ENH : Add metadata to Sentinel 1 Model
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
New Metadata for Sentinel 1 Model
The metadata will be used by new processing such as deramping/reramping.
Implementation Details
Classes and files
Four classes was changed :
- ossimSarSensorModelPathsAndKeys : New keys
- ossimSarSensorModel : Spread
- ossimSentinel1Model :
- Changement into
function to add or change some metadata. For instance, the pulse_repetition_frequency is now equivalent to azimuthFrequency (from annotation.xml file) and azimuth_steering_rate was added into geom file. - Changement into
- New function :
- New prefix for metadata from manifest file
- Support_data tags contain only information from annotation.xml file
- Header version was incremented by one (third version of geom file for Sentinel 1 Model).
- Changement into
- ossimSentinel1SarSensorModel : Not used (apparently)
NB : The version of geom file can be checked by some applications and an exeception can be thrown if the third version (at least) is required.
The application ReadImageInfo was used to visualize the new geom file for Sentinel 1 data.
Additional notes
The copyright owner is CNES and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.
Check before merging:
- All discussions are resolved
- At least 2
votes from core developers, no vote. - The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
- Dashboard is green
- Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement
Edited by Gaëlle USSEGLIO
Merge request reports
- Automatically resolved by Gaëlle USSEGLIO
- Automatically resolved by Gaëlle USSEGLIO
- Automatically resolved by Gaëlle USSEGLIO
added 1 commit
- 162212ae - BUG : Correction into ossimSarSensorModel to get/read new elements only if header version >= 3
added 1 commit
- 34ae0984 - WRG : Correction for Code review into Sentinel1SarSensorModel
mentioned in commit 33f5066a
merged! Thanks @ussegliog
added feature label
changed milestone to %7.0.0
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