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  • orfeotoolbox/otb
  • gpasero/otb
  • jinglada/otb
  • cs-si/otb
  • tardyb/otb
  • jmichel/otb
  • pedrojoclar/otb
  • derksend/otb
  • ussegliog/otb
  • SebastienPeillet/otb
  • waynedou/otb
  • lhermitte/otb
  • ArthurV/otb
  • sebastic/otb
  • gpernot/otb
  • super7ramp/otb
  • camiot/otb
  • ctraizet/otb
  • dyoussef/otb
  • bradh/otb
  • troopa81/otb
  • sdinot/otb
  • julienosman/otb
  • vidlb/otb
  • Feishi/otb
  • IlDordollano/otb
  • pty_/otb
27 results
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Commits on Source (24)
with 179 additions and 36 deletions
Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: Mozilla
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AfterUnion: true
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BreakAfterJavaFieldAnnotations: false
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ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking: false
ForEachMacros: [ foreach, Q_FOREACH, BOOST_FOREACH ]
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Priority: 2
- Regex: '^(<|"(gtest|isl|json)/)'
Priority: 3
- Regex: '.*'
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# top-most EditorConfig file
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# A newline ending every file
insert_final_newline = true
# Set default charset
charset = utf-8
# 4 space indentation
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# Various options
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
### Summary #### Summary
Gives a short summary of the changes. Gives a short summary of the changes.
### Rationale #### Rationale
Explain the rationale for the changes (possible link to a Request For Comments or to an issue). Explain the rationale for the changes (possible link to a Request For Comments or to an issue).
### Implementation Details #### Implementation Details
#### Classes and files
##### Classes and files
Give an overview of the implementation: main changes made to classes, files and modules. Do not paste complete diff, as it is available in the merge request already. Give an overview of the implementation: main changes made to classes, files and modules. Do not paste complete diff, as it is available in the merge request already.
#### Applications <!---
##### Applications
Describe any changes made to existing applications, or new applications that have been added. Describe any changes made to existing applications, or new applications that have been added.
#### Tests <!---
##### Tests
Describe the testing strategy for new features. Describe the testing strategy for new features.
### Documentation <!---
##### Documentation
List or link documentation modifications that were made (doxygen, example, Software Guide, application documentation, CookBook). List or link documentation modifications that were made (doxygen, example, Software Guide, application documentation, CookBook).
#### Additional notes
### Additional notes <!--- List remaining open issues if any, and additional notes. -->
List remaining open issues if any, and additional notes. #### Copyright
### Copyright The copyright owner is *COPYRIGHT OWNER (OR OWNER'S AGENT)* and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.
The copyright owner is *COPYRIGHT OWNER (OR OWNER'S AGENT)* and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement <hr>
***Check before merging:***
- All discussions are resolved
- At least 2 :thumbsup: votes from core developers, no :thumbsdown: vote.
- The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
- Dashboard is green
- Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement
\ No newline at end of file

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...@@ -11,11 +11,29 @@ that they only affect default values, and that settings in extended ...@@ -11,11 +11,29 @@ that they only affect default values, and that settings in extended
filenames, applications, monteverdi or custom C++ code might override filenames, applications, monteverdi or custom C++ code might override
those values. those values.
* ``OTB_DEM_DIRECTORY``: Default directory were DEM tiles are stored. It should only contain ```.hgt`` or or georeferenced ``.tif`` files. Empty if not set (no directory set) * ``OTB_DEM_DIRECTORY``: Default directory were DEM tiles are
* ``OTB_GEOID_FILE``: Default path to the geoid file that will be used to retrieve height of DEM above ellipsoid. Empty if not set (no geoid set) stored. It should only contain ```.hgt`` or or georeferenced
* ``OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT``: Default maximum memory that OTB should use for processing, in MB. If not set, default value is 128 MB. ``.tif`` files. Empty if not set (no directory set)
* ``OTB_LOGGER_LEVEL``: Default level of logging for OTB. Should be one of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``CRITICAL`` or ``FATAL``, by increasing order of priority. Only messages with a higher priority than the level of logging will be displayed. If not set, default level is ``INFO``. * ``OTB_GEOID_FILE``: Default path to the geoid file that will be used
to retrieve height of DEM above ellipsoid. Empty if not set (no
geoid set)
* ``OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT``: Default maximum memory that OTB should use for
processing, in MB. If not set, default value is 128 MB.
