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Merge branch '2-adapt-diapotb-sarcartesianmeanestimation-to-keep-shadows' into 'master'

Resolve "Adapt DiapOTB SARCartesianMeanEstimation to keep shadows"

Closes #2

See merge request !1
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1 merge request!1Resolve "Adapt DiapOTB SARCartesianMeanEstimation to keep shadows"
# Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
# Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
# This file is part of S1Tiling remote module for Orfeo Toolbox
......@@ -32,3 +32,9 @@ otb_create_application(
NAME SARComputeLocalIncidenceAngle
SOURCES otbSARComputeLocalIncidenceAngle.cxx
LINK_LIBRARIES ${otb-module} ${${otb-module}_LIBRARIES})
NAME SARCartesianMeanEstimation2
SOURCES otbSARCartesianMeanEstimation2.cxx
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "otbWrapperApplication.h"
#include "otbWrapperApplicationFactory.h"
#include "otbSARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter2.h"
#include "otbSARCartesianMeanFunctor2.h"
#include "otbWrapperOutputImageParameter.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
namespace otb
namespace Wrapper
class SARCartesianMeanEstimation2 : public Application
using Self = SARCartesianMeanEstimation2;
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
itkTypeMacro(SARCartesianMeanEstimation2, otb::Wrapper::Application);
// Pixels
using ImageInPixelType = typename FloatVectorImageType::PixelType;
using ImageOutPixelType = typename FloatImageType::PixelType;
// Function
using PolygonsFunctorType = otb::Function::SARPolygonsFunctor<ImageInPixelType, ImageOutPixelType>;
using CartesianMeanFunctorType = otb::Function::SARCartesianMeanFunctor<ImageInPixelType, ImageInPixelType>;
// Filters
using FilterType = otb::SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter < FloatVectorImageType, FloatVectorImageType, FloatImageType, ComplexFloatImageType, CartesianMeanFunctorType >;
void DoInit() override
SetDescription("SAR Cartesian mean estimation thanks to the associated DEM.");
SetDocLongDescription("This application estimates a simulated cartesian mean image thanks to a DEM file.");
//Optional descriptors
SetDocLimitations("Only Sentinel 1 (IW and StripMap mode) and Cosmo products are supported for now.");
SetDocSeeAlso(" ");
//Parameter declarations
AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "indemproj", "Input vector of DEM projected into SAR geometry");
SetParameterDescription("indemproj", "Input vector image for cartesian mean estimation.");
AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "indem", "Input DEM");
SetParameterDescription("indem", "DEM to extract DEM geometry.");
AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "insar", "Input SAR image");
SetParameterDescription("insar", "SAR Image to extract SAR geometry.");
AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "indirectiondemc", "Range direction for DEM scan");
SetParameterDescription("indirectiondemc", "Range direction for DEM scan.");
SetDefaultParameterInt("indirectiondemc", 1);
AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "indirectiondeml", "Azimut direction for DEM scan");
SetParameterDescription("indirectiondeml", "Azimut direction for DEM scan.");
SetDefaultParameterInt("indirectiondeml", 1);
AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "mlran", "Averaging on distance (output geometry)");
SetParameterDescription("mlran","Averaging on distance (output geometry)");
SetDefaultParameterInt("mlran", 3);
SetMinimumParameterIntValue("mlran", 1);
AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "mlazi", "Averaging on azimut (output geometry)");
SetParameterDescription("mlazi","Averaging on azimut (output geometry)");
SetDefaultParameterInt("mlazi", 3);
SetMinimumParameterIntValue("mlazi", 1);
AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputImage, "out", "Output cartesian (mean) Image for DEM Projection");
SetParameterDescription("out","Output cartesian (mean) Image for DEM Projection."
" The first 3 bands contain X, Y and Z cartesian coordinates of the point in original SAR geometry."
