Program: ORFEO Toolbox
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef __otbPolygon_txx
#define __otbPolygon_txx
#include "otbPolygon.h"
namespace otb
template<class TValue>
* Check wether point is strictly inside the polygon.
* \param point The point to check.
* \return True if the point is inside the polygon.
template<class TValue>
::IsInside(VertexType point) const
double x = point[0];
double y = point[1];
unsigned int crossingCount = 0;
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
while (it != this->GetVertexList()->End())
double xb = it.Value()[0];
double yb = it.Value()[1];
double xcross = xa + (xb - xa) * (y - ya) / (yb - ya);
if (ya > yb && xcross > x && y >= yb && y < ya)
double xb = this->GetVertexList()->Begin().Value()[0];
double yb = this->GetVertexList()->Begin().Value()[1];
double xcross = xa + (xb - xa) * (y - ya) / (yb - ya);
if (ya > yb && xcross > x && y >= yb && y < ya)
//std::cout<<"Crossing count: "<<crossingCount<<std::endl;
* Check wether point is strictly on the edge of the polygon.
* \param point The point to check.
* \return True if the point is on the edge of the polygon.
template<class TValue>
::IsOnEdge(VertexType point) const
//std::cout<<"Checking point "<<point<<std::endl;
bool resp = false;
double x = point[0];
double y = point[1];
double xb, yb;
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
double xa = it.Value()[0];
double ya = it.Value()[1];
double xbegin = xa;
double ybegin = ya;
while (!resp && it != this->GetVertexList()->End())
xb = it.Value()[0];
yb = it.Value()[1];
double cd = (yb - ya) / (xb - xa);
double oo = (ya - cd * xa);
double xmin = std::min(xa, xb);
double xmax = std::max(xa, xb);
if ((vcl_abs(y - cd * x - oo) < m_Epsilon)
&& (x <= xmax)
&& (x >= xmin))
//std::cout<<"Case 1: Point is on segment "<<xa<<", "<<ya<<" <-> "<<xb<<", "<<yb<<std::endl;
resp = true;
double ymin = std::min(ya, yb);
double ymax = std::max(ya, yb);
if ((vcl_abs(x - xa) < m_Epsilon)
&& (y <= ymax)
&& (y >= ymin))
resp = true;
//std::cout<<"Case 2: Point is on segment "<<xa<<", "<<ya<<" <-> "<<xb<<", "<<yb<<std::endl;
xb = xbegin;
yb = ybegin;
if (vcl_abs(xb - xa) >= m_Epsilon)
double cd = (yb - ya) / (xb - xa);
if ((vcl_abs(y - cd * x - oo) < m_Epsilon)
&& (x <= xmax)
&& (x >= xmin))
resp = true;
//std::cout<<"Case 1: Point is on segment "<<xa<<", "<<ya<<" <-> "<<xb<<", "<<yb<<std::endl;
double ymin = std::min(ya, yb);
double ymax = std::max(ya, yb);
if ((vcl_abs(x - xa) <= m_Epsilon)
&& (y <= ymax)
&& (y >= ymin))
resp = true;
//std::cout<<"Case 2: Point is on segment "<<xa<<", "<<ya<<" <-> "<<xb<<", "<<yb<<std::endl;
//std::cout<<"Result: "<<resp<<std::endl;
return resp;
* Returns the number of crossings of the polygon with a given segment.
* \param a First point of the segment,
* \param b Second point of the segment,
* \return the number of strict crossings of segment [ab] with the polygon.
template<class TValue>
unsigned int
::NbCrossing(VertexType a, VertexType b) const
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
VertexListConstIteratorType it_end = this->GetVertexList()->End();
//std::cout<<"Testing Is crossing "<<a<<" "<<b<<current<<it.Value()<<" = "<<IsCrossing(a, b, current, it.Value())<<std::endl;
//std::cout<<"Testing Is crossing "<<a<<" "<<b<<current<<first<<" = "<<IsCrossing(a, b, current, first)<<std::endl;
return resp;
* Returns the number of touchings without crossing of the polygon with a given segment.
