Julien Michel authoredJulien Michel authored
otbSimpleParallelTiffWriter.h 11.63 KiB
Program: ORFEO Toolbox
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
TODO: Add copyright notice for Remi Cresson (IRSTEA)
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef __SimpleParallelTiffWriter_h
#define __SimpleParallelTiffWriter_h
#include "otbImageIOBase.h"
#include "itkProcessObject.h"
#include "otbStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbExtendedFilenameToWriterOptions.h"
#include "otbMPIConfig.h"
// Time probe
#include "itkTimeProbe.h"
#include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
#include "itkObjectFactoryBase.h"
#include "itkImageRegionMultidimensionalSplitter.h"
#include "otbImageIOFactory.h"
#include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
#include "itkMetaDataObject.h"
#include "otbImageKeywordlist.h"
#include "otbMetaDataKey.h"
#include "otbConfigure.h"
#include "otbNumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbNumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbNumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbRAMDrivenStrippedStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbTileDimensionTiledStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbRAMDrivenTiledStreamingManager.h"
#include "otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.h"
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <gdal.h>
#include <ogr_spatialref.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "sptw.h"
// GDAL-OTB datatype brigde
#include "otbGdalDataTypeBridge.h"
namespace otb
/** \class SimpleParallelTiffWriter
* \brief Writes a GeoTiff image using parallel non collective operations.
* SimpleParallelTiffWriter writes its input data to a single output file.
* SimpleParallelTiffWriter interfaces with an MPI-IO based class to write out the
* data whith streaming process and mutliple processing nodes.
* SimpleParallelTiffWriter will divide the output into several pieces
* (controlled by SetNumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreaming, SetNumberOfLinesStrippedStreaming,
* SetAutomaticStrippedStreaming, SetTileDimensionTiledStreaming or SetAutomaticTiledStreaming),
* and call the upstream pipeline for each piece, tiling the individual outputs into one large
* output. This reduces the memory footprint for the application since
* each filter does not have to process the entire dataset at once.
* SimpleParallelTiffWriter will write directly the streaming buffer in the image file, so
* that the output image never needs to be completely allocated
* SimpleParallelTiffWriter implements a version of Simple Parallel Tiff Writer (SPTW,
* D.M. Mattli, USGS)
* Splitting strategies are close to those implemented in ImageFileWriter, except
* layout is optimized for the number of MPI processes for stripped regions.
* TODO: optimize the splitting layout for tiled regions
* \sa ImageFileWriter
* \ingroup OTBMPITiffWriter
template <class TInputImage>
class ITK_EXPORT SimpleParallelTiffWriter : public itk::ProcessObject
/** Standard class typedefs. */
typedef SimpleParallelTiffWriter Self;
typedef itk::ProcessObject Superclass;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
/** Method for creation through the object factory. */
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro(SimpleParallelTiffWriter, itk::ProcessObject);
/** Some typedefs for the input and output. */
typedef TInputImage InputImageType;
typedef typename InputImageType::Pointer InputImagePointer;
typedef typename InputImageType::RegionType InputImageRegionType;
typedef typename InputImageType::PixelType InputImagePixelType;
typedef typename InputImageType::IndexType InputIndexType;
typedef TInputImage OutputImageType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::Pointer OutputImagePointer;
typedef typename OutputImageType::RegionType OutputImageRegionType;
typedef typename OutputImageType::PixelType OutputImagePixelType;
typedef typename Superclass::DataObjectPointer DataObjectPointer;
/** The Filename Helper. */
typedef otb::ExtendedFilenameToWriterOptions FNameHelperType;
/** Dimension of input image. */
itkStaticConstMacro(InputImageDimension, unsigned int,
/** Streaming manager base class pointer */
typedef otb::StreamingManager<InputImageType> StreamingManagerType;
typedef typename StreamingManagerType::Pointer StreamingManagerPointerType;
/** Return the StreamingManager object responsible for dividing
* the region to write */
StreamingManagerType* GetStreamingManager(void)
return m_StreamingManager;
/** Set a user-specified implementation of StreamingManager
* used to divide the largest possible region in several divisions */
void SetStreamingManager(StreamingManagerType* streamingManager)
m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
/** Set the streaming mode to 'stripped' and configure the number of strips
* which will be used to stream the image */
void SetNumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreaming(unsigned int nbDivisions);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'tiled' and configure the number of tiles
* which will be used to stream the image */
void SetNumberOfDivisionsTiledStreaming(unsigned int nbDivisions);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'stripped' and configure the number of strips
* which will be used to stream the image with respect to a number of line
* per strip */
void SetNumberOfLinesStrippedStreaming(unsigned int nbLinesPerStrip);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'stripped' and configure the number of MB
* available. The actual number of divisions is computed automatically
* by estimating the memory consumption of the pipeline.
* Setting the availableRAM parameter to 0 means that the available RAM
* is set from the CMake configuration option.
