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  • Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    OTB-v.3.14.0 - Changes since version 3.12.0 (2012/07/09)
    * Library
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New MeanShift implementation
        * Add MeanShiftSmoothingImageFilter class with threading support
        * Add MeanShiftKernels class
        * Add MeanShiftConnectedComponentSegmentationFilter class to
          concatenate MeanShift filter and connected component
        * Add MeanShiftSegmentationFilter which performs segmentation of an
          image by chaining a mean shift filter and region merging filter.
        * Move MeanShiftVectorImageFilterExample to
        * MeanShiftImageFilter and MeanShiftVectorImageFilter are now
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OGR encapsulation for use in large-scale segmentation framework
        * Add a method converting a DataTree node to a list of OGRLayer*
        * Add OGRDataSourceWrapper, OGRDriversInit, OGRLayerWrapper,
          OGRFieldWrapper, OGRFeatureWrapper, OGRGeometryWrapper and OGR
          classes to encapsulate OGR in the otb namespace
        * Add GeometriesProjectionFilter, GeometriesSet, GeometriesSource and
          GeometriesToGeometriesFilter classes to encapsulate OGR Geometries
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add OGRHelpers class for easier conversion to OGR string
        * Add GeometriesProjectionFilter filter to
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add ImageReference, OGRGeometriesVisitor classes
      * Large-scale Segmentation Framework (OBIA)
        * Create a new repository Segmentation
        * Add GdalDataTypeBridge
        * Add LabelImageToVectorDataFilter class
        * Add StreamingImageToOGRLayerSegmentationFilter class which allow
          stream segmentation and vectorization of the output label image
          (based on OGRWrappers)
        * Add LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter class to use GDALPolygonize
          method to transform a Label image into a OGRDataSource
        * Add PersistentImageToOGRDataFilter class. This class is a generic
          PersistentImageFilter, which encapsulate any filter which produces
          OGR data from an input Image
        * Add option 4Connected/8Connected for Polygonization in
          LabelImageToVectorDataFilter and LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter
        * Add OGRLayerStreamStitchingFilter class to make fusion of geometries
          in a layer (ogr) along streaming lines (based on OGRWrappers).
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add LabelImageRegionMergingFilter class
        * Add Example about OGRWrappers and HooverMetrics
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Pleiades Support
        * enhance support of PHR data with DIMAPv2 official root_tag
        * manage all cases from geotransform return by GDALJP2metadata
        * enhance support of PHR data with GML box and Sensor Model
        * Add TileImageFilter to support mosaic tiled images
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Support of TIFF pleiades image and associated DIMAP metadata
        * upport for DIMAPv1 metadata format
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Stereo-rectification framework
        * Add StereorectificationDeformationFieldSource class
        * Add BlockMatchingImageFilter class for fast 2D block-matching
        * Add NCCBlockMatching functor
        * Add LPBlockMatching functor
        * Adding an optionnal geoid file, and the possibility to use height
          above ellispoid in DEMToImageGenerator
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add SubPixelDisparityImageFilter class to interpolate disparities
        * Add DisparityMapMedianFilter class
        * Add AdhesionCorrectionFilter class
        * Add DisparityMapToDEMFilter
        * Add example in DisparityMap/StereoReconstructionExample
      * Miscellaneous
        * Modify otbImageLayer to enable the contrast stretch on full or
          zoom view in Monteverdi Viewer module
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add RasterizeVectorDataFilter class
        * Add VectorDataToLabelImageFilter for VectorData rasterization
          using an attribute to get the color for burning
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add GDALDriverManagerWrapper class
        * Add VectorDataEditVertexActionHandler class to allow user editing
          of vertex in vector data.
        * Add VectorDataTranslateGeometryActionHandler class to handles the
          user action for geometries translation
        * Add VectorDataEditionModel class for vertex edition and geometries
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add a method to remove a specific geometry in the VectorData
        * AddVectorData method always do notification, add a flag (set to
          true by default) to allow disabling it
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Enhance the support for Spot 1,2,3 metadata related to radiometry
        * Add UnaryFunctorWithIndexWithOutputSizeImageFilter which implements
          neighborhood-wise generic operation on image
        * Add WatershedSegmentationFilter composite filter to allow use of
          itk watershed inside large segmentation framework
        * Add LabelImageRegionPruningFilter filter to merges regions in the
          input label image according to the input image of spectral values
          and the RangeBandwidth parameter.