" The last band is a mask band: 0: XYZ coordinates cannot be computed; 1: coordinates are nominally computed; 2: coordinates are estimated, but point is estimated in shadow"
void DoUpdateParameters() override
// Nothing to do here : all parameters are independent
void DoExecute() override
// Get numeric parameters : ML factors and directions for DEM scan
int mlRan = GetParameterInt("mlran");
int mlAzi = GetParameterInt("mlazi");
int DEMScanDirectionC = GetParameterInt("indirectiondemc");
int DEMScanDirectionL = GetParameterInt("indirectiondeml");
otbAppLogINFO(<<"ML Range : "<<mlRan);
otbAppLogINFO(<<"ML Azimut : "<<mlAzi);
otbAppLogINFO(<<"Direction (DEM scan) in range : "<<DEMScanDirectionC);
otbAppLogINFO(<<"Direction (DEM scan) in azimut : "<<DEMScanDirectionL);
// Start the first pipelines (Read SAR and DEM image metedata)
ComplexFloatImageType::Pointer SARPtr = GetParameterComplexFloatImage("insar");
FloatImageType::Pointer DEMPtr = GetParameterFloatImage("indem");
// CartesianMeanEstimation Filter (use SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter with SARCartesianMeanEstimationFunctor
// to estimate cartesian coordonates mean image)
FilterType::Pointer filterCartesianMeanEstimation = FilterType::New();
filterCartesianMeanEstimation->SetDEMInformation(0, DEMScanDirectionC, DEMScanDirectionL);
// Function Type : SARCartesianMeanEstimationFunctor
int nbThreads = filterCartesianMeanEstimation->GetNumberOfThreads();
CartesianMeanFunctorType::Pointer functor = CartesianMeanFunctorType::New(nbThreads, mlRan, mlAzi,
// Define the main pipeline (controlled with extended FileName)
std::string origin_FileName = GetParameterString("out");
// Check if FileName is extended (with the ? caracter)
// If not extended then override the FileName
if (origin_FileName.find("?") == std::string::npos && !origin_FileName.empty())
std::string extendedFileName = origin_FileName;
// Get the ram value (in MB)
int ram = GetParameterInt("ram");
// Define with the ram value, the number of lines for the streaming
int nbColSAR = SARPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[0];
int nbLinesSAR = SARPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize()[1];
// To determine the number of lines :
// nbColSAR * nbLinesStreaming * sizeof(OutputPixel) = RamValue/2 (/2 to be sure)
// OutputPixel are float => sizeof(OutputPixel) = 4 (Bytes)
long int ram_In_KBytes = (ram/2) * 1024;
long int nbLinesStreaming = (ram_In_KBytes / (nbColSAR)) * (1024/4);
// Check the value of nbLinesStreaming
int nbLinesStreamingMax = 10000;
if (nbLinesStreamingMax > nbLinesSAR)
nbLinesStreamingMax = nbLinesSAR;
if (nbLinesStreaming <= 0 || nbLinesStreaming > nbLinesStreamingMax)
nbLinesStreaming = nbLinesStreamingMax;
// Construct the extendedPart
std::ostringstream os;
os << "?&streaming:type=stripped&streaming:sizevalue=" << nbLinesStreaming;
// Add the extendedPart
std::string extendedPart = os.str();
// Set the new FileName with extended options
SetParameterString("out", extendedFileName);
// Execute the main Pipeline
SetParameterOutputImage("out", filterCartesianMeanEstimation->GetOutput());
// Vector for filters
std::vector<itk::ProcessObject::Pointer> m_Ref;
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef equal_range_interval_h
#define equal_range_interval_h
#include <algorithm> // std::lower_bound, std::upper_bound
#include <cassert>
#include <functional> // std::less
#include <utility> // std::pair
namespace otb
* Adaptation of `std::equal_range` for finding interval bounds.
* \tparam RandomAccessIterator Iterator type that should model `std::random_access_iterator`.
* \tparam T Type of the interval bounds
* \tparam Comp Comparison function, defaults to `std::less<>`
* \param[in] first Start of the range where bounds are searched
* \param[in] last Past-end of the range where bounds are searched
* \param[in] lo Low bound of the interval
* \param[in] hi High bound of the interval
* \param[in] cmp Comparison predicate
* \return a pair of iterators `[it_low, it_high[` such as:
* - `∀ it ∈ [first, it_low[ => cmp(*it, lo)`
* - `∀ it ∈ [it_low, last[ => !cmp(*it, lo)`
* - `∀ it ∈ [first, it_high[ => !cmp(hi, *it)`
* - `∀ it ∈ [it_high, last[ => cmp(hi, *it)`
* Somehow, `it_low` is computed with `std::lower_bound`, and `it_hi` is
* computed with `std::upper_bound`.
* \pre `cmp(lo, hi)`
* \pre `[first, last[` shall be partitioned according to `cmp` predicate
* around `lo` and around `high`. If the range is sorted according to `cmp`,
* then this also implies it's partitionned.
* \throw None (it depends on `Cmp`...)
