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Commit 754d2806 authored by Guillaume Pasero's avatar Guillaume Pasero
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ADD: script for windows package testing (WIP)

parent 32299be2
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@echo off
:: Get current PID
type NUL > pid.log
wmic PROCESS where "Name='WMIC.exe'" get ParentProcessId >pid.log 2>&1
for /F "TOKENS=1" %%b in ('type pid.log ^| findstr [0-9]') do set CURRENT_PID=%%b
:: setup the otbenv
:: call otbenv.cmd
del selftest_report.log
type NUL > selftest_report.log
call :nb_report_lines
set REF_SIZE=%nb_report_lines_out%
rem Check 1 : check binaries
for /R %%i in (*.dll) do (
call :check_binary %%i
for %%i in (bin\mapla.exe,bin\monteverdi.exe,bin\otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine.exe,bin\otbApplicationLauncherQt.exe) do (
call :check_binary %%i
call :nb_report_lines
if %nb_report_lines_out% gtr %REF_SIZE% (
echo Check 1/3 : FAIL
rem should exit here
rem goto :eof
) else (
echo Check 1/3 : PASS
set REF_SIZE=%nb_report_lines_out%
rem Check 2 : check applications and Python wrapping
set /a app_count=0
for /R %%i in (lib\otb\applications\otbapp_*.dll) do (
call :check_application %%i
if %app_count% leq 90 (
echo WARNING: only %app_count% applications found ! Expected at least 90
call :nb_report_lines
if %nb_report_lines_out% gtr %REF_SIZE% (
echo Check 2/3 : FAIL
) else (
echo Check 2/3 : PASS
set REF_SIZE=%nb_report_lines_out%
rem Check 3 : check monteverdi & mapla
goto :eof
rem functions :
type NUL > tmp.log
bin\otb_loader.exe %1 > tmp.log 2>&1
call :nb_tmp_lines
if %nb_tmp_lines_out% gtr 0 (
echo ERROR : otb_loader.exe %1
echo otb_loader.exe %1 > selftest_report.log
type tmp.log > selftest_report.log
goto :eof
set dll_path=%~n1
set app=%dll_path:~7%
if not exist bin\otbcli_%app%.bat (
echo ERROR : missing cli launcher for application %app%
echo ERROR : missing cli launcher for application %app% > selftest_report.log
goto :check_gui
type NUL > tmp.log
bin\otbcli_%app%.bat -help > tmp.log 2>&1
call :parse_cli_output
if %parse_cli_result% equ 0 (
echo ERROR : error launching application otbcli_%app%
echo ERROR : error launching application otbcli_%app% > selftest_report.log
type tmp.log > selftest_report.log
if not exist bin\otbgui_%app%.bat (
echo ERROR : missing gui launcher for application %app%
echo ERROR : missing gui launcher for application %app% > selftest_report.log
goto :check_application_end
if %app_count% geq 2 goto :check_application_end
type NUL > tmp.log
start /b bin\otbgui_%app%.bat
timeout 5
call :get_child_pid %CURRENT_PID% cmd.exe
set first_child=0
if %child_pid% gtr 1 (
set first_child=%child_pid%
) else (
echo ERROR : could not launch otbgui_%app%
echo ERROR : could not launch otbgui_%app% > selftest_report.log
goto :check_application_clean
call :get_child_pid %first_child% otbApplicationLauncherQt.exe
if not %child_pid% gtr 1 (
echo ERROR : could not launch otbApplicationLauncherQt %app%
echo ERROR : could not launch otbApplicationLauncherQt %app% > selftest_report.log
if not %first_child% == 0 (
taskkill /PID %first_child% /F /T > NUL 2>&1
endlocal & set /a app_count=app_count+1
goto :eof
start /b bin\otbgui_%app%.bat
goto :eof
set ret=1
for /F %%a in ('findstr /n /r /c:"^This is the %app% application, version " tmp.log') do set output=%%a
if not "%output%" gtr "1:" (
echo First line not found
set ret=0
goto :parse_cli_output_end
set output=
for /F %%a in ('findstr /n /r /c:"^Parameters:" tmp.log') do set output=%%a
if not "%output%" gtr "3:" (
echo Parameters line not found
set ret=0
goto :parse_cli_output_end
set output=
for /F %%a in ('findstr /n /r /c:"^Examples:" tmp.log') do set output=%%a
if not "%output%" gtr "1" (
echo Examples line not found
echo %output%
set ret=0
goto :parse_cli_output_end
set output=
for /F %%a in ('findstr /n /r /c:"FATAL" tmp.log') do set output=%%a
if "%output%" gtr "1" (
echo FATAL found
echo %output%
set ret=0
goto :parse_cli_output_end
endlocal & set parse_cli_result=%ret%
goto :eof
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('find /C /V "" ^< selftest_report.log') do set output=%%i
endlocal & set nb_report_lines_out=%output%
goto :eof
for /F "delims=" %%i in ('find /C /V "" ^< tmp.log') do set output=%%i
endlocal & set nb_tmp_lines_out=%output%
goto :eof
set parent_pid=%1
set process_name=%2
set output=0
type NUL > pid.log
wmic PROCESS where (ParentProcessId=%parent_pid% AND Name="%process_name%") get ProcessId >pid.log 2>&1
for /F "TOKENS=1" %%a in ('type pid.log ^| findstr [0-9]') do set output=%%a
endlocal & set child_pid=%output%
goto :eof
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