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Rename VectorDataToImageFilter to VectorDataToMapFilter
        * Move Hoover framework to Code/Segmentation
        * Make RationalTransform inheriting from otb::Transform instead
          of itk::Transform
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add Spacing and Origin to RationalTransform
        * Fix bug in computation of NDBBBI for Spectral rule based classifier
        * Remove deprecated classes :
          * QuickLookImageGenerator (replaced by StreamingShrinkImageFilter)
          * GeometricMomentImageFunction (unused)
        * Improve removal of geometries in VectorDataEditionModel
        * HistogramActionHandler : avoid changing positions outside viewed
        * PixelDescriptionModel : make the request for placename optional
          (lags when internet access is slow)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * PackedWidgetManager : add Shown method, add Resizable setter
        * Patch internal muparser to avoid bugs with static storage varialbe
          deallocation in plugin context
        * Modify MetaDataKey to avoid bugs with static storage varialbe
          deallocation in plugin context
        * Enable KML writing using OGR (was previously done internally
          by libkml)
        * GenericRSTransform can now be optimized using a set of tie-points,
          calling ossim internal sensor model refining implementation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * PackedWidgetManager & SplittedWidgetManager : add method to set the
          label of each group
        * HistogramActionHandler : limit moves of asymptots with min/max of
        * Curve2DWidget : add label support for each histogram
        * ImageToEnvelopeVectorDataFilter : support a sampling rate in pixels
          to be able to generate more than the four corners
        * GeoInformationConversion : add IsESRIValidWKT to test WKT for shp
          file support
        * OGRIOHelper : ensure OGR driver manager is initialized when we need it
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New Applications
        * Add PixelValue application
        * Add HooverCompareSegmentation application
        * Add GridBasedImageResampling application to perform grid-based
          image resampling
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add StereoRectificationGridGenerator application
        * Add RadiometricWaterIndices application
        * Add FineRegistration application for pixel-wise horizontal block
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add BlockMatching application
        * Add DimensionalityReduction application
        * Add LargeScaleSegmentation application
        * Add DisparityMapToElevationMap application
        * Add ComputeImageFeatures application
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add VectorDataReprojection application
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Misc. Applications
        * Add image origin to ReadImageInfoApplication
        * Use now InputFilenameParameter and OutputFilenameParameter instead
          of FilenameParameter
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Use InputFilename and OuputFilename instead of Filename
        * New option in SVMClassifier application: sample.edg (non mandatory)
          to manage special cases with small samples
        * In KMeansClassification, Changing the random intialisation method
          since it can generate centroids that are too far from the image
          distribution and will never move
        * Add AddRANDParameter option in order to set mersenne twister seed
          for test reproducibility purpose
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Display which key is wrong in a set of application parameters
        * Improve the help return by application
        * MeanShiftSegmentation application, which duplicates Segmentation
          application has been renamed to MeanShiftSmoothing application
        * Rasterization application rewritten to use the new
          OGRDataSourceToLabelImageFilter filter
            The application can rasterize in binary mode or burn the value of
            a specified field (similar to gdal_rasterize)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * ColorMapping : fix settings of predefined colormap
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * ColorMapping : fix mode "method.image" in case image contains
          continuous labels
        * ImageEnveloppe : expose new sampling rate parameter
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * otbViewer improvements : add handling of HDF and JPEG2000 files
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Remove custom Transmercator projection settings from application
    * System
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Added FLTK License
      * GDAL copyright notice removed because GDAL source code is not provided
        with OTB
      * OpenJPEG copyright file updated
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Update internal Ossim to revision 20606
      * Support for Mapnik2
      * Make siftfast compilation optional (OTB_USE_SIFTFAST cmake option)
      * Support external tinyXML
      * Support external muparser
      * Support external libkml
      * Add a FindOSSIM.cmake to detect OSSIM easier
      * Update internal boost to 1.49.0
      * Suppress galib from OTB source tree (wasn't used)
      * Suppress KNN from OTB source tree (wasn't used)
      * Enhance/Add find_package support for OpenThread, Ossim, Expat, PQxx,
        Curl, GetText, ICUUC and LTDL
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Install OTB-custom FindXXX.cmake files along with OTB, to be used
        from external projects
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Make installation with OTB_WRAP_JAVA honor CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
      * New compilers supported :
        * clang 3.2 (current development version)
        * gcc 4.6, 4.7, 4.8-dev
        * Intel icc
    * Bug fixes :
      * OTB-lib
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000532: OTB_SHOW_ALL_MSG_DEBUG option changes 
                   apTvClTrainSVMImagesClassifierQB456 test results
        * 0000568: Unable to compile OTB with a local version of the
                   FFTW library
        * 0000531: Cannot compile OTB 3.12.0 with external FLTK 1.3
                   on Windows
        * 0000564: ColorMapping application crash when using support
                   image with input label image which contains holes in label
        * 0000563: Can not install OTB elsewhere than /usr/lib anymore
        * 0000557: Weird default value for RAM parameter in OTB application
        * 0000544: SWIG 2.0.5 not supported on mac
