+ Description: The differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) technique relies on the processing of two SAR images of the same portion of the Earth’s surface taken at different time. The aim is to analyze potential events (earthquake, destruction, …) by highlighting differences between SAR images. DInSAR involves a set of tools such as creation of deformation grids , coregistration or building of interferograms. The Orfeo Toolbox remote module DiapOTB contains all necessary steps and allows to launch a complete DInSAR chain. This module has been used with Sentinel-1 data with satisfactory results. This module is a port from DIAPASON tool, integrated in the `ESA GeoHazards TEP <http://terradue.github.io/doc-tep-geohazards/tutorials/diapason-sm.html>`__.
+ Description: This module provides one application dedicated to images mosaicking with several compositing methods available. This module is now part of OTB since version 7.0.0
- **otb-bv** : Estimation of biophysical variables