template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename T,
typename Comp = std::less<typename RandomAccessIterator::value_type>>
std::pair<RandomAccessIterator, RandomAccessIterator>
RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
T lo, T hi,
Comp cmp = Comp{})
// assert(std::is_sorted(first, last, cmp));
auto len = std::distance(first, last);
while (len > 0) {
auto half = len / 2;
auto middle = first + half;
if (cmp(*middle, lo)) {
first = middle + 1;
len -= half + 1;
} else if (cmp(hi, *middle)) {
len = half;
} else {
auto left = std::lower_bound(first, middle, lo, cmp);
auto right = std::upper_bound(middle+1, first+len, hi, cmp);
return {left, right};
return {first, first};
} // namespace otb
#endif // equal_range_interval_h
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include "otbRepack.h"
#include "otbSarSensorModelAdapter.h"
#include <itkContinuousIndex.h>
namespace otb
......@@ -36,6 +37,19 @@ auto TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(ImageType & im, typename ImageType::IndexType
return p;
template <typename IndexRep, typename ImageType>
auto TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(ImageType & im, typename ImageType::PointType const& p)
// There is no ImageType::ContinuousIndex in otb images
// => work around it
// static_assert(std::is_same<typename ImageType::IndexValueType, double>::value, "");
static_assert(ImageType::ImageDimension == 2, "");
itk::ContinuousIndex<IndexRep, ImageType::ImageDimension> index;
im.TransformPhysicalPointToContinuousIndex(p, index);
return index;
template <typename Point3DType>
auto WorldToCartesian(Point3DType const& lat_lon_hgt)
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbSARCartesianMeanFunctor2_h
#define otbSARCartesianMeanFunctor2_h
#include "otbSARPolygonsFunctor2.h"
#include "itkObject.h"
#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace otb
namespace Function
/** \class SARCartesianMeanFunctor
* \brief Catesian mean estimation.
* This functor is an implementation of SARPolygonsFunctor. It estimates the Cartesian coordonates mean image.
* The characteristics are the following :
* _ Output Geometry : ML (defined by ML factors)
* _ Seven required components : L, C, Y, Z, XCart, YCart and ZCart
* _ Four estimated components : Mean of XCart, YCart, ZCart and an isData mask
* _ Optionnal image : No
* \ingroup DiapOTBModule
template <class TInputPixel, class TOutputPixel>
class SARCartesianMeanFunctor : public SARPolygonsFunctor<TInputPixel, TOutputPixel>
/** Standard class typedefs */
using Self = SARCartesianMeanFunctor;
using Superclass = SARPolygonsFunctor<TInputPixel, TOutputPixel>;
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
using ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>;
/** Runtime information */
itkTypeMacro(SARCartesianMeanFunctor, itk::Object);
* Method SetRequiredComponentsToInd (override)
void SetRequiredComponentsToInd(std::map<std::string, int> const& mapForInd) final
std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = mapForInd.begin();
if (it->first == "L")
m_indL = it->second;
else if (it->first == "C")
m_indC = it->second;
else if (it->first == "Y")
m_indY = it->second;
else if (it->first == "Z")
m_indZ = it->second;
else if (it->first == "XCart")
m_indXCart = it->second;
else if (it->first == "YCart")
m_indYCart = it->second;
else if (it->first == "ZCart")
m_indZCart = it->second;
* Method initialize (override)
void initalize(otb::Span<TOutputPixel> outValue, int threadId=1) final
int const nbComponentsMax = this->GetNumberOfEstimatedComponents();
int const nbElt = outValue.size();
std::fill(std::begin(m_CountPolygons[threadId]), std::end(m_CountPolygons[threadId]), 0);
// Reserve Components into outValue and Initalize
for(int ind = 0; ind < nbElt; ind++)
if (outValue[ind].GetSize() != nbComponentsMax)
for (int iC = 0; iC < nbComponentsMax; iC++)
outValue[ind][iC] = 0;
* Method estimate (override)
void estimate(const int ind_LineSAR,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_InSideUp,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_InSideDown,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_OutSideUp,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_OutSideDown,
int firstCol_into_outputRegion,
otb::Span<TOutputPixel> outValue,
bool isFirstMaille, double & tgElevationMaxForCurrentLine,int threadId=1) final
// ML factor in range (to get SAR geometry (= Projeted DEM Pixel/Bands Geometry))
firstCol_into_outputRegion = m_originC + (firstCol_into_outputRegion - m_originC)*m_MLran;
int nbCol_into_outputRegion = outValue.size() * m_MLran;
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(nbCol_into_outputRegion+firstCol_into_outputRegion) >
(this->GetNbColSAR() + m_originC))
nbCol_into_outputRegion = this->GetNbColSAR() - firstCol_into_outputRegion + m_originC;
assert(threadId < m_CountPolygons.size());
auto & polygons_count = m_CountPolygons[threadId];
// Elevation angle (for shadow)
double tgElevationMax = 0.;
// Define the coef a and b
double a1 = CLZY_InSideUp[m_indL] - ind_LineSAR;
a1 /= CLZY_InSideUp[m_indL] - CLZY_InSideDown[m_indL];
double const b1 = 1-a1;
double const c1 = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indC] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indC];
double a2 = CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indL] - ind_LineSAR;
a2 /= (CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indL] - CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indL]);
double const b2 = 1-a2;
double const c2 = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indC] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indC];
// Caculate zE, yE, zS and yS
// Select input and output side for the current maille with c1 and c2 comparison
double zE = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indZ] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indZ];
double yE = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indY] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indY];
double xCartE = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indXCart] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indXCart];
double yCartE = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indYCart] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indYCart];
double zCartE = b2*CLZY_OutSideUp[m_indZCart] + a2*CLZY_OutSideDown[m_indZCart];
double zS = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indZ] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indZ];
double yS = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indY] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indY];
double xCartS = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indXCart] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indXCart];
double yCartS = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indYCart] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indYCart];
double zCartS = b1*CLZY_InSideUp[m_indZCart] + a1*CLZY_InSideDown[m_indZCart];
double cE = c2;
double cS = c1;
if (c2 >= c1)
std::swap(zE, zS);
std::swap(yE, yS);
std::swap(xCartE, xCartS);
std::swap(yCartE, yCartS);
std::swap(zCartE, zCartS);
std::swap(cE, cS);
double const dc = cS - cE;
// Colunm into // TODO: the current maille
int const col1 = int(std::min(cE, cS))+1; // +1 ?