        * 0000554: OTB compilation : error while loading
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000559: Even if OTB_USE_MAPNICK is ON, otbapp_Rasterization
                   does not get compiled
        * 0000558: GetParameterFloat method of WrapperApplication
                   class does not returns exactly input value
        * 0000550: BlockMatching application throws an exception
                   when the "sub-pixel" mode is activated
        * 0000549: Error message related to boost_any_cast in
                   StereoRectificationGridGenerator application
        * 0000547: MeanShiftFilter validation test is fialinf for
                   Iteration and Spatial output
        * 0000542: Problem with win arch and testing
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000521: Applications do not work anymore (Wrapper problem)
        * 0000522: otbApplicationLauncherQT is not reflecting
                   the Disable/Enable state correctly
        * 0000511: Tags are repeated twice in Application, when using Qt framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000555: monteverdi -in does not work with JP2 images
        * 0000560: Monteverdi compilation error
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000527: While saving dataset with rescaling option,
                   the channels n° > 3 are incorrect
      * OTB-applications
        * 0000518: Missing GDAL dependencies
        * 0000515: Space managing in command line
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000510: OTB-Applications cannot compile when the sources
                   are located in a directory with spaces in its name
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0000545: Issues with Monteverdi 1.10 binary 
                   applications on Mac OSX 10.6  (SL)
        * 0000525: Python not found during ubuntu package build
        * 0000526: Fix input of bfTvPolygonizationRasterization_WGS84
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Server administration
        * 0000519: Search button of current OTB doxygen documentation
                   is broken
        * 0000523: Update doxygen version to get
                   the same layout as the ITKv4 doxygen website
    OTB-v.3.12.0 - Changes since version 3.10.0 (2011/01/31)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Library
      * MaximumAutocorrelationFactorImageFilter
      * MultivariateAlterationDetector
      * Add Hyperspectral processing filters
        * Dimensionnality estimation :
          * EigenValueLikelihoodMaximization
          * VirtualDimensionnality
        * Dimensionnality reduction :
          * PCAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Principal Component
            Analysis decomposition
          * FastICAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Independent
            Component Analysis decomposition, based on FastICA algorithm
          * MNFImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Maximum Noise
            Fraction decomposition
          * NAPCAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Noise Adjusted
            Principal Component Analysis decomposition
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Endmember extraction :
          * VcaImageFilter - performs Vertex Component Analysis
          * MDMDNMFImageFilter - performs Minimum Spectral Dispersion Maximum
            Spatial Dispersion nonnegative Matrix Factorization
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Unmixing under Linear Mixture Model hypothesis :
          * UnConstrainedLeastSquareImageFilter - standard least square
          * NCLSUnmixingImageFilter - least square with non-negativity
          * FCLSUnmixingImageFilter - least square with non-negativity and
            additivity constraint
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * ISRAUnmixingImageFilter - image space reconstruction algorithm
        * Anomaly detection :
          * LocalRxDetectorFilter
        * SparseUnMixingImageFilter : finds correlation in time series using
          sparse representation
        * Addition of several mathematical operations to support hyperspectral
          filters implementation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * AngularProjectionImageFilter
          * AngularProjectionSetImageFilter
          * BinarySpectralAngleFunctor
          * ConcatenateScalarValueImageFilter
          * DotProductImageFilter
          * SparseWvltToAngleMapperListFilter
          * ProjectiveProjectionImageFilter
          * VectorImageToMatrixImageFilter
            Different sort of gradient filter for noise estimation in MNF :
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * LocalActivityImageFilter
          * LocalGradientImageFilter
          * HorizontalSobelVectorImageFilter
          * VerticalSobelVectorImageFilter
          * SobelVectorImageFilter
      * Add Simulation module, based on Prospect and Sail
        * AtmosphericEffects
        * DataSpec5B
        * ImageSimulationMethod
        * LabelMapToSimulatedImageFilter
        * LabelToProsailParameters
        * LeafParameters
        * ReduceSpectralResponse
        * ReduceSpectralResponseClassifierRAndNIR
        * SailModel
        * SatelliteRSR
        * SpatialisationFilter
        * SurfaceReflectanceToReflectanceFilter
        * SpectralResponse
      * Improve WaveletGenerator speed, and fix reconstruction issue is
        multithreaded environment
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * ClampImageFilter, ClampVectorImageFilter
      * ThresholdVectorImageFilter
      * Support for writing PDS files (Planetary Data System) in
        ImageFileWriter, through GDALImageIO
      * ImageRegionAdaptiveSplitter, RAMDrivenAdaptiveStreamingManager,
        New streaming strategy in writer, taking advantage of both tile size
        and pipeline memory print estimation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Finer progress reporting in StreamingImageFileWriter
      * Move ViewerManager application from OTB-Applications to OTB source
        tree, and rename as otbViewer
      * Factor MsgReporter class in OTB source tree, and reuse it in
      * HooverInstances, HooverConfusionMatrix : tools to evaluate a
        segmentation against a ground truth
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Removed deprecated class MapProjection
      * Removed streaming and threading support from
        MeanShiftVectorImageFilter, since it was generating wrong labeled images
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Pleiades data support
        * Update to openjpeg rev 1111
        * Complete rework of JPEG2000ImageIO
          * Tile caching support
          * Multithreaded decoding
          * GMLBox decoding
