- Added filters for atomic RCC8 computation based on two
segmented regions.
- Added filter for multiscale segmentation to RCC8 graph
calculation with optimisations.
- Added full support (reading and writing) of the HFA image
format (ERDAS img files).
- Bug fixes on metada writing (now works for tif and HFA
formats, limited support envi header file formats due to
Gdal limitations).
- Bug fixes on memory management in the Reader.
- Bug fixes related to the IO framework on MS Windows platforms.
- Added filters for learning, classification and activation
map of data sets using Kohonen's self organizing maps.
- Re-factoring of the base classes for visualization.
- Re-factoring of the viewer object (and viewer apps). The
viewer can now be used to visualised large remote-sensing
images (Quickbird, Spot5) with limited memory footprint.
- Minor changes needed for the portability of OTB-Applications.
- Added a viewer application in OTB-Applications.
- Added a interactive change detection application in OTB-Applications.
OTB-v.1.0.2 - Changes since version 1.0.1
- OTB can now been compiled on several new platforms :
- Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 (8.0).
- Cygwin.
- LUM and BSQ formats have been added.
Note : On MS Windows platforms, if you have any problem related
to using the OTB's internal version of ITK, you could try to use
an external version of ITK (use ITK 2.6 or later) by setting
OTB_USE_EXTERNAL_ITK to ON and ITK_DIR to the directory where
your ITK built resides.
OTB-v.1.0.1 - Changes since version 1.0.0
- Building the visualization functionnalities is now an option
(OTB_USE_VISU variable within CMake). This allows you to build OTB
without Fltk and Open GL.
- Improved robustness of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (7.1) installation.
- Minor changes needed for the portability of OTB-Applications.
- Bugfixes related to the IO framework on MS Windows platforms.