Monteverdi crash when running Convert application (5.6.1 nightly)
Mantis Issue 1266, reported by sdinot, assigned to gpasero, created: 2016-08-25
Monteverdi crashes when trying to do a simple otbgui_Convert Tested with today's nightly 5.6.1 standalone linux package
An output image is generated, but it looks like the problem comes from reading it.
1472130677 - gpaseroFirst diagnostic :
- the application successfully generate the output image. However the settings of the application (rescale + float ouptut pixel type) give an output image with pixel values between 10^35 and 10^38.
- the crash happens in the Histogram generation function in Monteverdi, during image loading.
- QGis can open the output image and displays it right.
1472133118 - salbertcovariance matrix contains 'inf' here: [^]
It is taken from [^]
Type is : [^]
1472142863 - gpaseroFound the issue : the filter otb::StreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter does some computation in float, instead of double.
1472144066 - gpaseroFi