          * Multi-resolution decoding support
        * Experimental Pleiades metadata support in ossimplugins :
          * RPC Sensor model
          * Calibration coefficient
          * Various information about the product
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New application module framework (BUILD_APPLICATIONS:BOOL=ON)
        * New library OTBApplicationEngine to generate application module
          as shared plugin objects
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * This replaces small command line utilities in OTB-Applications
        * Command line launcher for application module
        * Generic Qt based widget to show/configure/run an application
        * Qt based GUI application launcher
        * SWIG module on top of OTBApplicationEngine to execute applications
          from Python and Java
        * Quickstart scripts provided for launching the commandline tools
            and for starting the Qt GUI (otbgui_XXX)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * The following applications are available in this release :
          * CartographicDBValidation
            * ComputePolylineFeatureFromImage
            * DSFuzzyModelEstimation
            * VectorDataDSValidation
          * ChangeDetection
            * MultivariateAlterationDetector
          * Classification
            * ComputeImagesStatistics
            * ImageSVMClassifier
            * KMeansClassification
            * SOMClassification (Kohonen Self Organizing Map)
            * TrainSVMImagesClassifier
            * ValidateSVMImagesClassifier
          * DimensionnalityReduction
            * MaximumAutocorrelationFactor
          * Disparitymap
            * FineRegistration
            * StereoSensorModelToElevationMap
          * FeatureExtraction
            * LineSegmentDetection
          * Hyperspectral
            * VertexComponentAnalysis
            * HyperspectralUnmixing
          * Projections
            * BundleToPerfectSensor
            * ConvertCartoToGeoPoint
            * ConvertSensorToGeoPoint
            * ImageEnvelope
            * ObtainUTMZoneFromGeoPoint
            * OrthoRectification
            * RigidTransformResample
            * Superimpose
          * RadiometricIndices
            * RadiometricVegetationIndices
          * Radiometry
            * OpticalCalibration
            * SarRadiometricCalibration
          * Rasterization
            * Rasterization
          * Segmentation
            * ConnectedComponentSegmentation
            * MeanShiftSegmentation
          * Utils
            * BandMath
            * ColorMapping
            * CompareImages
            * ConcatenateImages
            * ConcatenateVectorData
            * Convert
            * ExtractROI
            * KmzExport
            * MultiResolutionPyramid
            * OSMDownloader
            * Quicklook
            * ReadImageInfo
            * Rescale
            * Smoothing
            * SplitImage
            * VectorDataExtractROIApplication
            * VectorDataSetField
            * VectorDataTransform
    * System
      * Update internal Ossim to revision 20113
      * Update internal Boost to 1.47.0
      * Update internal OpenJpeg to rev 1111
      * Support for FLTK 1.3
      * Support building ossim as a DLL on windows
      * Support building ossimplugin as a DLL on windows
      * Remove Ossim, OpenThreads and OpenJpeg headers from the install tree
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Compilation with clang is now possible, still with some constraints :
        * it needs a recent clang version (better use a recent checkout)
        * you may encounter an issue with boost about fenv.hpp : this is a
          boost issue, and is fixed in boost > 1.48
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Monteverdi
      * Support for Pleiades format
        * Support JPEG2000 image loading with multi-resolution choice
        * Quicklook generation based on JPEG2000 format capabilities
        * Support viewing of JPEG2000Images
        * Add module to uncompress an extract of a JPEG2000 image to TIFF
        * Reader module tries to save the quicklook next to the original file
            to improve loading time of JP2 files
      * Fix gaussian histogram stretching mode to avoid warning and black
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Support Drag'N'Drop of image and vector format into Monteverdi tree
      * Support bundle generation on MacOSX
      * ConnectedComponentSegmentation :
        * Add "Elongation" statistics parameter
        * Support single band image
        * Support extracts of images in sensor model geometry
      * Writer module(s) :
        * Use StreamingImageFileWriter to take advantage of streaming
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Add Monteverdi version number in title bar
      * Reduce KMeans module memory footprint
        * Fix sample list size from an amount of RAM
        * Release temporary filters and variables as soon as possible
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * OTB-Applications
      * Removal of command line application migrated to OTB source tree
      * Migration of Viewermanager application to OTB source tree
    * OTB-Wrapping
      * Add otb::Transform
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Bug fixes :
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OTB-lib
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000501: Add otbcli_XXX.bat and otbgui_XXX.bat for windows
        * 0000478: Exceptions thrown inside applications are not caught
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000479: Can't write int8 image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000450: In otbViewer, zoom doesn't work well with link mode
        * 0000448: In otbViewer quicklook, navigation coordinate are not
          adapted to multi-res Pleiades images
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000449: In otbViewer, the slide show crashes
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000421: ListSampleGenerator is not random
        * 0000429: Trouble with .geom for Formosat
        * 0000439: Can't run Qt ReadImageInfo
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000428: itkCastImageFilter doesn't work well with streaming
        * 0000416: segfault with non existing input image in the new otb
          applications framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000424: Execute button enabling problem
        * 0000393: histogram minimum filter available ?
        * 0000400: how to return objects when function uses a filter ?
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000380: wavelet reconstruction filter problem
        * 0000392: Unable to read Landsat Tiff file. Problem with Tags
          reading ?