int const col2 = int(std::max(cE, cS));
// tgElevationMax per mailles (not sure)
if (isFirstMaille)
tgElevationMax = (zE > 0.0) ? yE / zE : sign (1e20, yE);
if (tgElevationMax < 0.) tgElevationMax = 0.;
tgElevationMax = tgElevationMaxForCurrentLine;
// Loop on colunm
for (int k = std::max(col1, firstCol_into_outputRegion),
N = std::min(col2, nbCol_into_outputRegion+firstCol_into_outputRegion-1)
; k <= N; ++k)
double const a = (cS - k) / dc;
double const b = 1.0 - a;
double const Z = a * zE + b * zS;
double const Y = a * yE + b * yS;
double const XCart = a*xCartE + b*xCartS;
double const YCart = a*yCartE + b*yCartS;
double const ZCart = a*zCartE + b*zCartS;
double const tgElevation = (Z > 0.0) ? Y / Z : sign (1e20, Y);
// Check into shadows?
bool const not_in_shadows = tgElevation > tgElevationMax;
int const validity_flag = not_in_shadows ? 1 : 2;
if (not_in_shadows)
tgElevationMax = tgElevation;
// Contribution for this maille
int ind_for_out = k - firstCol_into_outputRegion;
// Into ML Geo if m_MLRan > 1
ind_for_out /= m_MLran; // Integer division
// Accumulate X, Y and Z Cartesian
assert(ind_for_out < outValue.size());
outValue[ind_for_out][0] += XCart;
outValue[ind_for_out][1] += YCart;
outValue[ind_for_out][2] += ZCart;
// Set isData at 1
outValue[ind_for_out][3] = validity_flag;
// Increment the counter
assert(ind_for_out < polygons_count.size());
polygons_count[ind_for_out] += 1;
// Store the tgElevationMax (for the next mailles)
tgElevationMaxForCurrentLine = tgElevationMax;
* Synthetize to apply on `XCart,` `YCart `and `ZCart` the counter of polygons.
void synthetize(otb::Span<TOutputPixel> outValue, int threadId=1) final
assert(threadId < m_CountPolygons.size());
auto const& polygons_count = m_CountPolygons[threadId];
for(int ind = 0, nbElt = outValue.size(); ind < nbElt; ind++)
assert(ind < polygons_count.size());
if (polygons_count[ind] !=0)
outValue[ind][0] /= polygons_count[ind];
outValue[ind][1] /= polygons_count[ind];
outValue[ind][2] /= polygons_count[ind];
// default constructor
SARCartesianMeanFunctor() = delete;
/** Constructor */ //
SARCartesianMeanFunctor(int nbThreads, unsigned int mlran = 1, unsigned int mlazi = 1,
unsigned int originC = 0)
: m_NbThreads(nbThreads)
, m_CountPolygons(m_NbThreads) // Allocate the buffer of polygons for each thread
, m_MLran( mlran )
, m_MLazi( mlazi )
, m_originC( originC )
// Global argument (from PolygonsFunctor)
this->SetNumberOfExpectedComponents(7); // expected components in input = 7
this->SetNumberOfEstimatedComponents(4); // estimated components in output = 4
if (m_MLran == 1 && m_MLazi == 1)
// Set the vector of Required Components
std::vector<std::string> vecComponents{
"C", "L", "Z", "Y", "XCart", "YCart", "ZCart"};
std::vector<std::string> estimatedComponents{"XCart", "YCart", "ZCart", "isData"};
using Superclass::GetOutputGeometry;
* Method GetOutputGeometry (override)
void GetOutputGeometry(std::string & outputGeo, unsigned int & mlran, unsigned int & mlazi) final
if (m_MLran == 1 && m_MLazi == 1)
outputGeo = "SAR";
outputGeo = "ML";
mlran = m_MLran;
mlazi = m_MLazi;
// Redefinition to use construction with NumberOfThreads and ML factor (Functor used in Multi-Threading)
static Pointer New(int nbThreads, unsigned int mlran = 1, unsigned int mlazi = 1, unsigned int originC = 0)
Pointer smartPtr = ::itk::ObjectFactory< Self >::Create();
if ( smartPtr == nullptr )
smartPtr = new Self(nbThreads, mlran, mlazi, originC);
return smartPtr;
/** Destructor */
~SARCartesianMeanFunctor() final = default;
protected :
int m_NbThreads;
std::vector<std::vector<int>> m_CountPolygons;
// Index for each components
int m_indL;
int m_indC;
int m_indZ;
int m_indY;
int m_indXCart;
int m_indYCart;
int m_indZCart;
// ML factors
unsigned int m_MLran;
unsigned int m_MLazi;
// Origin for range dimension
unsigned int m_originC;
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbSARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter2_h
#define otbSARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter2_h
#include "otbSpan.h"
#include "otbImageKeywordlist.h"
#include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
#include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
#include "itkSmartPointer.h"
#include "itkPoint.h"
#include "itkImageScanlineConstIterator.h"
#include "itkImageScanlineIterator.h"
#include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace otb
/** \class SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter
* \brief Analyses the projected DEM.
