inverted ULY / LRY in ExtractROI application
Hi all,
I am using the ExtractROI application but I do not understand the expected order of Upper Left and Lower Right Y coordinates.
For example, let's consider the image at Data/Input/QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif
which has UTM31 CRS.
on this image gives :
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 374149.981, 4829183.994) ( 1d26'26.19"E, 43d36'18.00"N)
Lower Left ( 374149.981, 4828883.994) ( 1d26'26.44"E, 43d36' 8.28"N)
Upper Right ( 374449.981, 4829183.994) ( 1d26'39.57"E, 43d36'18.19"N)
Lower Right ( 374449.981, 4828883.994) ( 1d26'39.82"E, 43d36' 8.47"N)
When using ExtractROI using the above corner coordinates 'as is':
otbcli_ExtractROI -in QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif -mode extent -mode.extent.unit phy -mode.extent.uly 4829183.994 -mode.extent.lry 4828883.994 -mode.extent.ulx 374149.981 -mode.extent.lrx 374449.981 -out extracted.tif
this fails, saying Extent coordinates are inverted!
It seems that ExtractROI expects LowerRightY > UpperLeftY whereas it should be the opposite.
Am I missing something or is there a bug inside ExtractROI ?