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000386: Remove direct use of ossim from Simulation tests
        * 0000401: Error while reading a lum image with several channels
        * 0000381: No platform testing OTB_USE_EXTERNAL_OSSIM
        * 0000441: SWIG/Python interface for applications does not catch
          all exceptions
        * 0000482: The Object Labeling module seems to hold forever when using
          "Save / Quit"
        * 0000471: Multi baseline Test files must begin by 1 and have
          consecutive number
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000485: Hide internal CMake variable
        * 0000419: The new QT applications framework don't work on Ubuntu
          11.04 and Ubuntu 11.11
        * 0000497: Can not save VectorData in cartographic SRS in KML (empty
          file resulting) in applications
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000498: Segmentation fault in Line Segment Detection filter
        * 0000495: StreamingImageFileWriter and link to source filter
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000484: Rename CMake WRAP_* options
        * 0000472: LSD application on sensor image extract produces wrond
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000491: Build scheduling is buggy with SWIG wrapper
        * 0000418: ld error on exit when using the new application framework
          with any engines
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000473: Saving TIFF with "degenerated" sizes is highly suboptimal
        * 0000469: Clamp output values to the precision range in new
          application framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000476: baseline file must have extension
        * 0000470: New applications framework input image parameter prevents
          from accessing to intermediate resolutions
        * 0000423: Internationalisation problem when launching application
          via Qt
        * 0000453: DEMConvert application becomes ready even if output
          parameter is empty
        * 0000426: RAM parameter has no effect in the new application
        * 0000436: Calling GetParameterXXXImage("in") more than once in
          DoExecute() breaks streaming
        * 0000442: In otb::WrapperApplication, calling Init() twice results
          in doubled parameters in examples
        * 0000440: In SWIG/python interface to applications, an exception
          is thrown when setting parameters unless Init() is called before
        * 0000425: In QT application launcher, some applications are ready
          to run with missing parameters
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000435: OTB CommandLine wrappers parameters short key
        * 0000434: CommandLine launcher does not report outputs of the
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000431: OTB v. 3.10.0 & Snow Leopard : a bug fixed - Nov. 23, 2011
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000420: command line error reporting is not clear ('-' vs '--')
        * 0000387: [Monteverdi] Unable to display vector data with the viewer
        * 0000390: Lots of warning from itk::Transform when using
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000457: Crash of new otbApplications
        * 0000438: KMeans Application crach in Qt Framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Monteverdi
        * 0000455: Can't cache a labelimage
        * 0000481: Add a option that allows a compute the histogram on the
          zoom (or full resolution) area,
        * 0000447: Unable to import non-georeferenced VectorData over a
          non-georeferenced image without a DEM
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000492: BandMath module closes itself with Help window
        * 0000474: In TileMap Import module, search place by name does not
          work anymore
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000396: Object labeling module crashes
        * 0000408: KMeans clustering crashes after a while
        * 0000383: KMeans module requests the largest possible region
        * 0000477: High memory usage in Monteverdi Viewer module with
          JPEG2000 images
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000480: Viewer crashes playing with histogram method
        * 0000475: Select an Region in the Uncompressed JPEG2000 image module
          QL view constantly increase memory usage
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000464: FLU is not compatible with FLTK 1.3
        * 0000411: Does not support fluid 1.3
        * 0000407: Right click on any list component crashes Monteverdi
        * 0000410: KMZ export module leaves a lot of .jpg.aux.xml files in
          the output directory
        * 0000405: otbSupervisedClassificationApplication does not handle
          class removal properly
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000412: Monteverdi segfaults using contextual menu on module item
        * 0000403: Save dataset (advanced version): Not available for an
          output of bandmath module
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000404: Spectral Viewer keep image locked
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OTB-wrapping
        * 0000382: Build fails on CentOS 5.5 because of '$self' in java
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0000500: Make OSGeo4W otb-wrapping-python and otb-wrapping-java
        * 0000502: Package cli and qt launcher in OSGeo4W
        * 0000486: [osgeo4w] Update setup.hint to add osgearth dependency
        * 0000413: Update CentOS installation manual
        * 0000399: Ubuntu packaging for Monteverdi fails (resource files
          are missing)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Documentation
        * 0000483: "<" or ">" are interpreted as ¿ in Cookbook
        * 0000370: Cookbook : make a HTML documentation
        * 0000378: Doxygen not updated
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    OTB-v.3.10.0 - Changes since version 3.8.0 (2011/06/30)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Monteverdi
      * New Rasterization module
      * New ImageStatistics module
      * New BayesianFusion module
      * New SAR Polarimetry modules (conversion, analysis)
      * New Vector data to image manual registration module
      * New connected component segmentation and OBIA based on user-defined
        criterions module
      * Removed the Orthorectification since its functionnalities are covered
        by the Reprojection module
      * Specify output map projection by EPSG code in reprojection module
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Handle multi band complex images
      * Viewer module : Add "save screenshots" feature
      * Viewer module now handles a NoData field, allowing to correctly
        rescale ortho-images
      * DEM fields throughout the modules are now pre-filled with option in
        otb config file if correctly set
      * Add a rectify mode in homologous points extraction module (register
        image without changing resolution)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Applications with command-line interfaces and GUI
