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otbStandardRenderingFunction.h 10.41 KiB

  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
  Language:  C++
  Date:      $Date$
  Version:   $Revision$

  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.

     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.

#ifndef __otbStandardRenderingFunction_h
#define __otbStandardRenderingFunction_h

#include "otbRenderingFunction.h"
#include "otbMacro.h"
#include <assert.h>

namespace otb
namespace Function
/** \class Identiy
* \brief Default math functor parameter for rendering function.
*  \ingroup Visualization
template <class TInputPixel, class TOutputPixel>
class Identity
  bool operator !=(const Identity &) const
    return false;
  bool operator ==(const Identity & other) const
    return !(*this != other);

  inline TOutputPixel operator()(const TInputPixel & A) const
    return static_cast<TOutputPixel>(A);

/** \class StandardRenderingFunction
 * \brief Standard rendering.
 * If the input image is an Image, the function
 * renders it with R, G and B channels all equals.
 * If it is a VectorImage, the function renders
 * the selected channels.
 *  \ingroup Visualization
template <class TPixelPrecision, class TRGBPixel, class TTransferFunction = Identity<TPixelPrecision,TPixelPrecision> >
class StandardRenderingFunction
  : public RenderingFunction<TPixelPrecision,TRGBPixel>
  /** Standard class typedefs */
  typedef StandardRenderingFunction                   Self;
  typedef RenderingFunction<TPixelPrecision,TRGBPixel> Superclass;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>                      Pointer;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>                ConstPointer;

  /** type macro */

  /** new macro */

  /** PixelType macros */
  typedef TRGBPixel                                  OutputPixelType;
  typedef typename OutputPixelType::ValueType        OutputValueType;
  typedef TPixelPrecision                            ScalarPixelType;
  typedef itk::VariableLengthVector<ScalarPixelType> VectorPixelType;
  /** Extrema vector */
  typedef std::vector<ScalarPixelType>               ExtremaVectorType;
  typedef TTransferFunction                          TransferFunctionType;

  /** Evaluate method (scalar version) */
  inline virtual const OutputPixelType Evaluate(ScalarPixelType spixel) const
    OutputPixelType resp;
    return resp;
  /** Evaluate method (vector version) */
  inline virtual const OutputPixelType Evaluate(const VectorPixelType & vpixel) const
    OutputPixelType resp;
    return resp;

  inline const std::string Describe(ScalarPixelType spixel) const
    itk::OStringStream oss;
    OutputPixelType output = this->Evaluate(spixel);
    oss<<"Grayscale[value: "<< static_cast<typename itk::NumericTraits<ScalarPixelType>::PrintType>(spixel)<<", displayed: "<< static_cast<unsigned int>(output[0])<<"]";
    return oss.str();

  inline const std::string Describe(const VectorPixelType & vpixel) const
    itk::OStringStream oss;
    OutputPixelType output = this->Evaluate(vpixel);

    for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < vpixel.Size();++channel)
      if(channel == m_RedChannelIndex)
        oss<<"c= "<<channel<<", R= "<<(int)output[0];
          oss<<" ";
          oss<<" ";
        oss<<", v= "<<static_cast<typename itk::NumericTraits<ScalarPixelType>::PrintType>(vpixel[channel])<<std::endl;
      else if(channel == m_GreenChannelIndex)
        oss<<"c= "<<channel<<", G= "<<(int)output[1];
          oss<<" ";
          oss<<" ";
        oss<<", v= "<<static_cast<typename itk::NumericTraits<ScalarPixelType>::PrintType>(vpixel[channel])<<std::endl;
      else if(channel == m_BlueChannelIndex)
        oss<<"c= "<<channel<<", B= "<<(int)output[2];
          oss<<" ";
          oss<<" ";
        oss<<", v= "<<static_cast<typename itk::NumericTraits<ScalarPixelType>::PrintType>(vpixel[channel])<<std::endl;
        oss<<"c= "<<channel<<",         v= "<<static_cast<typename itk::NumericTraits<ScalarPixelType>::PrintType>(vpixel[channel])<<std::endl;
    return oss.str();

