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WIP: A really, really generic functor filter

Julien Michel requested to merge functorfilter into develop


This MR provides THE ultimate functor filter. Let see why and how.

Note: this is a WIP, also the code is functional. It misses documentation and reviews. I am submitting this now because it already represents a huge amount of work and I want to get feedbacks on the idea before proceeding any further.


We have a lot of base classes to define different cases of functor filters (with a VectorImage or Image output, with 2, 3 or more inputs, with neighborhood ...). Moreover, the very principle of functors is to be simple to use, but most often there is a lot of boiler plate code needed even for the simplest thing. This leads to BandMathFilter being preferred, which is a disaster in terms of maintenance and performances. So let see if we can do something really, really simple for the user.

The idea is that we could replace a LOT of code with this filter, only keeping the bare functor definitions, that will work with the current implementation.

Examples of use

This MR is rather complex, with a lot of meta-programming, sfinae and the rest, so I would like to present it from the user perspective. For the sake of the demonstration, image, image1, image2 ... will denote instances of otb::Image<T>, and vimage, vimage0, vimage1 ... will denote instances of otb::VectorImage<T>.

Lets start with a very simple example. Let say I have a scalar image, and want to multiply it by 10. I could of course use the well known MultiplyByScalarImageFilter (really?), but lets use a lambda:

double scale = 10.;
// dummy lambda that multiply by a scalar
auto lambda = [scale](double p)
  return scale*p;
// Create a filter that will accept an otb::Image<double> as input and produce an otb::Image<double>
auto filterLambda = NewFunctorFilter(lambda);
// Set the inputs using variadic SetVInputs
// All good, lets run it

So what happens under the hood? Well NewFunctorFilter calls the FunctorImageFilter method which analyses the operator() prototype and knows how to call it with the correct types. A lambda, 3 lines of code, and you have a fully functioning filter. Cool? Wait there is more.

// dummy lambda that sums 3 images with different types
auto lambda = [](double p, unsigned int p1, short p2)
  return static_cast<double>(p)+static_cast<double>(p1) + static_cast<double>(p2);
// Create a filter that will accept otb::Image<double>, otb::Image<unsigned int>,otb::Image<short>  as inputs and produce an otb::Image<double>
auto filterLambda = NewFunctorFilter(lambda);
// Set the inputs using variadic SetVinputs
filterLambda->SetVInputs(image, image0, image1); // image is otb::Image<double>, image0 is otb::Image<unsigned int> and image1 is otb::Image<short>
// All good, lets run it

So this is practically the same example as before, except that (you get it) it shows that you can use a lambda with any number of input arguments. It will build the corresponding filter, and you just have to set the inputs and run it. Pretty cool no? Wait there is more.

// lambda that returns the norm of the input vector pixel
auto lambda = [](const itk::VariableLengthVector<double> & inv)
  return inv.GetNorm();
// Create a filter that will accept otb::VectorImage<double>, as inputs and produce an otb::Image<double>
auto filterLambda = NewFunctorFilter(lambda);
// Set the inputs using variadic SetVinputs
filterLambda->SetVInputs(vimage); // vimage is otb::VectorImage<double>
// All good, lets run it

Yes, it supports VariableLengthVector as operator() arguments, and yes before you ask, you can combine any number of scalar and VariableLengthVector types as you like. But wait, there is more.

// lambda that performs neighborhood averaging
auto lambda = [](const itk::Neighborhood<short> & in)
   double out(0);
   for(auto it = in.Begin(); it!=in.End();++it)

   return out;
// Create a filter that will accept otb::Image<short>, as inputs and produce an otb::Image<double>
auto filterLambda = NewFunctorFilter(lambda,{{3,3}});
// Set the inputs using variadic SetVinputs
filterLambda->SetVInputs(image); // image is otb::VectorImage<short>
// All good, lets run it

Yes, you can use itk::Neighborhood<T>, and even itk::Neighborhood<itk::VariableLengthVector<T>>. In this case, you just have to provide the radius to NewFunctorFilter. But wait, there is more.

