Add parameter to select S1 platform identifier
To select the identifier of the platform (S1A or S1B), we need to add a parameter in the config file.
This parameter is optional. Value can be "S1A", "S1B" "S1C" or "S1D", or a list of these values, separated by a comma.
In the, we just need to add a filter like that:
# Filter relative_orbits -- if it could not be done earlier in the search() request.
if len(relative_orbit_list) > 1:
filtered_products = []
for rel_orbit in relative_orbit_list:
products = filtered_products
# Filter platform .
if len(platform_list) > 1:
filtered_products = []
for platform in platform_list:
filtered_products.extend(products.filter_property(platformSerialIdentifier=platform ))
products = filtered_products