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2 merge requests!2Otb app python,!1Otb app python
** OTB Applications on Python API :slides:
*** Goals and data
**** Goals
- Know how to manipulate SAR images
- Know how to perform SAR calibration
- Know how to perform SAR orthorectification
- Know methods to reduce speckle noise in images
- Know more about feature extraction in SAR images
**** Data
Data are located in the ~Data/sar~ folder.
*** Outline
1. Introduction to SAR imagery
2. Radiometric calibration
3. Geometric corrections
4. Speckle filtering
5. Polarimetry
6. Feature extraction (TD)
*** Optical vs Radar
#+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 0.7\textwidth
(source CNES: Book "IMAGERIE SPATIALE Des principes d’acquisition au traitement
des images optiques pour l’observation de la Terre")
*** SAR basics
- Radar: Radio detection and ranging; using radio waves to locate objects and measure their backscattering coefficient
- SAR: Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Active sensor
- Day and night imaging capability
- Atmosphere mainly transparent to SAR
- Complementary information to optical systems
*** Principles
- SAR: Use the flight path of the platform to simulate an extremely large antenna or aperture for increased resolution
- The wave travelling time allows to locate objects in the range dimension (perpendicular to the flying path)
- Repeat echoes in the second dimension (azimuth)
- Complex signal (amplitude and phase)
*** Radiometric calibration
- Radar reflectivity (backscatter coefficient) depends on the nature of the observed surface
- Sensitive to roughness and moisture, but also to geomety (dipole, corners)
- As for optical imagery, calibration consists in converting digital numbers (DN) into a physical magnitude
- Allows comparing images acquired by different sensors or by the same sensor at different points in time
*** Geometric corrections
- Spatially locate images
- Give a geographic coordinate to every pixel
- Radar measures distances in slant range
- Resolutions
- $azimuthResolution = \frac{H*\lambda}{L*\cos(\theta)}$
- $rangeResolution = \frac{c*prf}{2*\sin(\theta)}$
- Geometrical distortions due to topography (foreshortening and layover)
*** Speckle
- Granular 'noise' that inherently exists in and degrades the image quality
- Strong!
- Speckle noise in SAR is a multiplicative noise, i.e. it is in direct proportion to the local grey level in any area
- Several methods to try to reduce this noise
- Try to reduce speckle effects without losing to much details
- Speckle filtering allows to improve image quality and facilitate interpretation
*** To go further
- S1 ToolBox (SNAP)
- Polarimetry: ESA PolSARPro
- Lot of useful resources related to SAR on the Internet (ENSG MOOC, ESA
training, PolSARPro tutorials, SAREDU DLR online courses...)
** OTB Applications on Python API :guide:
*** Description :desc:
**** Summary
The following exercise is an introduction to the Python API for ORFEO ToolBox applications.
This exercise will precise how to chain OTB applications wisely using an optical
dataset for an hydrological goal : water extent detection
**** Prerequisites
- Installed Monteverdi and Orfeo ToolBox software
- Installed Python(2.7.X or 3.X), with Numpy dependencies and the right environmental variables setup (help: use otbenv.bash/otbenv.bat).
*Test*: launch "import otbApplication" on the python command line to check this point
- Downloaded data
- Understandig of Orfeo Toolbox applications (see relevant exercise)
**** Goals
- Create, configure and launch OTB Applications from python scripts
- Use of in-memory bindings between OTB Applications
- Process Sentinel2-Level 2A as raw input
- Compare simple methods for water detection (ndvi, mndwi)
- Evaluate the resulting water maps with a reference layer
*** Steps :steps:
Data located in ~Data/app-python~ folder, with the following sub-folders:
- ~images~ contains a set of Sentinel 2 images (Level 2A) in Laguna de la
Nina, Perou
- ~reference~ contains ancillary testing data (occurrence water masks) in
raster format
- ~scripts~ contains the necessary python scripts to complete the exercise
**** Introduction : Water monitoring in the Laguna de la Nina(Peru) event
The region of interest for this exercise is Laguna de la Nina, Peru
(-5.8101 lat, -80.7155 lon). At these dates, the water surfaces
have drastically changed due to heavy rains during "El nino" periods.
