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otbSARGroupedByMLImageFilter.h 7.59 KiB
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  • /*
     * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
     * This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #ifndef otbSARGroupedByMLImageFilter_h
    #define otbSARGroupedByMLImageFilter_h
    #include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
    #include "itkSmartPointer.h"
    #include "itkPoint.h"
    #include "itkSimpleFastMutexLock.h"
    #include "itkImageScanlineConstIterator.h"
    #include "itkImageScanlineIterator.h"
    #include "otbImageKeywordlist.h"
    namespace otb
    /** \class SARGroupedByMLImageFilter 
     * \brief Creates an interferogram into ml geometry between two SAR images. 
     * This filter built the ML interferogram between a master and a slave image.
     * The output is a vector image with amplitude, phase coherency and occurrences. 
     * \ingroup DiapOTBModule
      template <typename TImageSAR, typename TImageOut> 
      class ITK_EXPORT SARGroupedByMLImageFilter :
        public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageSAR,TImageOut>
      // Standard class typedefs
      typedef SARGroupedByMLImageFilter                    Self;
      typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageSAR,TImageOut>    Superclass;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>                        Pointer;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>                  ConstPointer;
      // Method for creation through object factory
      // Run-time type information
      /** Typedef to image input type (master and slave reech images) :  otb::Image (Complex)  */
      typedef TImageSAR                                  ImageSARType;
      /** Typedef to describe the inout image pointer type. */
      typedef typename ImageSARType::Pointer             ImageSARPointer;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::ConstPointer        ImageSARConstPointer;
      /** Typedef to describe the inout image region type. */
      typedef typename ImageSARType::RegionType          ImageSARRegionType;
      /** Typedef to describe the type of pixel and point for inout image. */
      typedef typename ImageSARType::PixelType           ImageSARPixelType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::PointType           ImageSARPointType;
      /** Typedef to describe the image index, size types and spacing for inout image. */
      typedef typename ImageSARType::IndexType           ImageSARIndexType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::IndexValueType      ImageSARIndexValueType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::SizeType            ImageSARSizeType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::SizeValueType       ImageSARSizeValueType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::SpacingType         ImageSARSpacingType;
      typedef typename ImageSARType::SpacingValueType    ImageSARSpacingValueType;
      /** Typedef to image output type : otb::VectorImage  */
      typedef TImageOut                                  ImageOutType;
      /** Typedef to describe the output image pointer type. */
      typedef typename ImageOutType::Pointer             ImageOutPointer;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::ConstPointer        ImageOutConstPointer;
      /** Typedef to describe the output image region type. */
      typedef typename ImageOutType::RegionType          ImageOutRegionType;
      /** Typedef to describe the type of pixel and point for output image. */
      typedef typename ImageOutType::PixelType           ImageOutPixelType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::PointType           ImageOutPointType;
      /** Typedef to describe the image index, size types and spacing for output image. */
      typedef typename ImageOutType::IndexType           ImageOutIndexType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::IndexValueType      ImageOutIndexValueType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::SizeType            ImageOutSizeType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::SizeValueType       ImageOutSizeValueType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::SpacingType         ImageOutSpacingType;
      typedef typename ImageOutType::SpacingValueType    ImageOutSpacingValueType;
      // Define Point2DType and Point3DType
      using Point2DType = itk::Point<double,2>;
      using Point3DType = itk::Point<double,3>;
      // Typedef for iterators
      typedef itk::ImageScanlineConstIterator< ImageSARType > InputSARIterator;
      typedef itk::ImageScanlineIterator< ImageOutType > OutputIterator;
      typedef itk::SimpleFastMutexLock         MutexType;
      // Setter
      itkSetMacro(MLRan, unsigned int);
      itkSetMacro(MLAzi, unsigned int);
      itkSetMacro(MarginRan, unsigned int);
      itkSetMacro(MarginAzi, unsigned int);
      itkSetMacro(Gain, float);
      // Getter
      itkGetMacro(MLRan, unsigned int);
      itkGetMacro(MLAzi, unsigned int);
      itkGetMacro(MarginRan, unsigned int);
      itkGetMacro(MarginAzi, unsigned int);
      itkGetMacro(Gain, float);
      // Constructor
      // Destructor
      virtual ~SARGroupedByMLImageFilter() ITK_OVERRIDE;
      // Print
      void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, itk::Indent indent) const ITK_OVERRIDE;
      /** SARGroupedByMLImageFilter produces an image which are into output geometry. The differences between 
       * output and input images can be the size of images and the dimensions. 
       * As such, SARGroupedByMLImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for 
       * GenerateOutputInformation() in order to inform the pipeline execution model. 
      virtual void GenerateOutputInformation() ITK_OVERRIDE;
      /** SARGroupedByMLImageFilter needs a input requested region that corresponds to the margin and ML factors 
       * into the requested region of our output requested region. 
       * As such, SARGroupedByMLImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for 
       * GenerateInputRequestedRegion() in order to inform the pipeline execution model. 
       * \sa ProcessObject::GenerateInputRequestedRegion() */
      virtual void GenerateInputRequestedRegion() ITK_OVERRIDE;
       * OutputRegionToInputRegion returns the input SAR region 
      ImageSARRegionType OutputRegionToInputRegion(const ImageOutRegionType& outputRegion, bool withMargin) const;
       * SARGroupedByMLImageFilterr can be implemented as a multithreaded filter.
       * Therefore, this implementation provides a ThreadedGenerateData() routine
       * which is called for each processing thread. The main output image data is
       * allocated automatically by the superclass prior to calling
       * ThreadedGenerateData().  ThreadedGenerateData can only write to the
       * portion of the output image specified by the parameter
       * "outputRegionForThread"
       * \sa ImageToImageFilter::ThreadedGenerateData(),
       *     ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData() */
      virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(const ImageOutRegionType& outputRegionForThread, 
    				    itk::ThreadIdType threadId) ITK_OVERRIDE;
      SARGroupedByMLImageFilter(const Self&); // purposely not implemented
      void operator=(const Self &); // purposely not 
      // ML factor in range 
      unsigned int m_MLRan;
      // ML factor in azimut
      unsigned int m_MLAzi;
      // gain for amplitude estimation
      float m_Gain;
      // SAR Dimensions
      int m_nbLinesSAR;
      int m_nbColSAR;
      // Margin in order to spend our averaging
      unsigned int m_MarginRan;
      unsigned int m_MarginAzi;
    } // End namespace otb
    #include "otbSARGroupedByMLImageFilter.txx"