Resolve "API change in HoughTransform2DLinesImageFilter (itk 4.13)"
Closes #1537 (closed)
Edited by Manuel Grizonnet
Merge request reports
added 1 commit
- 80d384e1 - BUG: HoughTransform GetLines parameter (n) is obsolete in ITK 4.13, use new API instead
added 1 commit
- f395da16 - ENH: use ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE macro to maintain backward compatibility with previous itk version
mentioned in issue #1537 (closed)
added 31 commits
f395da16...b9fb07af - 30 commits from branch
- a48fe445 - Merge branch 'develop' into 1537-api-change-in-houghtransform2dlinesimagefilter-itk-4-13
f395da16...b9fb07af - 30 commits from branch
mentioned in commit b594771a
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