Orfeo Toolbox
Open Source processing of remote sensing images
Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) is an open-source C++ library for remote sensing images processing, distributed under the CeCILL-v2 license. It has been initiated and funded by CNES (French space agency) in the frame of a program named ORFEO to prepare, accompany and promote the use and the exploitation of the images derived from Pléiades satellites (PHR). Orfeo ToolBox aims at enabling large images state-of-the-art processing even on limited resources laptops, and is shipped with a set of extensible ready-to-use tools for classical remote sensing tasks, as well as a fully integrated, end-users oriented software called Monteverdi.
- OTB's website
- Documentation
- Downloads
- Public git repositories
- GitHub mirror
- Build status
- Bug tracker
- Wiki
- Task tracking
Join the community
Get help, share your experience and contribute to the Orfeo-Toolbox project by joining our community and mailing lists.
Please see the wiki for contributors guidelines.
Please see the license and the Copyright directory for legal issues on the use of the software.
Please report any issue you might encouter to our bugtracker.