* The bias parameter is a multiplier applied on the estimated memory size
* of the pipeline and can be used to fine tune the potential gap between
* estimated memory and actual memory used, which can happen because of
* composite filters for example */
void SetAutomaticStrippedStreaming(unsigned int availableRAM = 0, double bias = 1.0);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'tiled' and configure the dimension of the tiles
* in pixels for each dimension (square tiles will be generated) */
void SetTileDimensionTiledStreaming(unsigned int tileDimension);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'tiled' and configure the number of MB
* available. The actual number of divisions is computed automatically
* by estimating the memory consumption of the pipeline.
* Tiles will be square.
* Setting the availableRAM parameter to 0 means that the available RAM
* is set from the CMake configuration option
* The bias parameter is a multiplier applied on the estimated memory size
* of the pipeline and can be used to fine tune the potential gap between
* estimated memory and actual memory used, which can happen because of
* composite filters for example */
void SetAutomaticTiledStreaming(unsigned int availableRAM = 0, double bias = 1.0);
/** Set the streaming mode to 'adaptative' and configure the number of MB
* available. The actual number of divisions is computed automatically
* by estimating the memory consumption of the pipeline.
* Tiles will try to match the input file tile scheme.
* Setting the availableRAM parameter to 0 means that the available RAM
* is set from the CMake configuration option */
void SetAutomaticAdaptativeStreaming(unsigned int availableRAM = 0, double bias = 1.0);
/** Set the only input of the writer */
using Superclass::SetInput;
virtual void SetInput(const InputImageType *input);
/** Get writer only input */
const InputImageType* GetInput();
/** Does the real work. */
virtual void Update();
/** SimpleParallelTiffWriter Methods */
virtual void SetFileName(const char* extendedFileName);
virtual void SetFileName(std::string extendedFileName);
virtual const char* GetFileName () const;
/** Specify the region to write. If left NULL, then the whole image
* is written. */
void SetIORegion(const itk::ImageIORegion& region);
itkGetConstReferenceMacro(IORegion, itk::ImageIORegion);
/** By default the MetaDataDictionary is taken from the input image and
* passed to the ImageIO. In some cases, however, a user may prefer to
* introduce her/his own MetaDataDictionary. This is often the case of
* the ImageSeriesWriter. This flag defined whether the MetaDataDictionary
* to use will be the one from the input image or the one already set in
* the ImageIO object. */
itkSetMacro(UseInputMetaDataDictionary, bool);
itkGetConstReferenceMacro(UseInputMetaDataDictionary, bool);
itkSetObjectMacro(ImageIO, otb::ImageIOBase);
itkGetObjectMacro(ImageIO, otb::ImageIOBase);
itkGetConstObjectMacro(ImageIO, otb::ImageIOBase);
/* Writer modes */
itkSetMacro(Verbose, bool);
itkGetMacro(Verbose, bool);
itkSetMacro(VirtualMode, bool);
itkGetMacro(VirtualMode, bool);
/* GeoTiff options */
itkSetMacro(TiffTileSize, int);
itkGetMacro(TiffTileSize, int);
itkSetMacro(TiffTiledMode, bool);
itkGetMacro(TiffTiledMode, bool);
virtual ~SimpleParallelTiffWriter();
void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;
SimpleParallelTiffWriter(const SimpleParallelTiffWriter &); //purposely not implemented
void operator =(const SimpleParallelTiffWriter&); //purposely not implemented
void ObserveSourceFilterProgress(itk::Object* object, const itk::EventObject & event )
if (typeid(event) != typeid(itk::ProgressEvent))
itk::ProcessObject* processObject = dynamic_cast<itk::ProcessObject*>(object);
if (processObject)
m_DivisionProgress = processObject->GetProgress();
void UpdateFilterProgress()
this->UpdateProgress( (m_DivisionProgress + m_CurrentDivision) / m_NumberOfDivisions );
* Returns the process id which process a given region
unsigned int GetProcFromDivision(unsigned int regionIndex);
* Arranges the splitting layout to match the number of MPI processes
unsigned int OptimizeStrippedSplittingLayout(unsigned int n);
unsigned int m_NumberOfDivisions;
unsigned int m_CurrentDivision;
float m_DivisionProgress;
/** SimpleParallelTiffWriter Parameters */
std::string m_FileName;
otb::ImageIOBase::Pointer m_ImageIO;
bool m_UserSpecifiedImageIO; //track whether the ImageIO is user specified
itk::ImageIORegion m_IORegion;
bool m_UserSpecifiedIORegion; // track whether the region is user specified
bool m_FactorySpecifiedImageIO; //track whether the factory mechanism set the ImageIO
bool m_UseInputMetaDataDictionary; // whether to use the
// MetaDataDictionary from the
// input or not.
bool m_WriteGeomFile; // Write a geom file to store the
// kwl
FNameHelperType::Pointer m_FilenameHelper;
StreamingManagerPointerType m_StreamingManager;
bool m_IsObserving;
unsigned long m_ObserverID;
InputIndexType m_ShiftOutputIndex;
int m_TiffTileSize;
bool m_Verbose;
bool m_VirtualMode;
bool m_TiffTiledMode;
} // end namespace itk
#include "otbSimpleParallelTiffWriter.txx"