* ``OTB_LOGGER_LEVEL``: Default level of logging for OTB. Should be
one of ``DEBUG``, ``INFO``, ``WARNING``, ``CRITICAL`` or ``FATAL``,
by increasing order of priority. Only messages with a higher
priority than the level of logging will be displayed. If not set,
default level is ``INFO``.
In addition to OTB specific environment variables, the following
environment variable are parsed by third party libraries and also
affect how OTB works:
* ``GDAL_CACHEMAX``: Gdal has an internal cache mechanism to avoid reading or decoding again image chunks. This environnement variable controls how much memory Gdal can use for caching. By default, Gdal can use up to 5 percents of available RAM on system, which may be a lot. Moreover, caching is only needed if the processing chain is likely to request the same chunk several times, which is not likely to happen for a standard pixel based OTB pipeline. Setting a lower value allows to allocate more memory to OTB itself (using applications ``-ram`` parameter or ``OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT`` environment variable). If value is small (less than 100 000, it is assumed to be in megabytes, otherwise, it is assumed to be in bytes.
* ``GDAL_NUM_THREADS``: Gdal can take advantage of multi-threading to decode some formats. This variable controls the number of threads Gdal is allowed to use.
* ``OPJ_NUM_THREADS``: OpenJpeg can take advantage of mutli-threading when decoding images. This variable controls the number of threads OpenJpeg is allowed to use.
* ``ITK_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_NUMBER_OF_THREADS``: This variable allows to control the number of threads used by ITK for processing.
.. _extended-filenames: .. _extended-filenames:
Extended filenames Extended filenames
...@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ private: ...@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ private:
// \code{DoInit()} method contains class information and description, parameter set up, and example values. // \code{DoInit()} method contains class information and description, parameter set up, and example values.
// Software Guide : EndLatex // Software Guide : EndLatex
void DoInit() ITK_OVERRIDE void DoInit() override
{ {
// Software Guide : BeginLatex // Software Guide : BeginLatex
...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public: ...@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public:
protected: protected:
MyChangeDetectorImageFilter() {} MyChangeDetectorImageFilter() {}
~MyChangeDetectorImageFilter() ITK_OVERRIDE {} ~MyChangeDetectorImageFilter() override {}
private: private:
MyChangeDetectorImageFilter(const Self &); //purposely not implemented MyChangeDetectorImageFilter(const Self &); //purposely not implemented
...@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public: ...@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public:
itkTypeMacro(CompositeExampleImageFilter, itk::ImageToImageFilter); itkTypeMacro(CompositeExampleImageFilter, itk::ImageToImageFilter);
/** Display */ /** Display */
void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const ITK_OVERRIDE; void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const override;
// Software Guide : BeginLatex // Software Guide : BeginLatex
// //
...@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ protected: ...@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ protected:
RescalerType; RescalerType;
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
void GenerateData() ITK_OVERRIDE; void GenerateData() override;
private: private:
...@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ private: ...@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ private:
otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr
ReprojectTransformationFunctor::operator()(OGRGeometry const* in) const ReprojectTransformationFunctor::operator()(OGRGeometry const* in) const
{ {
otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr out(in ? in->clone() : ITK_NULLPTR); otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr out(in ? in->clone() : nullptr);
if (out) if (out)
{ {
const OGRErr err = out->transform(m_reprojector.get()); const OGRErr err = out->transform(m_reprojector.get());
...@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ protected: ...@@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ protected:
/** Default constructor. */ /** Default constructor. */
MyReprojectionFilter(){ } MyReprojectionFilter(){ }
/** Destructor. */ /** Destructor. */
~MyReprojectionFilter() ITK_OVERRIDE{ } ~MyReprojectionFilter() override{ }
private: private:
OGRSpatialReference* DoDefineNewLayerSpatialReference(otb::ogr::Layer const& itkNotUsed(source)) const ITK_OVERRIDE OGRSpatialReference* DoDefineNewLayerSpatialReference(otb::ogr::Layer const& itkNotUsed(source)) const override
{ {
return m_osr.get(); return m_osr.get();
} }
...@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) ...@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer output otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer output
= options.workingInplace ? input = options.workingInplace ? input
: options.outputIsStdout ? ITK_NULLPTR : options.outputIsStdout ? nullptr