* \param a First point of the segment,
* \param b Second point of the segment,
* \return the number of touchings without crossing of segment [ab] with the polygon.
template<class TValue>
::NbTouching(VertexType a, VertexType b) const
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
VertexListConstIteratorType it_end = this->GetVertexList()->End();
//std::cout<<"IsTouching "<<a<<" "<<b<<", "<<current<<" "<<it.Value()<<" -> "<<IsTouching(a, b, current, it.Value())<<std::endl;
//std::cout<<"IsTouching "<<a<<" "<<b<<", "<<current<<" "<<first<<" -> "<<IsTouching(a, b, current, first)<<std::endl;
return resp;
* Check wether two segments [a1a2] and [b1b2] are strictly crossing.
* \param a1 First point of the first segment,
* \param a1 Second point of the first segment,
* \param a1 First point of the second segment,
* \param a1 Second point of the second segment.
* \return True if the two segments are strictly crossing.
template<class TValue>
::IsCrossing(VertexType a1, VertexType a2, VertexType b1, VertexType b2) const
bool resp = false;
double xbmin = std::min(b1[0], b2[0]);
double xbmax = std::max(b1[0], b2[0]);
double ybmin = std::min(b1[1], b2[1]);
double ybmax = std::max(b1[1], b2[1]);
double xamin = std::min(a1[0], a2[0]);
double xamax = std::max(a1[0], a2[0]);
double yamin = std::min(a1[1], a2[1]);
double yamax = std::max(a1[1], a2[1]);
if (vcl_abs(a1[0] - a2[0]) < m_Epsilon && vcl_abs(b1[0] - b2[0]) < m_Epsilon)
double cd2 = (b2[1] - b1[1]) / (b2[0] - b1[0]);
double oo2 = b1[1] - cd2 * b1[0];
double ycross = cd2 * a1[0] + oo2;
resp = (xbmin <a1[0] && xbmax> a1[0]
&& yamin <ycross && yamax> ycross);
else if (vcl_abs(b1[0] - b2[0]) < m_Epsilon)
double cd1 = (a2[1] - a1[1]) / (a2[0] - a1[0]);
double oo1 = a1[1] - cd1 * a1[0];
double ycross = cd1 * b1[0] + oo1;
resp = (xamin <b1[0] && xamax> b1[0]
&& ybmin <ycross && ybmax> ycross);
double cd1 = (a2[1] - a1[1]) / (a2[0] - a1[0]);
double oo1 = a1[1] - cd1 * a1[0];
double cd2 = (b2[1] - b1[1]) / (b2[0] - b1[0]);
double oo2 = b1[1] - cd2 * b1[0];
if (cd1 != cd2)
double xcross = (oo2 - oo1) / (cd1 - cd2);
return resp;
* Check wether two segments[a1a2] and [b1b2] are touching without crossing.
* \param a1 First point of the first segment,
* \param a1 Second point of the first segment,
* \param a1 First point of the second segment,
* \param a1 Second point of the second segment.
* \return True if the two segments are touching without crossing.