* This filter :
* _ builds polygons with projected DEM points.
* _ select DEM polygons thanks to intersection with each SAR line.
* _ scan all selected polygons to extract wanted information for each pixel into output geometry. The "wanted
* information" is defined by the TFunction. This functor has to be instanciated outside this filter and is set
* with SetFunctorPtr.
* This filter can be used to estimate the amplitude image of a SAR image. Two kinds of output geometries are
* available : SAR geometry (same as TImageSAR) or ML geometry (thanks to ML factors). A optional image defined
* as a vector can be estimated.
* The output geometry and the optional image are required by the functor itself. Outputs can be a simple images
* or vector images.
* \ingroup DiapOTBModule
template <typename TImageIn, typename TImageOut, typename TImageDEM, typename TImageSAR, typename TFunction>
class ITK_EXPORT SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter
: public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageIn,TImageOut>
// Standard class typedefs
using Self = SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter;
using Superclass = itk::ImageToImageFilter<TImageIn,TImageOut>;
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
using ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>;
// Method for creation through object factory
// Run-time type information
/** Typedef to image input type : otb::VectorImage */
using ImageInType = TImageIn;
/** Typedef to describe the inout image pointer type. */
using ImageInPointer = typename ImageInType::Pointer;
using ImageInConstPointer = typename ImageInType::ConstPointer;
/** Typedef to describe the inout image region type. */
using ImageInRegionType = typename ImageInType::RegionType;
/** Typedef to describe the type of pixel and point for inout image. */
using ImageInPixelType = typename ImageInType::PixelType;
using ImageInPointType = typename ImageInType::PointType;
using ImageInSubPixelType = typename ImageInType::InternalPixelType;
static_assert(std::is_floating_point<ImageInSubPixelType>::value, "float or double!");
using FastPixelType = ImageInSubPixelType const*;
/** Typedef to describe the image index, size types and spacing for inout image. */
using ImageInIndexType = typename ImageInType::IndexType;
using ImageInIndexValueType = typename ImageInType::IndexValueType;
using ImageInSizeType = typename ImageInType::SizeType;
using ImageInSizeValueType = typename ImageInType::SizeValueType;
using ImageInSpacingType = typename ImageInType::SpacingType;
using ImageInSpacingValueType = typename ImageInType::SpacingValueType;
/** Typedef to image output type : otb::Image or otb::VectorImage with SAR or ML geometry */
using ImageOutType = TImageOut;
/** Typedef to describe the output image pointer type. */
using ImageOutPointer = typename ImageOutType::Pointer;
using ImageOutConstPointer = typename ImageOutType::ConstPointer;
/** Typedef to describe the output image region type. */
using ImageOutRegionType = typename ImageOutType::RegionType;
/** Typedef to describe the type of pixel and point for output image. */
using ImageOutPixelType = typename ImageOutType::PixelType;
using ImageOutPointType = typename ImageOutType::PointType;
/** Typedef to describe the image index, size types and spacing for output image. */
using ImageOutIndexType = typename ImageOutType::IndexType;
using ImageOutIndexValueType = typename ImageOutType::IndexValueType;
using ImageOutSizeType = typename ImageOutType::SizeType;
using ImageOutSizeValueType = typename ImageOutType::SizeValueType;
using ImageOutSpacingType = typename ImageOutType::SpacingType;
using ImageOutSpacingValueType = typename ImageOutType::SpacingValueType;
/** Typedef to optionnal image output type : otb::Image or otb::VectorImage. This output is a vector
* with dimensions 1 x nbLineOfMainOutput */
using ImageOptionnalType = TImageOut;
/** Typedef to describe the optionnal output image pointer type. */
using ImageOptionnalPointer = typename ImageOptionnalType::Pointer;
using ImageOptionnalConstPointer = typename ImageOptionnalType::ConstPointer;
using ImageOptionnalRegionType = typename ImageOptionnalType::RegionType;
using ImageOptionnalIndexType = typename ImageOptionnalType::IndexType;
