Gives a short summary of the changes.
Explain the rationale for the changes (possible link to a Request For Comments or to an issue).
##### Classes and files
Give an overview of the implementation: main changes made to classes, files and modules. Do not paste complete diff, as it is available in the merge request already.
##### Applications
Describe any changes made to existing applications, or new applications that have been added.
Describe the testing strategy for new features.
- [ ] validated through ... unitary test
##### Documentation
List or link documentation modifications that were made (doxygen, example, Software Guide, application documentation, CookBook).
<!--- List remaining open issues if any, and additional notes. -->
The copyright owner is *COPYRIGHT OWNER (OR OWNER'S AGENT)* and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.
Manuel Grizonnet
- All discussions are resolved
- At least 2 :thumbsup: votes from core developers, no :thumbsdown: vote.
- The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
- Dashboard is green
- Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement
- Optionally, run `git diff develop... -U0 --no-color | -p1 -i` on latest changes and commit