      * Optical calibration
      * Vectorial objects validation based on Dempster Shafer theory framework
        * otbDSFuzzyModelEstimation
        * otbComputePolylineFeatureFromImage
        * otbVectorDataDSValidation
      * Multi-images SVM classification framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * EstimateImagesStatistics
        * TrainImagesClassifier
        * ValidateImagesClassifier
        * ImageSVMClassifier
      * Connected Component Segmentation and OBIA based on user-defined
      * Object Detection framework (adding the Histogram of Oriented Gradient
        * TrainHOGDetector
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * HOGObjectDetector
        * MeanShiftModesDetection
        * TrainDeepSVMDetector
      * Various new utilities :
        * LineSegmentDetection
        * Superimpose
        * RigidTransformResample
        * ConcatenateVectorData
        * VectorDataExtractROIApplication
        * VectorDataTransformFilterApplication
        * OSMDownloader
    * Library
      * Add HistogramOfOrientedGradientCovariantImageFunction
      * Add Framework for LANDSAT Spectral rule based classifier (contribution
        from J. Inglada)
      * Add Multitemporal time point interpolators
        : SavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor,
        EnvelopeSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor (contribution from J. Inglada)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Add SAR Polarimetry conversions and analysis code :
        * SinclairImageFilter
        * SinclairReciprocalImageFilter
        * SinclairToCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToCoherencyMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToCovarianceMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToMuellerMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToReciprocalCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToReciprocalCoherencyMatrixFunctor
        * SinclairToReciprocalCovarianceMatrixFunctor
        * ReciprocalLinearCovarianceToReciprocalCircularCovarianceFunctor
        * ReciprocalHAlphaFunctor
        * ReciprocalCovarianceToReciprocalCoherencyFunctor
        * ReciprocalCovarianceToCoherencyDegreeFunctor
        * CoherencyToMuellerFunctor
        * MuellerToReciprocalCovarianceFunctor
        * MuellerToPolarisationDegreeAndPowerFunctor
      * Add RationalTransform
      * Add PipelineMemoryPrintEstimator: computes the total memory used by
        a pipeline, and proposes streaming parameters depending on available RAM
      * Add Dempster Shafer framework
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * MassOfBelief
        * JointMassOfBeliefFilter
      * Add a Dempster-Shaffer based vectorial objects validation framework
        * TODO: List classes here
      * AssymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter: call SetNumberOfDirections
        on internal filters (contribution from A. Ferro)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * RADARSAT 1: more product types supported
      * VectorDataToImageFilter: Binary rasterization available, support
        images of arbitrary size
      * Add VectorDataRendering example: showing how to rasterize OSM roads
        onto an image for visualisation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * LineSegmentDetector & RightAngleDetection: algorithmic improvements
      * GDALImageIO: multi dataset support (for MODIS HDF4)
      * GDALImageIO: improve performance by avoiding unnecessary memory copies
      * GDALImageIO: TIFF are now saved as TILED
      * GDALImageIO: various improvements to support reading and writing of
        multiband complex data with all types supported by GDAL
      * StreamingImageVirtualFileWriter, StreamingImageFileWriter : new
        streaming strategies, with integrated pipeline memory print estimation
      * Curl:
        * Add in-memory download support to avoid writing small temporary
        * Better handling of the exceptions than can be thrown when using curl
      * Add ConcatenateVectorDataFilter
      * Add OSMDataToVectorDataGenerator : Class implementing the download of
        the OSM file relative to an extent and a parser to generate VectorData
        from OSM Datas
      * Add ImageToOSMVectorDataGenerator : Helper class to compute the extent
        of an image, use OSMDataToVectorDataGenerator for VectorData generation
      * Add VectorDataTransformFilter : Apply an affine transform to a
      * ImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter : algorithmic improvements
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * System
      * Compilation on Windows and MacOS with mapnik
      * Update internal tinyXML to 2.6
      * Add ThirdPartiesUtilities: Refactoring OSSIM and CURL accesses so
        as to minimize dependencies using the Adapter pattern
    * Bug fixes :
        * 0000312: Systematic crash when opening images with GDAL (tif, png,
          jpeg, etc)
        * 0000330: Suspicious log and output problem in
        * 0000329: At least 2 platforms don't respect the nightly version
          for their dashboard submission
        * 0000298: TestDriver : returns EXIT_SUCCESS when test is not
        * 0000310: PersistentImageToVectorData process the input twice when
          only one stream is used
        * 0000273: otbHarrisImageFilter applies final smoothing only over
          the 0-th direction; + wrong final scaling applied
        * 0000228: Problems related to the --compare-ascii tool in OTB
          tests protocol
        * 0000219: HDF dataset not openable with ImageFileReader
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000358: Remove ossim from otbFilterFunctionValuesDigitalGlobeTest
        * 0000320: Design issue: VectorDataIOFactory should not be a
          template class
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000334: Some tutorials do not check argc/argv
        * 0000311: No platform testing OTB_SHOW_ALL_MSG_DEBUG set to ON for
          examples compilation
        * 0000245: Wrong path for GDAL_CONFIG or GDALCONFIG_EXECUTABLE cmake
          variable produce incoherent results in the OTB configuration
        * 0000229: OTB driver in imageFileReader must support different file
          extensions related to the HDF format
        * 0000222: Issues with the TerraSar-X ossim plugin
        * 0000221: Fail to retrieve the pixel spacing from image metadata.
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000282: Unable to open tiff image
        * 0000237: Boost / Fltk conflict
        * 0000327: CMake configuration abort if no curl is available on
          system, even with OTB_USE_CURL is set to OFF
        * 0000276: Trouble with the compare ascii when separations are
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000292: Tilemap import module not working
        * 0000352: Monteverdi crashes on wrong DEM directory
        * 0000270: Open RADARSAT2 products as an SAR image in Monteverdi
        * 0000263: Vectorization module : weird behavior
        * 0000297: Crash when open change detection output image
        * 0000281: Crash opening a RAD image.
