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Commit fc70b8f4 authored by Gaëlle USSEGLIO's avatar Gaëlle USSEGLIO
Browse files

ENH : Add a script to generate configuration file (with user's interractions)

parent 283c6237
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......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"GridStep_azimut": 150,
"Grid_Threshold": 0.3,
"Grid_Gap": 3000,
"Interferogram_gain": 0.1,
"Interferogram_gain": 0.1
......@@ -621,6 +621,14 @@ def str2bool(v):
return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1")
def avoidDuplicates(inlist):
Remove duplicates into an input list.
outlist = list(dict.fromkeys(inlist))
return outlist
def check_ifExist(fileOrPathOrImg):
Check if a file, path or image exists. If not quit the program.
......@@ -630,6 +638,14 @@ def check_ifExist(fileOrPathOrImg):
def check_ifDir(inDir):
Check if the input path exists and is a directory
if not os.path.isdir(inDir):
print(inDir + " does not exists or is not a directory")
def check_burstIndex(burst_index):
Check if the burst_index as string input is correctly sent
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python script to generate configuration file (json format) with default parameters and user's paths
import os
import re
import json
import readline, glob
import func_utils
# Util fct for autocompletion
def complete(text, state):
return (glob.glob(text+'*')+[None])[state]
# Questions to user for SAR_MultiSlc* chains
def askForMultiSlc(dataConfig) :
# Select sensor if SAR_MultiSlc
sensor = "S1IW"
if (response == "SAR_MultiSlc") :
sensor = input("Please, select the wanted sensor S1SM " \
"(for Sentinel-1 StripMap mode) or Cosmo " \
"(for Cosmo-Skymed Spotligth and StriMap mode) : " )
if sensor not in ["S1SM", "Cosmo"] :
print("Unknown sensor, please choose between S1SM or Cosmo")
# SRTM_Shapefile
SRTM_Shapefile = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to srtm shp : " ))
# SRTM_Path
SRTM_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to srtm hgt files : " ))
# Input/Output Paths
Input_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to input images : " ))
Output_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Where would you like to store the output results : " ))
# reference image (must be into Input_Path)
reference_image = input("Which image is your reference : " )
reference_image = os.path.basename(reference_image)
if not func_utils.get_imgFromDir(reference_image, Input_Path) :
print(reference_image + " not found into given input path " + \
print("Please check your input path")
else :
correct = func_utils.check_image_pattern(reference_image, mode=sensor)
if not correct :
print("Reference image " + reference_image + " does not respect naming conventions for the " \
"selected sensor")
# Geoid file
res_geoid = input("Would you like to add a geoid file (yes/no) : ")
Geoid = None
if res_geoid == "yes" :
Geoid = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to your geoid file : "))
else :
Geoid = os.getenv('OTB_GEOID_FILE')
# Start/End date for image selection
res_date = input("Would you like to specify a start and end date for image selection (yes/no) : ")
# Dummy dates to select by default all images into Input_Path
start_date = "19000101"
end_date = "29000101"
pattern = "".join(['\d{8}'])
if res_date == "yes" :
start_date = input("Please, indicate a start date with YYYYMMDD format : ")
if not re.match(pattern, start_date) :
print("start_date " + start_date + " does not respect the expected format YYYYMMDD")
end_date = input("Please, indicate a end date with YYYYMMDD format : ")
if not re.match(pattern, end_date) :
print("end_date " + end_date + " does not respect the expected format YYYYMMDD")
# Indicate to user, all selected images with given dates, polarisation and input_path
ext = "tiff"
pol = ""
iw = ""
if sensor == "Cosmo" :
ext = "h5"
pol = reference_image.split("_")[5]
else :
pol = reference_image.split("-")[3]
if sensor == "S1IW" :
iw = reference_image.split("-")[1]
ext = ""
exclude = "-9999"
tiff_list, throw_warning = func_utils.get_AllTiff(pol=pol, ext=ext, iw=iw, searchDir=Input_Path)
tiff_dates = func_utils.get_Tiff_WithDates(int(start_date), int(end_date), exclude, tiff_list, ext)
# Avoid duplicates
tiff_dates = func_utils.avoidDuplicates(tiff_dates)
print("For your information, the selected images for processings will be : ")
print("As reference : " + reference_image)
print("As secondaries : " + str(tiff_dates))
# Ask to continue if selection OK
res_continue = input("Do you agree to continue with this selection (yes/no) : ")
if res_continue != "yes" :
print("Previous selection does not correspond to your expectations, you can relaunch this script with new inputs")
# EOF file
EOF_Path = None
if sensor != "Cosmo" :
res_eof = input("Would you like to indicate fine orbits (yes/no) : ")
if res_eof == "yes" :
EOF_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to .EOF files : " ))
# Fill with user's response our generic fields for SAR_MultiSlc* chains
dataConfig['Global']['in']['SRTM_Shapefile'] = SRTM_Shapefile
dataConfig['Global']['in']['SRTM_Path'] = SRTM_Path
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Input_Path'] = Input_Path
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Master_Image'] = reference_image
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Start_Date'] = start_date
dataConfig['Global']['in']['End_Date'] = end_date
if Geoid :
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Geoid'] = Geoid
else :
del dataConfig['Global']['in']['Geoid']
if EOF_Path :
dataConfig['Global']['in']['EOF_Path'] = EOF_Path
dataConfig['Global']['out']['Output_Path'] = Output_Path