In this exercise we will use three Sentinel-2 Level2A images
(folder ~app-python/images~), extracted on tile T17MNP, at the following
| 2016-12-18 |
| 2017-04-07 |
| 2017-12-03 |
1. Open in Monteverdi the VRT (RGB composition) of each image in
What do you observe in these images? How does the water extent change?
*Note*: The VRT compositions have been created with the tool ~gdalbuildvrt~
for this exercise. They are not included by default in Sentinel 2 products.
**** Sentinel 2 - Level 2A Format
One of the goal of this exercise is to process this product as downloaded
from the product provider (Theia Server : Level 2A is and
orthorectified product in ground reflectance, constructed from L1C
products (orthorectified product in Top of Atmosphere) reflectance.
Each Sentinel2 product contains several files, which may be divided as:
- MTD: Metadata
- QKL: quicklook file (low resolution image to show an RGB overview )
- SRE: image in ground reflectance without the correction of slope effects
- FRE: image in ground reflectance with the correction of slope effects
- ATB: atmospheric and biophysical parameters with 2 bands :
- 1st band: water vapor content (WVC) coded over 8 bits
- 2st band: aerosol optical thickness (AOT) coded over 8 bits
- CLM: cloud mask computed by MACCS software, made of 1 band coded over 8 useful bits.
- SAT: saturation mask coded over 8 bits
In this exercise, water maps will be calculated from ground reflectance
files (as SRE or FRE).
The ground reflectance images are distributed as one image file per band
in GeoTiff format (.tif). Each band image may have a different resolution
(10m or 20m)
| Band name | S2 band id | Wavelength | Resolution | Used in this exercise |
| Blue | B2 | 490 nm | 10 m | - |
| Green | B3 | 560 nm | 10 m | Yes |
| Red | B4 | 665 nm | 10 m | Yes |
| NIR - Narrow 1 | B5 | 705 nm | 20 m | - |
| NIR - Narrow 2 | B6 | 740 nm | 20 m | - |
| NIR - Narrow 3 | B7 | 783 nm | 20 m | - |
| NIR - Wide | B8 | 842 nm | 10 m | Yes |
| NIR - Narrow 4 | B8A | 865 nm | 20 m | - |
| SWIR 1 | B11 | 1610 nm | 20 m | Yes |
| SWIR 2 | B12 | 2190 nm | 20 m | - |
For this exercise, only some bands will be used to obtain water extents maps:
Green, Red, NIR-Wide and SWIR1. Also, the Cloud Mask will be used.
*Note:* To reduce the dataset size, we have deleted all the bands not used and
replaced them with an empty file with the same name. In that way, the file
structure is kept, in order to help you to get familiar with the real datasets.
Let's play:
1. Since we are interested in ground reflectance images to calculate water
surfaces, what band kind of file would you use between SRE and FRE?
2. Look at the B3 and B11 files of one the datasets in
~app-python/images/SENTINEL2A_*/~. Do all files have the same memory
size? Why?
3. On the command line, launch the ~gdalinfo~ command on different band
files to check the pixel size, the number of pixels and the minimum
and maximum values. Why do we have common minimum values between
different bands?
*Note: * Make sure that OTB binary files ($otb_path/bin) is included
in your PATH environment variable.
4. Look at the /MASKS subfolder : there is a CLM file that contains a cloud
mask computed by an special algorithm (MACCS). Do you think that this
information might be interesting to make better water detections?
5. Open in Monteverdi the B8 and B4 and check the values in a water surface.
What is the reflectance behaviour of these bands on water surfaces?
**** Simple OTB application in Python :
Take a look to the ~app-python/ script. The aim of
this script is to launch the Superimpose application from OTB to resample
the B11 band (20m pixel size) to a new resolution (pixel size).
At the beginning, there is an otbApplication import. In the otbApplication
module, two main classes can be manipulated :
- Registry, which provides access to the list of available applications,
and can create applications.
- Application, the base class for all applications. This allows to
interact with an application instance created by the Registry
1. In order to show the available applications, launch with
the command : python On the output you will have the list
of available applications.
On the second part of the script, we want to launch the Superimpose application
to do the resampling of the B8A image (20m pixel size) using the reference image
B4 (10m pixel size). The inputs and outputs of the Superimpose application
are described on the following table:
| Parameter Key | Parameter Name | Parameter Type |
| inr | Reference Input | input image |
| inm | The image to reproject | input image |
| out | Output image | output image |
2. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 1".