using ImageOptionnalSizeType = typename ImageOptionnalType::SizeType;
/** Typedef to DEM image type : otb::Image with DEM geometry (only metadata) */
using ImageDEMType = TImageDEM;
using ImageDEMPointer = typename ImageDEMType::Pointer;
/** Typedef to SAR image type : otb::Image with SAR geometry (only metadata) */
using ImageSARType = TImageSAR;
using ImageSARPointer = typename ImageSARType::Pointer;
// Define Point2DType and Point3DType
using Point2DType = itk::Point<double,2>;
using Point3DType = itk::Point<double,3>;
// Define RSTRansform For Localisation inverse (SAR to DEM)
using RSTransformType2D = otb::GenericRSTransform<double,2,2>;
using FunctionType = TFunction;
using FunctionPointer = typename FunctionType::Pointer;
// Typedef for iterators
using InputIterator = itk::ImageScanlineConstIterator< ImageInType >;
using OutputIterator = itk::ImageScanlineIterator< ImageOutType >;
using OutputOptIterator = itk::ImageRegionIterator< ImageOutType >;
// Setter
void SetSARImageKeyWorList(ImageKeywordlist const& sarImageKWL);
void SetSARImagePtr(ImageSARPointer sarPtr);
void SetDEMImagePtr(ImageDEMPointer demPtr);
void SetDEMInformation(double gain, int DEMDirC, int DEMDirL);
void SetFunctorPtr(FunctionPointer functor);
itkSetMacro(NoData, int);
// Getter
itkGetConstMacro(Gain, double);
itkGetMacro(NoData, int);
// Initialize margin and GenericRSTransform
void initializeMarginAndRSTransform();
// Default Constructor
SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter() = default;
// Destructor
~SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter() final = default;
// Print
void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, itk::Indent indent) const final;
* SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter produces an image which are into SAR geometry or ML geometry.
* The differences between output and input images are the size of images and the dimensions. The input image
* are a otb::VectorImage and the output can be a classic image or a vector image.
* As such, SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for
* GenerateOutputInformation() in order to inform the pipeline execution model.
void GenerateOutputInformation() final;
* SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter needs a input requested region that corresponds to the projection
* into our main output requested region.
* As such, SARQuadraticAveragingImageFilter needs to provide an implementation for
* GenerateInputRequestedRegion() in order to inform the pipeline execution model.
* \sa `ProcessObject::GenerateInputRequestedRegion()`
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion() final;
* OutputRegionToInputRegion returns the input region. This input region corresponds to the outputRegion.
ImageInRegionType OutputRegionToInputRegion(const ImageOutRegionType& outputRegion) const;
void BeforeThreadedGenerateData() final;
* SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter can be implemented as a multithreaded filter.
* Therefore, this implementation provides a ThreadedGenerateData() routine
* which is called for each processing thread. The main output image data is
* allocated automatically by the superclass prior to calling
* ThreadedGenerateData(). ThreadedGenerateData can only write to the
* portion of the output image specified by the parameter
* "outputRegionForThread"
* \sa `ImageToImageFilter::ThreadedGenerateData()`,
* `ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData()`
void ThreadedGenerateData(const ImageOutRegionType& outputRegionForThread, itk::ThreadIdType threadId) final;
* Select for the current SAR Line (ind_LineSAR), the polygons that intersect the current SAR line.
* This selection is always made with the SAR Line (even in ML geometry for the main output).
bool PolygonAndSarLineIntersection(const int ind_LineSAR,
const ImageInSubPixelType ligUL, const ImageInSubPixelType colUL,
const ImageInSubPixelType ligUR, const ImageInSubPixelType colUR,
const ImageInSubPixelType ligLR, const ImageInSubPixelType colLR,
const ImageInSubPixelType ligLL, const ImageInSubPixelType colLL,
int & i_InSideUp, int & i_InSideDown,
int & i_OutSideUp, int & i_OutSideDown);
* Scan all selected polygons and apply on it, the choosen functor.
