@@ -2,17 +2,35 @@ OTB-v.3.6.0 - Changes since version 3.4.0 (2010/??/??)
* Applications
* otbFastOrthoRectif
* otbActiveLearning
* otbCompareImages
* otbFineRegistration
* Old GUI applications removed (now in Monteverdi): OrthoRectif, OrthoFusion, Classif, ChangeDetection, RadiometricCorrections
* otbFastOrthoRectif: fast orthorectification based on grid subsampling
* otbActiveLearning: architecture to enable active learning application (put your own algorithms in the middle)
* otbCompareImages: image comparison
* otbFineRegistration: produces disparity maps between 2 images
* Old GUI applications removed (now in Monteverdi): OrthoRectif, OrthoFusion, Classif, ChangeDetection, RadiometricCorrections
* Library
* Some classes are marked as deprecated and are available for one release. A migration guide to help the transition is available at http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Migration_guide
* Add filter to perform arbitrary mathematical operation on image bands (BandMathImageFilter)
* Add class to parse mathematical expression (Parser)
* Add interpolation function (BCOInterpolateImageFunction)
* Add filter to compute the intensity of a complex image (ComplexToIntensityImageFilter)
* Add filter to compare two big images (StreamingCompareImageFilter)
* Add filters to compute extrema of big images (StreamingMinMaxImageFilter and StreamingMinMaxVectorImageFilter)
* Add filter to perform fine registration between images (FineRegistrationImageFilter)
* Add filter for higher order texture computation (ScalarImageToHigherOrderTexturesFilter and MaskedScalarImageToGreyLevelRunLengthMatrixGenerator)
* Removal of the old textures: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Textures
* Add support for Formosat and Worldview2 data
* Add margin sampler for SVM (SVMMarginSampler)
* Add generic resample filter that reproject in any arbitrary projection: cartographic, sensor model (GenericRSResampleImageFilter)
* Add class to produce a RPC model from a physical model (PhysicalToRPCSensorModelImageFilter)
* Add classes related to SAR calibration (SarParametricMapFunction, SarRadiometricCalibrationFunction, SarRadiometricCalibrationFunctor, SarRadiometricCalibrationToImageFilter)
* Add an action handler for the visualization enabling dragging (DragFullWindowActionHandler)