- May 13, 2011
OTB Bot authored
Emmanuel Christophe authored
Jonathan Guinet authored
Jonathan Guinet authored
ENH: make the ConnectedComponent/LabelMap filters compatible with the pipeline (do not request LargestPossibleRegion)
Jonathan Guinet authored
Jonathan Guinet authored
Jonathan Guinet authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
- May 12, 2011
Julien Malik authored
- May 13, 2011
Emmanuel Christophe authored
- May 12, 2011
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
OTB Bot authored
Julien Malik authored
BUG: use itk::VectorIndexSelectionCastImageFilter in place of otb::MultiToMonoChannelExtractROI due to bug when LargestRegion has a non-null origin
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Emmanuel Christophe authored
- May 11, 2011
OTB Bot authored
Julien Malik authored
Emmanuel Christophe authored
Emmanuel Christophe authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
ENH: refactor StreamingLineSegmentDetector to use the PersistentImageToVectorDataFilter and ensure streaming during test
Julien Malik authored
Julien Malik authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Aurélien Bricier authored
Aurélien Bricier authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
Otmane Lahlou authored
The transform can be any one since it derives form itk::Transform
Cyrille Valladeau authored