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  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef __otbMapFileProductWriter_h
#define __otbMapFileProductWriter_h

#include "itkProcessObject.h"
#include "itkObjectFactory.h"

// Image Tiling
#include "otbMultiChannelExtractROI.h"
#include "otbImageFileWriter.h"
#include "otbVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter.h"
#include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
#include "otbStreamingShrinkImageFilter.h"

// sahpe index necessary includes
#include "otbVectorData.h"
#include "otbVectorDataFileWriter.h"

namespace otb

/** \class MapFileProductWriter
Otmane Lahlou's avatar
Otmane Lahlou committed
 * \brief This class produces Map file product ie a file .map,
 *        the tiles to draw in a mapserver, and finally
 *        a shapefile wich describe the tiles and where to find them
 *        on the disk.
 * This filter begins by tiling the input image. An accessor
Otmane Lahlou's avatar
Otmane Lahlou committed
 * SetTileSize allows to set the size of each tile. For each tile
 * generated, an entry is added to the shapefile to store the location
 * where the file is saved on the disk.
Otmane Lahlou's avatar
Otmane Lahlou committed
 * The product generated are a mapfile wich is the configuration file
 * for mapservers, a tile index and finally the tiles.
 * This class allow the user to specify the cgi-bin used (SetCGIPath)
 * and the directory where to store the index shapefile and the tiles 
 * via SetShapeIndexPath method
 * \ingroup IO
template <class TInputImage>
class ITK_EXPORT MapFileProductWriter : public itk::ProcessObject
  /** Standard class typedefs. */
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Otmane Lahlou committed
  typedef MapFileProductWriter              Self;
  typedef itk::ProcessObject                Superclass;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>           Pointer;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>     ConstPointer;

  /** Method for creation through the object factory. */

  /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
  itkTypeMacro(MapFileProductWriter, itk::ProcessObject);

  /** Some convenient typedefs. */
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Otmane Lahlou committed
  typedef TInputImage                                  InputImageType;
  typedef typename InputImageType::InternalPixelType   InternalPixelType;
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Otmane Lahlou committed
  typedef typename InputImageType::SizeType            SizeType;
  typedef typename InputImageType::IndexType           IndexType;
  typedef typename InputImageType::Pointer             InputImagePointer;
  typedef typename InputImageType::RegionType          InputImageRegionType;
  typedef typename InputImageType::PixelType           InputImagePixelType;
  typedef unsigned char                                OutputPixelType;
  typedef VectorImage<OutputPixelType>                 OutputImageType;
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Otmane Lahlou committed

  typedef VectorData<double,2>                         VectorDataType;
  typedef typename VectorDataType::DataNodeType        DataNodeType;
  typedef typename DataNodeType::PolygonType           PolygonType;
  typedef typename PolygonType::VertexType             VertexType;
Otmane Lahlou's avatar
Otmane Lahlou committed
  typedef VectorDataFileWriter<VectorDataType>         VectorDataFileWriterType;

  /// Multi channels Extract ROI filter
  typedef MultiChannelExtractROI
  <InternalPixelType, OutputPixelType>                 VectorImageExtractROIFilterType;
  typedef ImageFileWriter<OutputImageType>            VectorWriterType;
Otmane Lahlou's avatar
Otmane Lahlou committed
  typedef StreamingShrinkImageFilter
  <InputImageType,InputImageType >        StreamingShrinkImageFilterType;
  typedef VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter
  <InputImageType,InputImageType>          VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilterType;

  // Transformer
  typedef GenericRSTransform<>           TransformType;
  typedef TransformType::InputPointType  InputPointType;
  typedef TransformType::OutputPointType OutputPointType;

  /** Dimension of input image. */
  itkStaticConstMacro(InputImageDimension, unsigned int,

  virtual void SetInput( const InputImageType *image);
  virtual void SetInput( unsigned int, const TInputImage * image);
  const InputImageType * GetInput(void);
  const InputImageType * GetInput(unsigned int idx);

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Otmane Lahlou committed
  /** Method to set the filename of the mapfile generated */
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Otmane Lahlou committed
  /** Set/Get the size of each tile*/
  itkSetMacro(TileSize,unsigned int);
  itkGetMacro(TileSize,unsigned int);

  /** Set CGI filename path */
  /** Set SahpePATH: the directory where to store the shapefile */
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Otmane Lahlou committed
  /** Update Method : Call a porotected Write method */
  virtual void Update()

  /** Macro to set the SRID we want to project Data in*/
  virtual ~MapFileProductWriter();
  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;

  /**Method for Tiling the input image*/
  virtual void Tiling();

  /** Method for writing */
  virtual void Write();

  MapFileProductWriter(const Self &); //purposely not implemented
  void operator =(const Self&);  //purposely not implemented

   /** Mehtod to initialize the variables*/
   virtual void Initialize();

  /**MapFile  IndexTule build*/
  virtual void AddBBoxToIndexTile(OutputPointType lowerLeftCorner,
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OTB Bot committed
          OutputPointType lowerRightCorner,
          OutputPointType upperRightCorner,
          OutputPointType upperLeftCorner,
                                  unsigned int x, unsigned int y);

  /** Method To Generate the mapFile*/
  virtual void GenerateMapFile();

  /** Add a layer to the mapfile*/
  void AddLayer();

  /** Intialize vd*/
  void InitializeVectorData();

  InputImagePointer    m_VectorImage;
  InputImagePointer    m_ResampleVectorImage;

    // Extract ROI
  typename VectorImageExtractROIFilterType::Pointer m_VectorImageExtractROIFilter;

  // Writer
  typename VectorWriterType::Pointer                m_VectorWriter;

  // Resampler
  typename StreamingShrinkImageFilterType::Pointer  m_StreamingShrinkImageFilter;

  // Rescale intensity
  typename VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilterType::Pointer m_VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter;

  // Transformer
  typename TransformType::Pointer                  m_Transform;

  // VectorData Pointer Type for tileindex shapefile
  typename VectorDataType::Pointer                 m_VectorDataIndexTile;
  typename DataNodeType::Pointer                   m_Polygon;
  typename DataNodeType::Pointer                   m_Folder;
  // Tile size
  unsigned int                 m_TileSize;
  unsigned int                 m_CurrentDepth;
  std::string                   m_FileName;
  std::string                   m_IndexShapeFileName;
  std::string                   m_CGIPath;
  std::string                   m_ShapeIndexPath;

} // end namespace otb

#include "otbMapFileProductWriter.txx"
