Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 1506-refactor-MapProjectionAdapter
- 1506-remove-unused-classes
- 1506-remove-unused-classes-take2
- 1509-support-for-otb-provider-plugin-in-qgis
- 1517-compilation-error-in-debug-in-ossimsarsensormodel
- 1535-clang-otbwrapperoutputimageparameter-cxx-o-file-not-recognized-file-format-not-recognized
- 1548-fix-skipcarto
- 1550-limit-push-on-develop
- 1561-logger-composite-app
- 1563-srs-comparison-in-sampleselection-is-faulty
- 1603-rfc-semantic-versioning
- 1619-coverity-link-broken-on-readme-md
- 1627-change-screenshot-with-wrong-band-order-in-pleiades-images
- 1646-qt5-signal-slot
- 1649-extern-templates
- 1649-extern-templates-take2
- 1649-swap-iostream-with-iosfwd
- 1649-wrapper-application
- 1652_FineRegistration_correction
- 1655-move-otbexternalmoduletemplate
- Tags 20
- 6.6.0
- 6.6.0-rc4
- 6.6.0-rc3
- 6.6.0-rc2
- 6.6.0-rc1
- 6.4.0
- 6.4.0-rc1
- 6.2.0
- 6.2.0-rc1
- 6.0.0
- 6.0.0-rc1
- 5.10.1
- 5.10.0
- 5.8.0
- 5.6.1
- 5.6.0
- mvd-3.4.0-rc1
- 5.6.0-rc1
- 5.4.0
- mvd-3.2.0-rc1
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