        * 0000265: SVM learn module : crash when displaying results
        * 0000254: Homologous point module
        * 0000240: Importing shp file in SVM module in Monterverdi 1.6 always
          results in crash
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000348: Viewer setup : histogram settings disappear
        * 0000349: Labeled image can't be viewed
        * 0000249: otbTrainObjectDetector-cli: malloc(): memory corruption
        * 0000251: Wrong output of the DEM to image generator module when
          working on a ROI of the image in raw geometry
        * 0000226: otbSegmentationApplication: crash when overwriting a
          .shp file
        * 0000223: Wrong positioning of polygons from
          otbSegmentationApplication and open with SVMclassification module
        * 0000242: Mean Shift: different display of results in the module
          and in the Viewer
        * 0000317: Monteverdi extract ROI module can not perform extraction
          from geographical coordinates on SPOT5 data
        * 0000253: Nodata value in SRTM result in wrong ortho-rectified image
        * 0000315: Monteverdi ROI extraction module broken : can not select
          by drag&drop anymore
        * 0000300: One viewer instance block another instance to display
          another image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000269: Inoperative fields in the reprojection module
        * 0000255: Image is not visible if scroll or Full window is minimized
          while working with SVM classification
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000267: Vectorization-Rasterization module
        * 0000244: Pansharpening EO-1 image with Monteverdi produces NaN
        * 0000227: Monteverdi crashing while displaying a .tif file
        * 0000350: KMeans module : weird behavior of "Max nb of iterations"
        * 0000248: In feature extraction module, for haralick textures :
          impossible to set min/max for binning
        * 0000341: weird french warning in ms dos command window with
          monteverdi 1.7 exe
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000313: Unable to perform orthofusion of WV2 PAN+XS (4 bands)
        * 0000239: Trouble in pixel descrition in Monteverdi viewer
        * 0000336: Viewer Histogram settings not applied after channel
          order changes
        * 0000304: Advanced save dataset module with scaling on results in
          visible strip in image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000262: Wrong metadata interpretation
        * 0000302: Can't open two image in the viewer
        * 0000294: Monteverdi doesn't delete files in Caching
        * 0000280: SVM classification and Feature extraction issues
        * 0000247: Style of the new screenshots function in viewer module
          is ugly
        * 0000238: Monteverdi spreads xml temporary files everywhere
        * 0000241: A warning appears each time an image is read
        * 0000271: Default RGB channels are wrong for WV2 images
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000250: Meanshift clustering module: spectral radius limited
        * 0000306: Unable to export otb::Image in KMZ in the Monteverdi module
          "KMZ export"
        * 0000279: Visualisation from vectorisation module does not use
          default channels for wv2 images
      * OTB-applications
        * 0000231: otbRasterizationApplication -pr options await for OGC
          WKT strings
        * 0000318: otbOSMDownloader-cli does not work anymore
        * 0000233: otbRasterizationApplication fail to rasterize SRTM water
          bodies shapefile with default parameters
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000232: Several minor changes in rasterization application
        * 0000338: otbSegmentationApplication : Enable to use real values
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0000296: gdal 1.8 debian package breaks TIFF support
        * 0000301: Can't upgrade debian package between different OTB versions
        * 0000347: Problem with current ubuntu Natty nightly package of
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000290: Make an Experimental submission on the dashboard with natty
        * 0000355: Bad timestamp for nightly built Ubuntu packages
        * 0000288: Nightly packages upload when launchpad is overloaded
        * 0000345: debian package : enable mapnik
        * 0000344: debian package : use system boost
        * 0000326: CentOS packages for Monteverdi and OTB-Applications
      * OTB-Qgis
        * 0000272: problem with installation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    OTB-v.3.8.0 - Changes since version 3.6.0 (2010/12/16)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Monteverdi
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New Polarimetric Synthesis module
      * New DEM image extraction / HillShading module: creates an image from
        a DEM tiles directory, with optional hillshading
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New ColorMapping module: apply a colormap to a mono band image
      * Viewer module: add multi input support, with slideshow or transparency
        mode, add more rendering functions, add splitted/packed layout option
      * Vectorization module: new semi-automatic mode based on segmentation
        results proposals
    * Applications
      * Object Detection applications (see also
        * EstimateFeatureStatistics to evaluate descriptors statistics on
          a set of images
        * TrainObjectDetector: generates an SVM model from input images and
          a vector data
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * ObjectDetector: detects points in an image from an SVM model
      * Add automatically generated GUI wrappers for OTB processing chains
        * Add FLTK wrapper
        * Add a generic Qt based widget class
        * Add a Qt GUI wrapper based on the generic Qt widget
        * Add a Qgis plugin wrapper based on the generic Qt widget
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Improved local descriptors tools based on ImageFunction :
        * Rework FlusserImageFunction and HuImageFunction to output
          all moments in one pass (FlusserMomentsImageFunction,
        * Rework RealMomentsImagefilter and ComplexMomentImageFilter to
          output a matrix of all moments associated to p, q inferior to a
          given parameter (ComplexMomentsImageFunction, HuMomentsImageFunction)
        * Add image function to compute a vector containing the local mean,