This works with lambda but also with any class that has an operator(). For instance, the following is a variadic functor that can add any (compile time defined) number of images.

template <typename O, typename ...T> struct VariadicAdd
  auto operator()(T... ins) const
    std::vector<O> outVector{static_cast<O>(ins)...};
    return std::accumulate(outVector.begin(), outVector.end(),0);

And here is how to use it:

using AddFunctorType = VariadicAdd<double, double, double>;
auto add = NewFunctorFilter(AddFunctorType{});

Now comes the tricky part. What if the functor produces a VariableLengthVector ? Well in that case we must provide a way to tell the filter how many output bands it has to allocate. Lets see how to do that:

template<typename O, typename T> struct BandExtraction
  BandExtraction(unsigned int indices...) : m_Indices({indices}){}

  auto operator()(const itk::VariableLengthVector<T> & in) const
    itk::VariableLengthVector<O> out(m_Indices.size());

    size_t idx = 0;
    for(auto v: m_Indices)
      out[idx] = static_cast<O>(in[v]);

    return out;

  // This time OutputSize does not depend on input image size, hence
  // the ...
  size_t OutputSize(...) const
    return m_Indices.size();
  // set of band indices to extract
  std::set<unsigned int> m_Indices;

Note that there is now a size_t OuptutSize(...) const method that tells the filter how many bands the output will have.

And how to use it:

using ExtractFunctorType = BandExtraction<double,double>;
ExtractFunctorType extractFunctor{1,2};
auto extract = NewFunctorFilter(extractFunctor);

But what if the number of ouptut bands depends on the number of input bands? Well this is still possible:

// helper function to implement next functor (convert a scalar value
// to a VariableLengthVector)
template <typename T> itk::VariableLengthVector<T> toVector(const T & in)
  itk::VariableLengthVector<T> out;
  out[0] = in;
  return out;

// helper function to implement next functor, VariableLengthVectorVersion (returns in)
template <typename  T> const itk::VariableLengthVector<T> & toVector(const itk::VariableLengthVector<T> & in)
  return in;

// helper function to implement next functor, Merge two VariableLengthVector in-place
template <typename v1, typename v2> void concatenateVectors(v1 & a, const v2 & b)
  const size_t previousSizeOfA = a.GetSize();
  for(size_t it = 0; it<b.Size();++it)
    a[previousSizeOfA+it] = static_cast<typename v1::ValueType>(b[it]);

// helper function to implement next functor, Merge N VariableLengthVector in-place
template <typename v1, typename v2, typename> void concatenateVectors(v1 & a, const v2 & b, const vn&... z)

// N  images (all types) -> vector image
// This functor concatenates N images (N = variadic) of type
// VectorImage and or Image, into a single VectorImage
template<typename O, typename ...T> struct VariadicConcatenate
  auto operator()(const T &...  ins) const
    itk::VariableLengthVector<O> out;
    concatenateVectors(out, toVector(ins)...);
    return out;

  // Must define OutputSize because output pixel is vector
  constexpr size_t OutputSize(const std::array<size_t, sizeof...(T)> inputsNbBands) const
    return std::accumulate(inputsNbBands.begin(),inputsNbBands.end(),0);

As you can see, the prototype of OuptutSize() is a bit more complex because it will recieve from the filter an array of the inputs number of bands, which can be used to derive the output number of bands. Note that this is an awesome functor that concatenates any number of inputs, either Image or VectorImage!

How to use it:

using ConcatFunctorType = VariadicConcatenate<double, double, itk::VariableLengthVector<double> >;
auto concatenate = NewFunctorFilter(ConcatFunctorType{});

Can we define a lambda that returns a VariableLengthVector ? We can not add an OutputSize() method in a lambda ... But there is a solution for that:

/ test FunctorImageFilter with a lambda that returns a
  // VariableLengthVector
  // Converts a neighborhood to a VariableLengthVector
  auto Lambda2 = [](const itk::Neighborhood<double> & in)
                   itk::VariableLengthVector<double> out(in.Size());
                   std::size_t idx{0};
                   for(auto it = in.Begin(); it!=in.End();++it,++idx)
                   return out;

  // In this case, we use the helper function which allows to specify
  // the number of outputs
  auto filterLambda2  = NewFunctorFilter(Lambda2,vimage->GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel(),{{3,3}});

As you can see, in this case we need to specify the number of output bands to the NewFunctorFilter.

Implementation Details

More on that coming soon.


Thanks to Jordi Inglada for the starting this together, and for many inputs.

The copyright owner is CNES and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.

Check before merging:

  • All discussions are resolved
  • At least 2 👍 votes from core developers, no 👎 vote.
  • The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
  • Dashboard is green
  • Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement

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