# Questions to user for diapOTB* chains
def askForDiapOTB(dataConfig) :
# Select sensor if diapOTB
sensor = "S1IW"
if (response == "diapOTB") :
sensor = input("Please, select the wanted sensor S1SM " \
"(for Sentinel-1 StripMap mode) or Cosmo " \
"(for Cosmo-Skymed Spotligth and StriMap mode) : " )
if sensor not in ["S1SM", "Cosmo"] :
print("Unknown sensor, please choose between S1SM or Cosmo")
# reference image (path to image)
reference_image = os.path.realpath(input("Which image is your reference : " ))
reference_image_base = os.path.basename(reference_image)
correct = func_utils.check_image_pattern(reference_image_base, mode=sensor)
if not correct :
print("Reference image " + reference_image_base + " does not respect naming conventions for the " \
"selected sensor")
# reference image (path to image)
secondary_image = os.path.realpath(input("Which image is secondary : " ))
secondary_image_base = os.path.basename(secondary_image)
correct = func_utils.check_image_pattern(secondary_image_base, mode=sensor)
if not correct :
print("Reference image " + secondary_image_base + " does not respect naming conventions for the " \
"selected sensor")
# DEM Path
DEM_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to your DEM : "))
# Output Path
Output_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Where would you like to store the output results : " ))
# EOF file
EOF_Path = None
if sensor != "Cosmo" :
res_eof = input("Would you like to indicate fine orbits (yes/no) : ")
if res_eof == "yes" :
EOF_Path = os.path.realpath(input("Please, enter your path to .EOF files : " ))
# Fill with user's response our generic fields for SAR_MultiSlc* chains
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Master_Image_Path'] = reference_image
dataConfig['Global']['in']['Slave_Image_Path'] = secondary_image
dataConfig['Global']['in']['DEM_Path'] = DEM_Path
if EOF_Path :
dataConfig['Global']['in']['EOF_Path'] = EOF_Path
dataConfig['Global']['out']['output_dir'] = Output_Path
###### Main #######
if __name__ == "__main__":
######### Introduction prints #########
print("Welcome to DiapOTB remote module !")
print("You can generate configuration files for the four available processing chains : diapOTB," \
"diapOTB_S1IW, SAR_MultiSlc and SAR_MultiSlc_IW")
######### Load the example for prepare the configuration file according to user's choice #########
# First choice for user : the selected chain
response = input("Please, choose your porcessing chain (diapOTB, diapOTB_S1IW, SAR_MultiSlc and " \
"SAR_MultiSlc_IW) : ")
if response not in ['diapOTB', 'diapOTB_S1IW', 'SAR_MultiSlc', 'SAR_MultiSlc_IW'] :
print("Wrong chain, please choose between available chains")
# Load examples according to the selected chain => Init a dictionnary with default parameters
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
ex_config_path = os.path.join(current_path, "../ex_config")
dataConfig = {}
if response == "diapOTB" :
ex_confile = os.path.join(ex_config_path, "ex_config_diapOTB_Cosmo.json")
dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(ex_confile, "S1_SM")
elif response == "diapOTB_S1IW" :
ex_confile = os.path.join(ex_config_path, "ex_config_diapOTB_S1IW.json")
dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(ex_confile, "S1_IW")
elif response == "SAR_MultiSlc" :
ex_confile = os.path.join(ex_config_path, "ex_config_MultiSlc_CosmoS1SM.json")
dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(ex_confile, "multi_S1")
elif response == "SAR_MultiSlc_IW" :
ex_confile = os.path.join(ex_config_path, "ex_config_MultiSlc_IW.json")
dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(ex_confile, "multi_SW")
########## Prepare for questions : with autocompletion #########
readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;')
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
########## Ask to user for generic fields #########
# SAR_MultiSlc* chains
if (response == "SAR_MultiSlc" or response == "SAR_MultiSlc_IW") :
if (response == "diapOTB" or response == "diapOTB_S1IW") :
# Dump dataConfig with the new fields and the default parameters
res_json = os.path.realpath(input("Where do you want store your configuration file : "))
# if directory
if os.path.isdir(res_json) :
res_json_name = input("Please, enter a name for your configuration " \
"file (with .json extension) : ")
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(res_json, res_json_name)) :
res_json_overwrite = input("Would you like to overwrite the file " +
res_json_name + " (yes/no) : ")
if res_json_overwrite == "yes" :
with open(os.path.join(res_json, res_json_name), 'w') as f:
json.dump(dataConfig, f, indent=2, sort_keys=False)
else :
print("Generation Aborted")
else :
with open(os.path.join(res_json, res_json_name), 'w') as f:
json.dump(dataConfig, f, indent=2, sort_keys=False)
# If file (or wrong path)
else :
if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(res_json)) :
if os.path.exists(res_json) :
res_json_overwrite = input("Would you like to overwrite the file " +
res_json + " (yes/no) : ")
if res_json_overwrite == "yes":
with open(res_json, 'w') as f:
json.dump(dataConfig, f, indent=2, sort_keys=False)
else :
print("Generation Aborted")
else :
with open(res_json, 'w') as f:
json.dump(dataConfig, f, indent=2, sort_keys=False)
else :
print("Wrong path for the configuration file, Generation Aborted")
######### Conclusion prints #########
print("The configuration file was generated !")
print("You can modify the parameters in it and launch the processing chain with this file as only argument")
print("You can find further information on")
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