SetDescription("Maps an input grayscale image into 8-bits RGB using look-up tables.");
SetDocName("Color Mapping");
SetDocLongDescription("This application allows to map an input grayscale into a 8-bits RGB image using three different methods.\n""-The custom method allows to apply a custom look-up table to a labeled image. The look-up table is loaded from a text file where each line describes an entry. The typical use of this method is to colorise a classification map.\n""-The continuous method allows to map a range of values in a scalar input image into a colored image using continuous look-up table, in order to enhance image interpretation. Several look-up tables can ben chosen with different color ranges.\n""-The segmentation method is dedicated to segmentation labeled outputs where each segment correspond to a unique labeled. It computes an optimal look-up table such that color difference between adjacent segmented regions is maximised.");
SetDocLimitations("The segmentation method does not support streaming, and thus large images.");