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Add FOSS4G Europe 2017 slides

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% Created 2017-05-31 mer. 10:21
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\newcommand{\shorttitle}{OTB User Days, June 7-9 2017}
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\subtitle{FOSS4G Europe 2017}
\author{Victor Poughon, Julien Michel, Guillaume Pasero, Rémi Cresson}
\title{What's new in Orfeo ToolBox 6.0?}
pdfcreator={Emacs 24.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)}}
\frametitle{What is Orfeo ToolBox?}
\item \textbf{90+ remote sensing applications}
\item Accessible from C++, Bash, GUI, Python, QGIS, Monteverdi, WPS
\item \textbf{Monteverdi}, a satellite image viewer (hardware accelerated, raw products)
\item A \textbf{C++ library} for image processing, based on ITK
\item \textbf{Big Data} capable, thanks to built-in streaming, multithreading
and MPI
\item Apache v2.0 license
\item Funded and developed by CNES (French Space Agency)
\item A project of OSGeo since 2017
\item Used at CNES, ESA, mission exploitation platforms,
remote sensing labs, teaching\ldots
\item Built on the shoulders of giants (ITK, GDAL, OSSIM, OpenCV\ldots)
\frametitle{Incomplete list of OTB functions}
\item Radiometric calibration, orthorectification, resampling (raster and
vector), pan-sharpening, stereo rectification\ldots
\item Sensor supported: Sentinels, Pléiades, SPOT6, SPOT5, Digital Globe satellites
\item Geometric models (thanks to OSSIM), support for DEM (SRTM or GeoTIFF)
\begin{block}{Images and vector manipulation}
\item Formats supported by GDAL (raster and vector), conversion raster/vector
\item Region of interest extraction, of spectral bands, concatenation or splitting\ldots
\item Band math, color mapping, contrast enhancement
\item Linear filtering, Mathematical morphology
\frametitle{Incomplete list of OTB functions}
\begin{block}{Feature extraction}
\item Edge detection, scale-invariant feature transform, lines, corners
\item Radiometric indices, textures (Haralick, SFS, PanTex)
\item Local statistics (Flusser moments, Histogram of Oriented Gradient)
\item Keypoints matching (SIFT, SURF\ldots)
\begin{block}{Change detection}
\item Classic methods with image metrics comparison
\item Multivariate Alteration Detector
\begin{block}{Dimensionality reduction, hyperspectral processing}
\item PCA, NAPCA, ICA, MAF\ldots
\item Dimension estimation, endmembers extraction, Vertex Component Analysis(VCA)
\frametitle{Incomplete list of OTB functions}
\item Segmentation algorithms: Connected Components, MeanShift,Watershed\ldots
\item Methods to apply those algorithms on large dataset
\item Vector or raster representation which allow Object Based Image Analysis
\item 9 supervised methods available (including SVM and Random Forests)
\item Fusion and regularization of classifications
\item K-Means clustering or Kohonen maps
\item Object classification (from a segmentation)
\frametitle{Orfeo ToolBox 5.6 \textit{Scincinae}}
\framesubtitle{Released 2016-07-28}
\item Samples extractor and selection for supervised classification
\item Support for Sentinel-1 products (geometric calibration)
\item Improve Monteverdi OTB-applications display \& search bar
\item MPI pipeline execution
\frametitle{Parallel OTB pipeline with MPI}
$ mpirun -np $nb_procs --hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE \
otbcli_BundleToPerfectSensor \
-inp $ROOT/IMG_PHR1A_P_001/IMG_PHR1A_P_201605260427149_ORT_1792732101-001_R1C1.JP2 \
-inxs $ROOT/IMG_PHR1A_MS_002/IMG_PHR1A_MS_201605260427149_ORT_1792732101-002_R1C1.JP2 \
-out $ROOT/pxs.tif uint16 -ram 1024
------------ JOB INFO 1043196.tu-adm01 -------------
JOBID : 1043196.tu-adm01
USER : michelj
GROUP : ctsiap
SESSION : 631249
RES REQSTED : mem=1575000mb,ncpus=560,place=free,walltime=04:00:00
RES USED : cpupercent=1553,cput=00:56:12,mem=4784872kb,ncpus=560,vmem=18558416kb,
BILLING : 42:46:40 (ncpus x walltime)
QUEUE : t72h
ACCOUNT : null
------------ END JOB INFO 1043196.tu-adm01 ---------
\frametitle{Orfeo ToolBox 5.8 \textit{Sphenomorphinae}}
\framesubtitle{Released 2016-11-08}
\item Access to Shark random forests (better performances, parallel learning)
\item Better performances in BandMathX
\item Spot7 support (radiometric and geometric calibration)
\item Applications in-memory connection
\item Now part of OTB source code
\item Zoom with mouse wheel without CTRL
\frametitle{Orfeo ToolBox 5.10 \textit{Valentine}}
\framesubtitle{Released 2017-02-14}
\item Composite applications framework
\item TrainImagesClassifier and BundleToPerfectSensor refactoring (composite)
\item Print corresponding command-line in apps QT GUI
\item Enhancement of field selector QT component
\item FFT/DWT application
\item Texture app now allows for subsampled results (faster)
\item Packaging remote modules!
\item Single band color mapping
\frametitle{Monteverdi on the fly color mapping}
\frametitle{Monteverdi on the fly color mapping}
\frametitle{Automatic command line}
\frametitle{Automatic command line}
\frametitle{Orfeo ToolBox 6.0}
\framesubtitle{Released 2017-05-15}
\item Licence change to Apache v2.0
\item Sentinel1 IW SLC deburst application
\item Band selection through extended filenames: \texttt{\&bands=1:4}
\item Unsupervised classification in framework
\item Morphological profiles app
\item Vector files classification app
\item OpenCV 3.0 support
\item Deprecated code cleanup (major release)
\frametitle{Sentinel-1 SLC IW Deburst}
\frametitle{Future of Orfeo ToolBox}
\item More features! (Unsupervised learning, OBIA, InSAR, time series image
\item Better QGIS integration
\item Switch to C++14
\item Maintenance (dependencies, binaries packaging, CI)
\item Better documentation
\item We need new Project Steering Commitee members! Are you interested?
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