void PolygonsScan(const int ind_LineSAR,
std::vector<std::vector<FastPixelType> const*> const& CLZY_InSideUp_Vec,
std::vector<std::vector<FastPixelType> const*> const& CLZY_InSideDown_Vec,
std::vector<std::vector<FastPixelType> const*> const& CLZY_OutSideUp_Vec,
std::vector<std::vector<FastPixelType> const*> const& CLZY_OutSideDown_Vec,
int firstCol_into_outputRegion,
otb::Span<ImageOutPixelType> outValueTab, int threadId);
SARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter(const Self&) = delete;
Self& operator=(const Self &) = delete;
// SAR Image (only metadata)
ImageSARPointer m_SarImagePtr;
// DEM Image (only metadata)
ImageDEMPointer m_DemImagePtr;
// SAR Image KeyWorldList
ImageKeywordlist m_SarImageKwl;
// Multiplying gain to obtain a mean radiometry at 100
double m_Gain = 100.;
// Directions to scan the DEM in function of SAR geometry (from near to far range)
int m_DEMdirL;
int m_DEMdirC;
// Margin for polygon selection
int m_Margin = 0;
// Value for NoDATA
int m_NoData = -32768;
// Function to apply on DEM Polygon
FunctionPointer m_FunctionOnPolygon;
// Output Geometry (SAR or ML)
std::string m_OutGeometry;
// ML factor (for ML geometry)
unsigned int m_MLRan = 1;
unsigned int m_MLAzi = 1;
// Sar dimensions
int m_NbLinesSAR;
int m_NbColSAR;
// RSTransform (for inverse localisation)
RSTransformType2D::Pointer m_RSTransform;
std::vector<bool> m_is_lineX_sorted;
bool m_all_lines_are_sorted = false;
} // End namespace otb
#include "otbSARDEMPolygonsAnalysisImageFilter2.hxx"
This diff is collapsed.
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbSARPolygonsFunctor2_h
#define otbSARPolygonsFunctor2_h
#include "otbSpan.h"
#include "itkObject.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
{ // Anonymous namespace
template <typename F>
F sign(F a, F b)
return b >= 0
? std::fabs(a)
} // Anonymous namespace
namespace otb
namespace Function
/** \class SARPolygonsFunctor
* \brief Base class for functor used on polygons into SARDEMPolygonsAnalysis
* This base class contains four main functions:
* - initialize : to initialize the outValue array (one for each output line). Initialize a simple array by default.
* - estimate : to calculate the outValue array. Has to be implemented.
* - synthetize : to synthetize the estimation made into estimate function.
* Useful to calculate mean, for example. Empty By default.
* - estimateOptionnalImage : to estimate the optionnal image. Empty By default.
* Several setter/getter are available to specify each functor.
* For example each functor can choose :
* - The main output geometry (SAR or ML)
* - The required components into projeted DEM
* - The estimated components
* - The optionnal image estimation
* \sa PolygonsFunctor
* \ingroup DiapOTBModule
template <class TInputPixel, class TOutputPixel>
class SARPolygonsFunctor : public itk::Object
/** Standard class typedefs */
using Self = SARPolygonsFunctor;
using Superclass = itk::Object;
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
using ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>;
/** Runtime information */
itkTypeMacro(SARPolygonsFunctor, itk::Object);
// Initialize method
virtual void initalize(otb::Span<TOutputPixel> outValue, int /*threadId=1*/)
// Re Initialize outValue
std::fill(std::begin(outValue), std::end(outValue), TOutputPixel{});
// Estimate method
virtual void estimate(const int ind_LineSAR,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_InSideUp,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_InSideDown,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_OutSideUp,
TInputPixel const& CLZY_OutSideDown,
int firstCol_into_outputRegion,
otb::Span<TOutputPixel> outValue,
bool isFirstMaille, double & tgElevationMaxForCurrentLine, int threadId=1) = 0;
// Synthetize method
virtual void synthetize(otb::Span<TOutputPixel> , int /*threadId=1*/) = 0;
// estimateOptionnalImage method
virtual void estimateOptionnalImage(TOutputPixel * /*outValue*/, int /*threadId=1*/) {}
// Getter/Setter
itkSetMacro(NumberOfExpectedComponents, unsigned int);
itkSetMacro(NumberOfEstimatedComponents, unsigned int);
itkSetMacro(OutputGeometry, std::string);
itkSetMacro(WithOptionnalOutput, bool);
void SetEstimatedComponents(std::vector<std::string> vecEstimated)
m_EstimatedComponents = move(vecEstimated);
void SetRequiredComponents(std::vector<std::string> vecRequired)
m_RequiredComponents = move(vecRequired);
void SetSARDimensions(int nbColSAR, int nbLinesSAR)
m_NbColSAR = nbColSAR;
m_NbLinesSAR = nbLinesSAR;
virtual void SetRequiredComponentsToInd(std::map<std::string, int> const& mapForInd)
std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = mapForInd.begin();