You need to complete the path of ~app-python/data~ of your system.
3. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 2".
You need to initialize the Superimpose OTB application. See that the ~inr~
,~inm~ and ~out~ parameters are already set.
4. Launch the script with the command
: python How does the output look like?
**** Chain OTB applications :
In this part, the aim is to calculate an NDVI image and obtain a water mask by means
of thresholding the NDVI value. It is necessary to launch different OTB applications
in the same script to obtain the desired result.
The script chains OTB applications as presented in the following schema:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 0.7\textwidth
Use the Superimpose and Bandmath applications to calculate the NDVI and Water map image
using Red band (B4) and NIR band (B8A) from the S2 product:
1. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 1".
You need to complete the path of ~app-python/data~ of your system.
2. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP" 2, 3 and 4.
You need to :
- configure the application1 "Superimpose" parameters : ~inr,imr,out~
- configure the application2 "BandMath" parameters: ~il,out,exp~
- configure the application3 "BandMath" parameters: ~il,out,exp~
4. Launch the script with the command: python What
are the resulting files?
**** Chain OTB applications in-memory:
This exercise is equivalent to, but avoiding writing temporary
files. The goal is to process the images using only RAM memory. Also the NDVI water
mask is reduced to only one BandMath calculation.
The script chains OTB applications as presented in the following schema:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 0.7\textwidth
In-memory connection: the output of application1 might be declared as input of
application2 using an expression as:
- app2.SetParameterInputImage("in",app1.GetParameterOutputImage("out"))
if the input of application2 is an Image(like in the Superimpose application)
- app2.AddImageToParameterInputImageList("il",app1.GetParameterOutputImage("out"))
if the input of application2 is an ImageList(like the BandMath application)
Let's optimize our water mask calculator:
1. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 1".
You need to complete the path of ~app-python/data~ of your system.
2. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 2" to declare the output
of application1 as input of application2.
3. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 3" to set the BandMath expression
that sets value 1 if ndvi value<0 and 0 if ndvi value>1
4. Launch with the command: python
As you see in the code, the ApplicationX.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
has been changed to ApplicationX.Execute()
in How does it affect to the execution sequence?
5. In Application1, the output parameter has been declared with a filename .
Has it been written as a file after the execution? Why?
6. At the generation of the NDVI mask(with two possible values: water(1) and land(0)
, there is a line like :
~appX.SetParameterOutputImagePixelType("out", otbApplication.ImagePixelType_uint8)~
What is the purpose of this line? What would happend without it?
**** Water detection chain with NoData management:
There are some parts of the images that are covered by clouds. In this
exercise, we will use the CLD band in the S2 product to set NODATA regions.
If a CLD pixel value is different of zero, that means that a cloud
has been detected in the pixel. An special value (255) is applied to
warn the cloud presence.
The script chains OTB applications as presented in the following schema:
#+ATTR_LATEX: :float t :width 0.7\textwidth
At the end of the chain, an OTB application "ManageNoData" is used to set the NODATA value
as 255 in the GeoTiff metadata.
Let's calculate some water masks:
1. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 1".
You need to complete the path of ~app-python/data~ of your system.
2. Open and complete the "FILL THE GAP 2" to set the BandMath expression
to set the 255 value where the clouds image is different to zero, and otherwise
keep the NDVI mask image.
3. Launch with the different dates as arguments:
~python SENTINEL2A_20161218-153729-222_L2A_T17MNP_D_V1-4~
~python SENTINEL2A_20170407-154054-255_L2A_T17MNP_D_V1-4~
~python SENTINEL2A_20171203-154308-349_L2A_T17MNP_D_V1-4~
and you will obtain three different masks. Open them with monteverdi to check
the water extent variations.
4. Look at the 20161218 final NDVI mask. What are the lines detected as water?
**** Comparison with a reference
The water mask obtained correspond to an special event in the Laguna de la Nina, but how
often do we observe that floods in the region?
Global Surface Water map, a Water extent map based on optical images (Landsat) over the
last 30 years will serve us as a reference.
