SetDescription("Performs a classification of the input vector data according to a model file.");
SetDocName("Vector Classification");
SetDocLongDescription("This application performs a vector data classification based on a model file produced by the TrainVectorClassifier application.");
SetDocLimitations("Only shapefiles are supported for now. SQLite format is not supported.");
AddParameter(ParameterType_InputVectorData,"in","Name of the input vector data");
SetParameterDescription("in","The input vector data to classify.");
SetParameterDescription("confmap","Confidence map of the produced classification. The confidence index depends on the model : \n"
" - LibSVM : difference between the two highest probabilities (needs a model with probability estimates, so that classes probabilities can be computed for each sample)\n"
" - OpenCV\n"
" * Boost : sum of votes\n"
" * DecisionTree : (not supported)\n"
" * GradientBoostedTree : (not supported)\n"
" * KNearestNeighbors : number of neighbors with the same label\n"
" * NeuralNetwork : difference between the two highest responses\n"
" * NormalBayes : (not supported)\n"
" * RandomForest : Confidence (proportion of votes for the majority class). Margin (normalized difference of the votes of the 2 majority classes) is not available for now.\n"
" * SVM : distance to margin (only works for 2-class models)\n");
AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename,"out","Output vector data file containing class labels");
SetParameterDescription("out","Output vector data file storing sample values (OGR format)."
"If not given, the input vector data file is updated.");