Integration Gamma Naught - RTC
Il conviendrait de pouvoir intégrer le module Gamma Naught RTC. Il s'agit de l'insérer juste avant l'étape de rectification S2 puis de pouvoir l'activer/la désactiver en config.
Il conviendrait de pouvoir intégrer le module Gamma Naught RTC. Il s'agit de l'insérer juste avant l'étape de rectification S2 puis de pouvoir l'activer/la désactiver en config.
added Enhancements To Do labels
assigned to @fcontiva
marked this issue as related to #56 (closed)
The realization of this issue will depend on #56 (closed)
to address this issue created branch 90-integration-gamma-naught-rtc
to address this issue
to address this issue created branch 90-integration-gamma-naught-rtc
to address this issue
mentioned in merge request !110
changed milestone to %1.2
added ready-to-be-tested label
mentioned in issue #113
mentioned in issue #14 (closed)