Separate Miscellaneous in separate repository
To compilate project, we can use OTB modules
Create external git repo, link it as a submodule -
OTB core must download corresponding submodule if the cmake -DOTBGroup_Miscellaneous is turned on -
Compile it separately, you may use OTB core artifact -
Verify that package is correctly built during cpack -
During classic OTB build -
When using cpack separately
Test should work locally -
Adapt CI to run corresponding build job and tests -
Faire un job legal check -
Job Red hat -
Job Ubuntu pour la version 20, 22 et 24 -
No Windows jOB (and Max os too) -
Job code coverage -
Job analyse statique -
Job qui déploi le paquet sur
Adapt otb CI to start module job when there is a new dependency update (i.e. OTB core) -
Adapt bug tracking for each project ? -
Add a Readme with compilation help, otb integration, and some exemples
Edited by Tristan Laurent