Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 1506-refactor-MapProjectionAdapter
- 1589-support-s1-safe
- 1734-fix-hdr-test
- 1778-apTvFeLineSegmentDetection
- 1778-bfTuMeanShiftSmoothingImageFilterQBRoad
- 1778-test-refactoring-dmTvFineRegistrationImageFilterTestWithMeanSquare
- 1818-TestHelper-regression-test-ogr-file
- 1834-test-data-lfs
- 1841_virtual_dimensionality
- 819-display-pixel-type-of-image-in-readimageinfo-application
- OGR_extended_filename
- appli_new_services
- complexImage_integration
- connectedcomponents
- cookbook_examples
- dim_red_module
- fix_fast_ica_take2
- fix_fastica
- functor_image_filter_neighborhood
- greendashboard-data-misc
- Tags 20
- 6.6.0
- 6.2.0
- 5.10.1
- 5.10.0
- 5.8.0
- 5.6.0
- 5.4.0
- 5.2.0
- 5.0.0
- 4.4.0
- 4.2.0
- 4.0.0
- 3.20.0
- 3.18.0
- 3.16.0
- 3.14.1
- 3.14.0
- 3.12.0
- 3.10.0
- 3.8.0
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