template<class TValue>
::IsTouching(VertexType a1, VertexType a2, VertexType b1, VertexType b2) const
bool resp = false;
double xbmin = std::min(b1[0], b2[0]);
double xbmax = std::max(b1[0], b2[0]);
double ybmin = std::min(b1[1], b2[1]);
double ybmax = std::max(b1[1], b2[1]);
double xamin = std::min(a1[0], a2[0]);
double xamax = std::max(a1[0], a2[0]);
double yamin = std::min(a1[1], a2[1]);
double yamax = std::max(a1[1], a2[1]);
if (vcl_abs(a1[0] - a2[0]) < m_Epsilon && vcl_abs(b1[0] - b2[0]) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (vcl_abs(a1[0] - b1[0]) < m_Epsilon)
&& ((a1[1] <= ybmax && a1[1] >= ybmin)
|| (a2[1] <= ybmax && a2[1] >= ybmin)
|| (b1[1] <= yamax && b1[1] >= yamin)
|| (b2[1] <= yamax && b2[1] >= yamin));
else if (vcl_abs(a1[0] - a2[0]) < m_Epsilon)
double cd2 = (b2[1] - b1[1]) / (b2[0] - b1[0]);
double oo2 = b1[1] - cd2 * b1[0];
if (vcl_abs(a1[1] - cd2 * a1[0] - oo2) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (a1[0] >= xbmin && a1[0] <= xbmax);
else if (vcl_abs(a2[1] - cd2 * a2[0] - oo2) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (a2[0] >= xbmin && a2[0] <= xbmax);
double cd1 = (a2[1] - a1[1]) / (a2[0] - a1[0]);
double oo1 = a1[1] - cd1 * a1[0];
if (vcl_abs(b1[1] - cd1 * b1[0] - oo1) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (b1[0] >= xamin && b1[0] <= xamax);
else if (vcl_abs(b2[1] - cd1 * b2[0] - oo1) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (b2[0] >= xamin && b2[0] <= xamax);
double cd1 = (a2[1] - a1[1]) / (a2[0] - a1[0]);
double oo1 = a1[1] - cd1 * a1[0];
double cd2 = (b2[1] - b1[1]) / (b2[0] - b1[0]);
double oo2 = b1[1] - cd2 * b1[0];
resp = ((xamin <= xbmax && xamin >= xbmin)
|| (xamax <= xbmax && xamax >= xbmin)
|| (xbmin <= xamax && xbmin >= xamin)
|| (xbmax <= xamax && xbmax >= xamin));
if (vcl_abs(a1[1] - cd2 * a1[0] - oo2) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (a1[0] >= xbmin && a1[0] <= xbmax);
else if (vcl_abs(a2[1] - cd2 * a2[0] - oo2) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (a2[0] >= xbmin && a2[0] <= xbmax);
if (vcl_abs(b1[1] - cd1 * b1[0] - oo1) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (b1[0] >= xamin && b1[0] <= xamax);
else if (vcl_abs(b2[1] - cd1 * b2[0] - oo1) < m_Epsilon)
resp = (b2[0] >= xamin && b2[0] <= xamax);
return resp;
Cyrille Valladeau
* Area computation (for non convex polygons as well)
template<class TValue>
::ComputeArea() const
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
VertexType origin = it.Value();
VertexType pt1 = it.Value();
VertexType pt2 = it.Value();
while (it != this->GetVertexList()->End())
double vector1x = pt1[0] - origin[0];
double vector1y = pt1[1] - origin[1];
double vector2x = pt2[0] - origin[0];
double vector2y = pt2[1] - origin[1];
area += crossProdduct;
else //if there is strictly less than 3 points, surface is 0
m_Area = 0.0;
m_AreaIsValid = true;
* Get surface
template<class TValue>
if (!m_AreaIsValid)
return m_Area;
Emmanuel Christophe
* Length computation (difference with path is in the last addition)
Emmanuel Christophe
double Polygon<TValue>
::GetLength() const
Emmanuel Christophe
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexListConstIteratorType it = this->GetVertexList()->Begin();
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexType origin = it.Value();
Emmanuel Christophe
Emmanuel Christophe
VertexType pt2 = it.Value();
while (it != this->GetVertexList()->End())
Emmanuel Christophe
pt1 = pt2;
pt2 = it.Value();
double accum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
accum += (pt1[i] - pt2[i]) * (pt1[i] - pt2[i]);
Emmanuel Christophe
length += vcl_sqrt(accum);
Emmanuel Christophe
//Adding the last segment (between first and last point)
double accum = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
accum += (origin[i] - pt2[i]) * (origin[i] - pt2[i]);
Emmanuel Christophe
length += vcl_sqrt(accum);
Emmanuel Christophe
else //if there is strictly less than 2 points, length is 0
Emmanuel Christophe
length = 0.0;
Emmanuel Christophe
return length;
template <class TValue>
Emmanuel Christophe
* PrintSelf Method
template<class TValue>
::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
Cyrille Valladeau
} // End namespace otb