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DOC: Update installation instructions in

Hello, thanks for this great package. As I saw several users struggling with the installation, I suggest some modifications for the README installation section:

  1. separating more clearly the section "Precompiled binaries" from "Compilation from source".
  2. adding missing requirements. I made the supposition that the section "Requirements" was only needed for source compilation, if not it would be nice to have a requirements section adapted to each of the installation section (binaries, from source).
  3. giving an example of requirements installation makes it easier to understand how to deal with it. As an example, following the README, I spent quite a while looking for the SuperBuild archive of dependencies on the web without finding any, before having a look into the SuperBuild code and finding out it was automatically downloaded.

Thus, here is a merge request with modifications of the installation section of the main README according to the experience I had. Hope it can help. Florian

Merge request reports