The Global Surface Water data are available for download in tiles 10°x10°.
It is available at :
* OTB Applications on Python API :solutions:
*** Introduction to SAR image
1. The 2 extracts correspond to polarimetric combinations HH (for horizontal
transmission and horizontal reception) and HV (for horizontal transmission and vertical reception).
2. The 2 bands correspond to the real and the imaginary parts of the complex signal.
3. We can use the *BandMath* application to compute the image intensity:
For HH:
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-il s1_hh.tif \
-out intensity_hh.tif int32 \
-exp "im1b1*im1b1+im1b2*im1b2"
For HV:
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-il s1_hv.tif \
-out intensity_hv.tif int32 \
-exp "im1b1*im1b1+im1b2*im1b2"
**** Radiometric calibration
1. *SARCalibration*
2. In the case of Sentinel-1, calibration coefficients are directly read in
the product metadata
$ otbcli_SARCalibration \
-in s1_hh.tif \
-out s1_hh_gamma0.tif \
-lut gamma
For HV:
$ otbcli_SARCalibration \
-in s1_hv.tif \
-out s1_hv_gamma0.tif \
-lut gamma
3. Warning: pixel <= 0 in the log expression!
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-in s1_hh_gamma0.tif \
-out s1_hh_gamma0_db.tif \
-exp "im1b1>0?10*log10(im1b1):0"
For HV:
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-in s1_hv_gamma0.tif \
-out s1_hv_gamma0_db.tif \
-exp "im1b1>0?10*log10(im1b1):0"
**** Geometric corrections
1. Orthorectification without DEM:
$ otbcli_OrthoRectification \ s1_hh_gamma0.tif \
-io.out s1_hh_gamma0_ortho.tif uint16
2. With a DEM and a geoid:
$ otbcli_OrthoRectification \ s1_hh_gamma0.tif \
-io.out s1_hh_gamma0_ortho.tif uint16 \
-elev.dem SRTM/ \
-elev.geoid Geoid/egm96.grd
3. Default projection is UTM. 32 North.
**** Speckle filtering
1. Available methods are: Lee, Frost, Kuan and Gamma MAP. Speckle filtering
allows to increase image quality and facilitate image analysis and
object identification.
2. Using the *Despeckle* application and the /Frost/ filter:
$ otbcli_Despeckle \
-in intensity_hh.tif \
-out intensity_hh_speckle.tif \
-filter frost \
-filter.frost.rad 3
The effect of increasing the radius is to further smooth the image. It improves
image quality in rather smooth areas but degrades details in more
contrasted areas and on small structures.
3. The histogram of the filtered image tends to become /Gaussian/ and differs
from the Gamma distribution of the original image (right hand tail).
4. Increasing the /deramp/ parameter will lead to take more into account pixels
farther from the center and therefore increase the smoothing effects.
**** Polarimetry
1. HH-HV:
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-il intensity_hh_speckle.tif intensity_hv_speckle.tif \
-out hh-hv_speckle.tif \
-exp "im1b1-2*im2b1"
2. Then, image concatenation:
$ otbcli_ConcatenateImages \
-il intensity_hh_speckle.tif \
intensity_hv_speckle.tif hh-hv_speckle.tif \
-out intensity_compo.tif
1. Then convert in decibels:
$ otbcli_BandMath \
-in intensity_compo.tif \
-out intensity_compo_db.tif \
-exp "im1b1>0?10*log10(im1b1):0"
- layover is a geometric effect which makes the signal similar between HH and HV
- vegetation area (forest)
- HV is less sensible to roughness
- water areas: low backscatter
3. Analysis of color composition:
- Power lines around index (230,3700)
- Reflector near index (3620,2925)
- Anchor mast for boats
......@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ image processing chains using OTB applications, including:
- Classification
- Segmentation
- Synthetic Aperture Radar processing
- OTB Application Python API
** Training kit
*** Data package
......@@ -130,4 +131,6 @@ For more information on these satellites:
#+INCLUDE: "" :minlevel 2
#+INCLUDE: "" :minlevel 1
* SAR processing on Sentinel-1 images
#+INCLUDE: "" :minlevel 2
#+INCLUDE: "" :minlevel 2
* OTB Application Python API
#+INCLUDE: "" :minlevel 2
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