@@ -2,20 +2,50 @@ OTB-v.3.8.0 - Changes since version 3.6.0 (????/??/??)
* Monteverdi
* New Polarimetric Synthesis module
* New DEM image extraction / HillShading module: creates an image from a DEM tiles directory, with optional hillshading
* New ColorMapping module: apply a colormap to a mono band image
* Viewer module: add multi input support, with slideshow or transparency mode, add more rendering functions, add splitted/packed layout option
* Vectorization module: new semi-automatic mode based on segmentation results proposals
* Applications
* Object Detection applications (see also http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Object_detection)
* EstimateFeatureStatistics to evaluate descriptors statistics on a set of images
* TrainObjectDetector: generates an SVM model from input images and a vector data
* ObjectDetector: detects points in an image from an SVM model
* Add automatically generated GUI wrappers for OTB processing chains
* Add FLTK wrapper
* Add a generic Qt based widget class
* Add a Qt GUI wrapper based on the generic Qt widget
* Add a Qgis plugin wrapper based on the generic Qt widget
* Library
* Rework FlusserImageFunction andHuImageFunction to output all moments in one pass
* Rework RealMomentsImagefilter and ComplexMomentImageFilter to output a matrix of all moments associated to p, q inferior to a given parameter
* Add RadiometricMomentsImage function that output a vector containing the local mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis
* Improved local descriptors tools based on ImageFunction :
* Rework FlusserImageFunction and HuImageFunction to output all moments in one pass (FlusserMomentsImageFunction, HuMomentsImageFunction)
* Rework RealMomentsImagefilter and ComplexMomentImageFilter to output a matrix of all moments associated to p, q inferior to a given parameter (ComplexMomentsImageFunction, HuMomentsImageFunction)
* Add image function to compute a vector containing the local mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis (RadiometricMomentsImageFunction)
* Add local histogram image function (LocalHistogramImageFunction)
* Add image function to compute the local Fourier Mellin coefficients (FourierMellinDescriptorsImageFunction)
* Add a class to adapt any image function return types to itk::VariableLengthVector (ImageFunctionAdaptor)
* Add a class to build composite image functions (MetaImageFunction)
* New object detection framework (see also http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Object_detection)
* Add filter to generate negative samples (LabeledSampleLocalizationGenerator)
* Add filter to evaluate an image function on a set of point and generate ListSample (DescriptorsListSampleGenerator)
* Add filter to balance the sample number of different classes in a ListSample by generating new samples from existing ones plus noise (ListSampleToBalancedListSampleFilter, GaussianAdditiveNoiseSampleListFilter)
* Add filter to apply a shift/scale to a ListSample (ShiftScaleSampleListFilter)
* Add filter to detect object from an SVM model and an image function (ObjectDetectionClassifier)
* SVMClassifier: add hyperplanes distances as output
* GDALImageIO: support writing of non-streamable format (JPEG, PNG)
* Support reading vector images of std::complex
* BandMathFilter: add physical and image coordinates variables