- Sep 29, 2020
Bas Couwenberg authored
* regulary -> regularly * precense -> presence * speficier -> specifier
- Jan 14, 2019
Julien Michel authored
- Oct 24, 2017
Julien Michel authored
- Mar 08, 2017
Sébastien Dinot authored
Sébastien Dinot authored
- Aug 01, 2016
Luc Hermitte authored
Luc Hermitte authored
- Jul 05, 2016
Guillaume Pasero authored
- Jul 04, 2016
Luc Hermitte authored
- Jun 16, 2016
Luc Hermitte authored
A Julian Date is a fraction of a day, not of a second.
- May 31, 2016
Luc Hermitte authored
- Add `ModifiedJulianDate` and `Duration` classes - Fast conversion function from `"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.subsec"` to modified julian date. Result is 6 times faster than `ossimLocalTm::setIso8601()` - Benchmark for new `ossim::toModifiedJulianDate()` Note, the microbenchmark requires google.benchmark (http://github.com/google/benchmark). It will be ignored (not compiled) if this library cannot be found. To use it, install it somewhere, and run cmake with for instance ``` GBenchmark_DIR=~/local/benchmark/ cmake . -DFIND_COTS_DEBUG=true cmake . -DGBenchmark_DIR=~/local/benchmark/ ``` (in the case google.benchmark has been installed into `$HOME/local/benchmark`).