1.7.1-beta-3fc6ff6f0 · ·
1.7.1-beta-2f670f6d1 · ·
1.7.1-betaca49110c · ·
1.34a83a21d · ·
Added Use gdal_trace_outline from the gina-alaska package instead of gdal_polygonize if available Changed Move OTB minimum 6.0.0 which include a fix to handle properly 1 byte TIFF image Restore and document correct behaviour for LIS installation with install target(lib, bin,include, python) New QGIS style files for raster and vector LIS product Use OTB Application Python API instead of call to subprocess Use Python Logging module for Python scripts instead of using print Changed compute_cloud_mask and compute_snow_mask by OTB applications Added a new app to generate the JSON configuration file (build_json.py) Changed the way the product is generated to avoid data duplication Change rasterize step to contour detection using 8 connectivity to generate the rgb composition Improved detection by adjusting default parameter red_pass2 from 0.120 to 0.40 Improve code quality (pep8 and pylint) Improve installation instructions in the README.md Fix cpu usage to respect the "nb_threads" parameter set in the json file. The output product now use the input product directory name as PRODUCT_ID in the xml file.
1.1.00f8ec874 · ·
LIS release version 1.1.0: - use gdal python bindings to avoid subprocess call (need to do the same for otb) - improve testing (more tests, with s2 extract, comment test related to dbf...) - Update documentation related to validation datasets availale now on zenodo - move from gpl to afero gpl