Building the cookbook is currently a separate CMake project which requires boilerplate configuration (OTB_DIR, etc...). There is no proper CMake dependency between the OTB build and the cookbook, leading to errors when not rebuilding the correct git branch, etc...
In this MR I:
with add_subdirectory
You can now build the cookbook in your usual OTB build dir simply with:
make CookBookHTML
firefox Documentation/Cookbook/html/index.html
Easier CookBook build and better dependency management.
CMake variable is useful because the configure step looks for Latex, Sphinx, etc, and we want to be able to completely disable it. But do we want BUILD_DOXYGEN
I made sphinx_rtd_theme
a mandatory build dependency (it was optional), so the final result is the same everywhere.
The copyright owner is CNES and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.
Check before merging: