Status of Java wrapper
Moved discussion from: !405 (comment 77002)
- What is the status of Java wrappers?
- Where is the documentation?
- Is it tested?
- Are there users?
Moved discussion from: !405 (comment 77002)
mentioned in merge request !405 (merged)
There are four tests for the java wrapper: jaTvSmoothing, JavaRescaleTest, JavaRescaleOutXMLTest, JavaRescaleInXMLTest (they are executed in CTest)
Thanks! Personally I have never met or heard of anyone using the Java wrappers, and Rashad seemed to agree. So the point of this issue is to gather information about potential users out there and see if we want to spend more or less ressources on it. It's ok if the conclusion of the discussion is to change nothing of course.
I would say lets drop the java support.
mentioned in merge request !424 (merged)
closed via merge request !424 (merged)
mentioned in commit 581cd008