m_RequiredComponentsToInd[it->first] = it->second;
itkGetMacro(NumberOfExpectedComponents, unsigned int);
itkGetMacro(NumberOfEstimatedComponents, unsigned int);
itkGetMacro(EstimatedComponents, std::vector<std::string>);
itkGetMacro(RequiredComponents, std::vector<std::string>);
itkGetMacro(OutputGeometry, std::string);
itkGetMacro(NbColSAR, int);
itkGetMacro(NbLinesSAR, int);
itkGetMacro(WithOptionnalOutput, bool);
virtual void GetOutputGeometry(std::string & outputGeo, unsigned int & mlran, unsigned int & mlazi)
outputGeo = m_OutputGeometry;
mlran = 1;
mlazi = 1;
std::map<std::string, int> & GetRequiredComponentsToInd() const
return m_RequiredComponentsToInd;
/** Default constructor */
SARPolygonsFunctor() = default;
/** Destructor */
~SARPolygonsFunctor() override = default;
private :
// Number of expected Components for input
unsigned m_NumberOfExpectedComponents = 1;
// Number of estimated Components for output
unsigned m_NumberOfEstimatedComponents = 1;
// Geometry of output image into PolygonsAnalysis Filter (SAR or Polygons)
std::string m_OutputGeometry = "SAR";
// Vector of required Components
std::vector<std::string> m_RequiredComponents;
// Map of required Components
std::map<std::string, int> m_RequiredComponentsToInd;
// Vector of estimated Components
std::vector<std::string> m_EstimatedComponents;
// SAR Dimensions
int m_NbColSAR;
int m_NbLinesSAR;
// Boolean for optionnal output
bool m_WithOptionnalOutput = false; // Optionnal output must be a complement of the main output (small image)
* Copyright (C) 2005-2022 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbVLVPointVLVPointIterator_h
#define otbVLVPointVLVPointIterator_h
#include "itkVariableLengthVector.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
namespace otb
* C++ standard compliant iterator for contiguous arrays of
* `itk::VariableLengthVector`.
* This minimalist iterator permits the building block to define iterable
* ranges over set of `itk::VariableLengthVector` that can then be used in C++
* standards algorithms.
* \internal The important part is that `+1` needs to take the number of
* components/bands into account.
* \tparam T sub-pixel data type
template <typename T>
struct VLVPointIterator
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = itk::VariableLengthVector<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>;
explicit VLVPointIterator(T* p, unsigned nb_bands) noexcept
: m_p(p), m_nb_bands(nb_bands)
VLVPointIterator& operator+=(difference_type o) noexcept {
m_p += o * m_nb_bands;
return *this;
friend VLVPointIterator operator+(VLVPointIterator it, difference_type o) noexcept {
it += o;
return it;
friend VLVPointIterator operator+(difference_type o, VLVPointIterator it) noexcept {
it += o;
return it;
VLVPointIterator& operator-=(difference_type o) noexcept {
m_p -= o * m_nb_bands;
return *this;
friend VLVPointIterator operator-(VLVPointIterator it, difference_type o) noexcept {
it -= o;
return it;
friend difference_type operator-(VLVPointIterator const& lhs, VLVPointIterator const& rhs) noexcept {
assert(lhs.m_nb_bands == rhs.m_nb_bands);
return (lhs.m_p - rhs.m_p) / lhs.m_nb_bands;
VLVPointIterator& operator++() noexcept {
m_p += m_nb_bands;
return *this;
VLVPointIterator operator++(int) noexcept {
auto tmp = *this;
m_p += m_nb_bands;
return tmp;
VLVPointIterator& operator--() noexcept {
m_p -= m_nb_bands;
return *this;
VLVPointIterator operator--(int) noexcept {
auto tmp = *this;
m_p -= m_nb_bands;
return tmp;
#if 0
T& operator[](unsigned p) noexcept {
assert(p < m_nb_bands);
return m_p[p];
T const& operator[](unsigned p) const noexcept {
assert(p < m_nb_bands);
return m_p[p];
reference operator*() const noexcept {
return itk::VariableLengthVector<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type>(m_p, m_nb_bands);
decltype(auto) data() const noexcept { return m_p; }
friend bool operator==(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p == lhs.m_p; }
friend bool operator!=(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p != lhs.m_p; }
friend bool operator<=(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p <= lhs.m_p; }
friend bool operator<(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p < lhs.m_p; }
friend bool operator>(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p > lhs.m_p; }
friend bool operator>=(VLVPointIterator const& rhs, VLVPointIterator const& lhs) noexcept
{ return rhs.m_p >= lhs.m_p; }
// itk::VariableLengthVector<typename std::remove_cv<T>::type> operator*() noexcept {
// return itk::VariableLengthVector<T>(m_p, m_nb_bands);
// }
T* m_p;
unsigned m_nb_bands;
} // otb namespace
#endif // otbVLVPointVLVPointIterator_h
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