Resolve "Implement otb::SarTransformBase, otb::SarForwardTransform and otb::SarInverseTransform"
Implement otb::SarTransformBase, otb::SarForwardTransform and otb::SarInverseTransform. Add them to the Sensor Transform Factory.
Fix #2151 (closed)
Implementation Details
Classes and files
- Implement otb::SarTransformBase, otb::SarForwardTransform and otb::SarInverseTransform with the same patern used for otb::RPCTransformBase, otb::RPCForwardTransform and otb::RPCInverseTransform
- Implement factories for them in otbTransformFactories.h
- Add the new factories to otb::SensorTransformFactory
- Generate new GCPs (for Sentinel1, CosmoSkyNet, TerrasarX and RadarSat2), using OTB7.3 and OSSIM.
- Use this GCP to test forward and inverse transform, as well as GenericRSTransform
Update the page Sensor Model with the SAR sensor model.
Acceptance criterions
The new classes are correctly tested with there respective unitary tests. -
The documentation is up to date.
The copyright owner is CNES and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.
Check before merging:
- All discussions are resolved
- At least 2
👍 votes from core developers, no👎 vote. - The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
- Dashboard is green
- Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement
- Optionally, run
git diff develop... -U0 --no-color | -p1 -i
on latest changes and commit
Edited by Julien Osman