m_HaveOutXML;
bool m_IsInXMLParsed;
/** Flag is true when executing DoInit, DoUpdateParameters or DoExecute */
bool m_IsInPrivateDo;
* Declare the class
* - Wrapper::MapProjectionParametersHandler
* - Wrapper::ElevationParametersHandler
* as friend to be able to access to the protected method of
* Wrapper::Application class.
friend class MapProjectionParametersHandler;
friend class ElevationParametersHandler;
}; //end class
} // end namespace Wrapper
} //end namespace otb
//#include "otbWrapperApplication.txx"
#endif // otbWrapperApplication_h_