: otb::ogr::DataSource::New( options.outputFile, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly); : otb::ogr::DataSource::New( options.outputFile, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly);
std::cout << "input: " << otb::ogr::version_proxy::GetFileListAsStringVector(&input->ogr())[0] << " should be: " << options.inputFile << "\n"; std::cout << "input: " << otb::ogr::version_proxy::GetFileListAsStringVector(&input->ogr())[0] << " should be: " << options.inputFile << "\n";
if (output) if (output)
...@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) ...@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
} }
else else
{ {
filter->UpdateOutputData(ITK_NULLPTR); filter->UpdateOutputData(nullptr);
assert(filter->GetOutput() && "output not set"); assert(filter->GetOutput() && "output not set");
filter->GetOutput()->Print(std::cout, 0); filter->GetOutput()->Print(std::cout, 0);
} }
...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct SwapXYFunctor ...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ struct SwapXYFunctor
typedef OGRGeometry TransformedElementType; typedef OGRGeometry TransformedElementType;
otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr operator()(OGRGeometry const* in) const otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr operator()(OGRGeometry const* in) const
{ {
otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr out(in ? in->clone() : ITK_NULLPTR); otb::ogr::UniqueGeometryPtr out(in ? in->clone() : nullptr);
if (out) if (out)
{ {
#if GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1900 #if GDAL_VERSION_NUM >= 1900
...@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) ...@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer output otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer output
= workingInplace ? input = workingInplace ? input
: outputIsStdout ? ITK_NULLPTR : outputIsStdout ? nullptr
: otb::ogr::DataSource::New( outputFile, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly); : otb::ogr::DataSource::New( outputFile, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly);
std::cout << "input: " << otb::ogr::version_proxy::GetFileListAsStringVector(&input->ogr())[0] << " should be: " << inputFile << "\n"; std::cout << "input: " << otb::ogr::version_proxy::GetFileListAsStringVector(&input->ogr())[0] << " should be: " << inputFile << "\n";
if (output) if (output)
...@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) ...@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
} }
else else
{ {
filter->UpdateOutputData(ITK_NULLPTR); filter->UpdateOutputData(nullptr);
assert(filter->GetOutput() && "output not set"); assert(filter->GetOutput() && "output not set");
filter->GetOutput()->Print(std::cout, 0); filter->GetOutput()->Print(std::cout, 0);
} }
...@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) ...@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer destination = otb::ogr::DataSource::New( otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer destination = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(
argv[2], otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly); argv[2], otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerCreateOnly);
otb::ogr::Layer destLayer = destination->CreateLayer( otb::ogr::Layer destLayer = destination->CreateLayer(
argv[2], ITK_NULLPTR, wkbMultiPolygon); argv[2], nullptr, wkbMultiPolygon);
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
// Software Guide : BeginLatex // Software Guide : BeginLatex
...@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) ...@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet // Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
char * fileNameIn = argv[1]; char * fileNameIn = argv[1];
char * fileNameImgInit = ITK_NULLPTR; char * fileNameImgInit = nullptr;
char * fileNameOut = argv[2]; char * fileNameOut = argv[2];
int numberOfClasses = atoi(argv[3]); int numberOfClasses = atoi(argv[3]);
int numberOfIteration = atoi(argv[4]); int numberOfIteration = atoi(argv[4]);
...@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) ...@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Software Guide : EndLatex // Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
if (fileNameImgInit != ITK_NULLPTR) if (fileNameImgInit != nullptr)
{ {
typedef otb::ImageFileReader<OutputImageType> ImgInitReaderType; typedef otb::ImageFileReader<OutputImageType> ImgInitReaderType;
ImgInitReaderType::Pointer segReader = ImgInitReaderType::New(); ImgInitReaderType::Pointer segReader = ImgInitReaderType::New();
...@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int main(int itkNotUsed(argc), char* argv[]) ...@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ int main(int itkNotUsed(argc), char* argv[])
// Software Guide : EndLatex // Software Guide : EndLatex
// Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet // Software Guide : BeginCodeSnippet
if (actMapFileName != ITK_NULLPTR) if (actMapFileName != nullptr)
{ {
ActivationWriterType::Pointer actWriter = ActivationWriterType::New(); ActivationWriterType::Pointer actWriter = ActivationWriterType::New();
actWriter->SetFileName(actMapFileName); actWriter->SetFileName(actMapFileName);