  /** Get the transfer function for tuning */
  TransferFunctionType & GetTransferFunction()
    return m_TransferFunction;

  /** Set the red channel index (vector mode only) */
  void SetRedChannelIndex(unsigned int index)
    m_RedChannelIndex = index;

  /** Get the red channel index (vector mode only) */
  unsigned int GetRedChannelIndex(void)
    return m_RedChannelIndex;

  /** Set the blue channel index (vector mode only) */
  void SetBlueChannelIndex(unsigned int index)
    m_BlueChannelIndex = index;

  /** Get the blue channel index (vector mode only) */
  unsigned int GetBlueChannelIndex(void)
    return m_BlueChannelIndex;

  /** Set the green channel index (vector mode only) */
  void SetGreenChannelIndex(unsigned int index)
    m_GreenChannelIndex = index;

  /** Get the green channel index (vector mode only) */
  unsigned int GetGreenChannelIndex(void)
    return m_GreenChannelIndex;

  /** Set all channels (grayscale mode) */
  void SetAllChannels(unsigned int index)
    m_RedChannelIndex   = index;
    m_BlueChannelIndex  = index;
    m_GreenChannelIndex = index;

  /** Togle the UserDefinedTransferedMinMax mode */
  void SetUserDefinedTransferedMinMax(bool val)
    m_UserDefinedTransferedMinMax = val;

  /** Togle the UserDefinedTransferedMinMax mode */
  bool GetUserDefinedTransferedMinMax(void)
    return m_UserDefinedTransferedMinMax;

  /** Set the transfered minimum (scalar version) */
  virtual void SetTransferedMinimum(ScalarPixelType spixel)

  /** Set the transfered maximum (scalar version) */
  virtual void SetTransferedMaximum(ScalarPixelType spixel)

  /** Set transfered minimum (vector version) */
  virtual void SetTransferedMinimum(const VectorPixelType & vpixel)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vpixel.Size();++i)

  /** Set transfered maximum (vector version) */
  virtual void SetTransferedMaximum(const VectorPixelType & vpixel)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vpixel.Size();++i)

  /** Update transfered min and max */
  virtual void Initialize()
      typename ExtremaVectorType::const_iterator minIt = this->m_Minimum.begin();
      typename ExtremaVectorType::const_iterator maxIt = this->m_Maximum.begin();


      while(minIt != this->m_Minimum.end() && maxIt != this->m_Maximum.end())
        const double v1 = m_TransferFunction(*minIt);
        const double v2 = m_TransferFunction(*maxIt);

  /** Constructor */
  StandardRenderingFunction() : m_RedChannelIndex(0), m_GreenChannelIndex(1), m_BlueChannelIndex(2), m_TransferFunction(),
                                m_UserDefinedTransferedMinMax(false),         m_TransferedMinimum(), m_TransferedMaximum()
  /** Destructor */
  ~StandardRenderingFunction() {}
  /** Perform the computation for a single value (this is done in
   * order to have the same code for vector and scalar version)
  const OutputValueType Evaluate(ScalarPixelType input, ScalarPixelType min, ScalarPixelType max) const
    if(input > max)
      return 255;
    else if(input < min)
      return 0;
      return static_cast<OutputValueType>(vcl_floor(255.*(static_cast<double>(input)-static_cast<double>(min))

  StandardRenderingFunction(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
  void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented

  /** Index of the channels to display (vector mode only, has no effet
   *  on scalar mode)
  unsigned int m_RedChannelIndex;
  unsigned int m_GreenChannelIndex;
  unsigned int m_BlueChannelIndex;

  /** Transfer function
   *  \note This member is declared mutable because some functors that
   * can be used as a transfer function but are not const correct.
   *  Since a const reference is passed to the functor anyway, it is
   * not harmful to do so and preserves const correctness of the
   *  Evaluate() mehtods.
  mutable TransferFunctionType m_TransferFunction;

  /** If true, values mapped by the transfert function are clamped to
      user defined min/max */
  bool m_UserDefinedTransferedMinMax;

  /** Transfered min and max */
  ExtremaVectorType m_TransferedMinimum;
  ExtremaVectorType m_TransferedMaximum;
} // end namespace Functor
} // end namespace otb