          variance, skewness and kurtosis (RadiometricMomentsImageFunction)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add local histogram image function (LocalHistogramImageFunction)
        * Add image function to compute the local Fourier Mellin coefficients
        * Add a class to adapt any image function return types to
          itk::VariableLengthVector (ImageFunctionAdaptor)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Add a class to build composite image functions (MetaImageFunction)
      * New object detection framework (see also
        * Add filter to generate negative samples
        * Add filter to evaluate an image function on a set of point and
          generate ListSample (DescriptorsListSampleGenerator)
        * Add filter to balance the sample number of different classes
          in a ListSample by generating new samples from existing
          ones plus noise (ListSampleToBalancedListSampleFilter,
        * Add filter to apply a shift/scale to a ListSample
        * Add filter to detect object from an SVM model and an image function
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * SVMClassifier: add hyperplanes distances as output
      * GDALImageIO: support writing of non-streamable format (JPEG, PNG)
      * Support reading vector images of std::complex
      * BandMathFilter: add physical and image coordinates variables
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Add a class to generate a kmz file from an image
      * Internal liblas updated to 1.6.0b2 + OTB patches (root CMakeList.txt)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Internal libsvm updated to 3.0 + OTB patches (additionnal kernels)
      * Internal ITK: removed compilation of medical image formats library
        and associated ImageIO
      * Internal ITK: removed dependency on libtiff, libjpeg, libpng and zlib,
        now handled by gdal
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Support for gcc-4.5
      * Remove dxflib from Utilities for licensing issues
    * Bug fix:
      * Monteverdi
        * 0000216: Monteverdi viewer unable to display multi band images
        * 0000193: Crash in vectorization module when the after the activation
          of the semi-automatic mode
        * 0000195: unable to perform TSX calibration with the sar calibration
          module in monteverdi 1.4
        * 0000207: Vectorization module shift coordinates
        * 0000202: Error message "otbSVMModel.txx:310 eps <= O" in the SVM
          classification module
        * 0000194: error message opening dataset in monteverdi (development
        * 0000200: Monteverdi -in option does not open viewer anymore
      * OTB-applications
        * 0000213: Problem in denomination of otb process chain wrapped as
          qgis plugin
        * 0000201: otbFastOrthoRectif switched back to double precision again
      * OTB-lib
        * 0000192: Crappy support of gdal: GDALImageIO
    OTB-v.3.6.0 - Changes since version 3.4.0 (2010/10/07)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Monteverdi
      * New Vectorization module: creates vector data (polygons, lines and
        points) from image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * New BandMath module: mathematical operation on image bands
      * New SpectralViewer module: designed to display hyperspectral
        images. also computes spectral angle
      * New ObjectLabeling module: object based image analysis module,
        with SVM classification based on object features
      * otbFastOrthoRectif: fast orthorectification based on grid subsampling
      * otbActiveLearning: architecture to enable active learning application
        (put your own algorithms in the middle)
      * otbCompareImages: image comparison
      * otbFineRegistration: produces disparity maps between 2 images
      * Old GUI applications removed (now in Monteverdi): OrthoRectif,
        OrthoFusion, Classif, ChangeDetection, RadiometricCorrections
      * Some classes are marked as deprecated and are available for one
        release. A migration guide to help the transition is available at
      * Add filter to perform arbitrary mathematical operation on image bands
      * Add class to parse mathematical expression (Parser)
      * Add interpolation function (BCOInterpolateImageFunction)
      * Add filter to compute the intensity of a complex image
      * Add filter to compare two big images (StreamingCompareImageFilter)
      * Add filters to compute extrema of big images
        (StreamingMinMaxImageFilter and StreamingMinMaxVectorImageFilter)
      * Add filter to perform fine registration between images
      * Add filter for higher order texture computation
        (ScalarImageToHigherOrderTexturesFilter and
      * Removal of the old textures:
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Add support for Worldview2 data
      * Add margin sampler for SVM (SVMMarginSampler)
      * Add generic resample filter that reproject in any arbitrary
        projection: cartographic, sensor model (GenericRSResampleImageFilter)
      * Add class to produce a RPC model from a physical model
      * Add classes related to SAR calibration (SarParametricMapFunction,
        SarRadiometricCalibrationFunction, SarRadiometricCalibrationFunctor,
      * Add an action handler for the visualization enabling dragging
      * Internal ITK updated to 3.20.0 + OTB Patches
      * Internal OSSIM and ossim plugins updated to svn revision 18162 +
        OTB patches (almost none left)
      * Enable the use of an external build of libLAS
      * Support compilation on MSVC 2010 and Windows Seven
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Better handling of FLTK configuration
      * Support compilation of Monteverdi on linux 32 bits systems with
        official FLTK package
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Lots of coverage improvements
    OTB-v.3.4.0 - Changes since version 3.2.0 (2010/06/30)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Applications
      * New utility otbConvertSensorToGeoPoint to convert from sensor
        coordinates to lon/lat
      * otbExtractROI can change its output type
      * New utility otbSplitImage to separate a multispectral image into
        N images
      * otbConcatenateImage can change its output type
      * otbConvert can now use a log transfer function when rescaling
        the image
      * Add HillShadingFilter to produce hill shade image from DEM
      * Add point set density function (gaussian, epanechnikov)
      * Add filter to extract a subset from a point set (PointSetExtractROI)