Data augmentation
Implement data augmentation techniques to generate synthetic samples for classification.
Some classifiers have poor performances when class inbalance is important. There are different approaches to generating synthetic samples for minority classes. Three strategies are easy to implement
- Replicate existing samples
- Jitter existing samples (add noise to each component whose amount is proportional to the variance of the given component)
- SMOTE ( take a random point on the line linking 2 close samples of the same class
Implementation Details
Classes and files
The 3 strategies described above are implemented as free functions in a new otb::sampleAugmentation namespace. These functions consume and produce std::vector. A SampleAugmentationFilter consuming and producing ogr::DataSource objects applies the data augmentation calling the free functions above.
The otbOGRDataSourceWrapper class has been updated in order to correctly detect the GeoCSV format (
The SampleAugmentation application consumes a vector file containing samples (as for instance one produced by the SampleExtraction application) and generates N samples of one class selected by the user using one of the 3 strategies:
This is the Sample Extraction (SampleAugmentation) application, version 6.5.0
Generates synthetic samples from a sample data file.
Tags: Learning
The application takes a sample data file as generated by the SampleExtraction application and generates synthetic samples to increase the number of available samples.
MISSING -in <string> Input samples (mandatory)
-out <string> Output samples (optional, off by default)
-field <string> Field Name (mandatory, default value is )
-layer <int32> Layer Index (optional, on by default, default value is 0)
-label <int32> Label of the class to be augmented (mandatory, default value is 1)
-samples <int32> Number of generated samples (mandatory, default value is 100)
-exclude <string list> Field names for excluded features. (mandatory, default value is )
-strategy <string> Augmentation strategy [replicate/jitter/smote] (mandatory, default value is replicate)
-strategy.jitter.stdfactor <float> Factor for dividing the standard deviation of each feature (mandatory, default value is 10000)
-strategy.smote.neighbors <int32> Number of nearest neighbors. (mandatory)
-seed <int32> Random seed. (optional, off by default)
-inxml <string> Load otb application from xml file (optional, off by default)
-progress <boolean> Report progress
-help <string list> Display long help (empty list), or help for given parameters keys
Use -help param1 [... paramN] to see detailed documentation of those parameters.
otbcli_SampleAugmentation -in samples.sqlite -field class -label 3 -samples 100 -out augmented_samples.sqlite -exclude OGC_FID name class originfid -strategy smote -strategy.smote.neighbors 5
Additional notes
The application as well as the filter provide only the ability to generate a user defined number of samples for one single class. It would be nice to provide an option to balance all classes (all would have the same number of samples as the majority one) or to select a set of labels and the number of samples for each class.
Merge request reports
added 146 commits
815841d6...3b12c544 - 145 commits from branch
- 50e631da - Merge branch 'develop' into data-augmentation
815841d6...3b12c544 - 145 commits from branch
- Resolved by Julien Michel
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
added 40 commits
50e631da...751d1724 - 37 commits from branch
- 900ee0d7 - Merge branch 'develop' into data-augmentation
- 3075e433 - ENH: correct doc name
- 79ce383f - ENH: remove the option to update the input file
Toggle commit list-
50e631da...751d1724 - 37 commits from branch
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
- Resolved by Jordi Inglada
added 70 commits
68b293a4...f799a74a - 69 commits from branch
- a5e7edf3 - Merge branch 'develop' into data-augmentation
68b293a4...f799a74a - 69 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 0db768ff - ENH: parallelise the inner loop for cache friendliness