Migration to Qt5
Qt4 will be removed from Debian in the next stable release so OTB should switch to Qt5.
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- Antoine Regimbeau mentioned in merge request !3 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3 (merged)
- Guillaume Pasero changed milestone to %6.6.0
changed milestone to %6.6.0
- Author Contributor
The branch is now compiling. There are some lines that I commented because the function are no longer available in qt5 (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtextcodec.html / http://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/qtextcodec.html setCodecForCstring(), setCodecForTr(), codecForCString() and codecForTr() ).
We also need to change the use of qt4 in the documentation and in the superbuild/packaging.
Edited by Antoine Regimbeau - Developer
Does Megatron, hulk and leod have Qt5 already installed ? If yes we can probably register the feature branch in the list of tested branches.
How can we link this issue with the feature branch qt4to5? (https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/tree/qt4to5).
There is something strange on my side in the gitlab GUI for this issue as I can't create a merge request or branch from the issue description. It is only written "Checking branch availability" with a progress circle which turn indefinitely at the top right of the issue description.
@aregimbeau do you see the same thing?
- Author Contributor
No I do not have the "Checking branch availability". But a merge request is already linked to the issue!
About linking the issue and an existed branch that is unfortunately impossible for now in gitlab... But I think that this is a feature request.
- Guillaume Pasero added To Do label
added To Do label
- Author Contributor
Simple question : should we keep backward compatibility with Qt4 or not?
- Developer
Simple answer: No
1 - Owner
same answer, Qt4 support is ending soon
- Author Contributor
After building and using Monteverdi with qt5 and package qwt-qt5 we have an encoding problem, warning and debug messages are unreadable :
� �a �i �a WARNG> �� WARNG> �
1 - Stéphane Albert mentioned in commit 37f33909
mentioned in commit 37f33909
- Stéphane Albert mentioned in commit 8dcff543
mentioned in commit 8dcff543
- Guillaume Pasero added Doing and removed To Do labels
- Guillaume Pasero closed