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Add Functor module with FunctorImageFilter

Merged Julien Michel requested to merge functorfilter-take2 into develop
* Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
* This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef otbFunctorImageFilter_h
#define otbFunctorImageFilter_h
#include "otbVariadicNamedInputsImageFilter.h"
#include "otbImage.h"
#include "otbVectorImage.h"
#include "itkRGBPixel.h"
#include "itkRGBAPixel.h"
#include "itkFixedArray.h"
#include "itkDefaultConvertPixelTraits.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace otb
* \struct IsNeighborhood
* \brief Struct testing if T is a neighborhood
* Provides:
* - ValueType type set to false_type or true_type
* - value set to true or false
template <class T> struct IsNeighborhood : std::false_type {};
/// Partial specialisation for itk::Neighborhood<T>
template <class T> struct IsNeighborhood<itk::Neighborhood<T>> : std::true_type {};
/// Partial specialisation for const itk::Neighborhood<T> &
template <class T> struct IsNeighborhood<const itk::Neighborhood<T>&> : std::true_type {};
* \struct IsSuitableType
* \brief Helper struct to check if a type can be used as pixel type.
* ::value maps to true if type can be used and false otherwhise.
template <class T> struct IsSuitableType : std::is_scalar<T>::type {};
/// Unwrap complex
template <class T> struct IsSuitableType<std::complex<T>> : IsSuitableType<T>::type {};
/// Unwrap VariableLengthVector
template <class T> struct IsSuitableType<itk::VariableLengthVector<T>> : IsSuitableType<T>::type {};
/// Unwrap FixedArray
template <class T, unsigned int N> struct IsSuitableType<itk::FixedArray<T,N>> : IsSuitableType<T>::type {};
/// Unwrap RGBPixel
template <class T> struct IsSuitableType<itk::RGBPixel<T>> : IsSuitableType<T>::type {};
/// Unwrap RGBAPixel
template <class T> struct IsSuitableType<itk::RGBAPixel<T>> : IsSuitableType<T>::type {};
* \struct PixelTypeDeduction
* \brief Helper struct to derive PixelType from template parameter.
* T -> PixelType = T
* itk::Neighborhood<T> -> PixelType = T
* const itk::Neighborhood<T>& -> PixelType = T
template <class T> struct PixelTypeDeduction
"T can not be used as a template parameter for Image or VectorImage classes.");
using PixelType = T;
/// Partial specialisation for itk::Neighborhood<T>
template <class T> struct PixelTypeDeduction<itk::Neighborhood<T>>
"T can not be used as a template parameter for Image or VectorImage classes.");
using PixelType = T;
* \struct ImageTypeDeduction
* \brief Helper struct to derive ImageType from template parameter
* T -> ImageType = otb::Image<T>
* itk::VariableLengthVector<T> -> ImageType = otb::VectorImage<T>
* const T & -> ImageType = ImageTypeDeduction<T>::ImageType
template <class T> struct ImageTypeDeduction
using ImageType = otb::Image<T>;
/// Partial specialisation for itk::VariableLengthVector<T>
template <class T> struct ImageTypeDeduction<itk::VariableLengthVector<T>>
using ImageType = otb::VectorImage<T>;
// Helper to remove const, volatite and Ref qualifier (until c++20
/// that has std::remove_cvref)
template <typename T> using RemoveCVRef = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type;
* \struct RetrieveOperator
* \brief Struct to retrieve the operator type
* \tparam T the type to retrieve operator() from
template <typename T> struct RetrieveOperator
static_assert(std::is_class<T>::value || std::is_function<T>::value, "T is not a class or function");
using Type = decltype(&T::operator());
* \struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper
* \brief Struct allowing to derive the superclass prototype for the
* FunctorImageFilter class
* Provides the following:
* - OutputImageType : type of the output image
* - FilterType : correct instanciation of VariadicInputsImageFilter from
* - the operator() prototype
* - InputHasNeighborhood a tuple of N false_type or true_type to denote
* - if Ith arg of operator() expects a neighborhood.
template <typename T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper : public FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<typename RetrieveOperator<T>::Type,TNameMap> {};
namespace functor_filter_details
template <typename R, typename TNameMap, typename...T> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl
// OutputImageType is derived from return type R
using OutputImageType = typename ImageTypeDeduction<R>::ImageType;
// InputImageType is derived using pixel type deduction and image
// type deduction
template <typename V> using InputImageType = typename ImageTypeDeduction<typename PixelTypeDeduction<RemoveCVRef<V>>::PixelType>::ImageType;
// Filter type is either VariadicInputsImageFilter or
// VariadicNamedInputsImageFilter depending on if there is a
// TNameMap or not
using FilterType = typename std::conditional<std::is_void<TNameMap>::value,
// InputHasNeighborhood is derived from IsNeighborhood
using InputHasNeighborhood = std::tuple<typename IsNeighborhood<T>::type...>;
} // End namespace functor_filter_details
/// Partial specialisation for R(*)(T...)
template <typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<R(*)(T...),TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
/// Partial specialisation for R(C::*)(T...) const
template <typename C, typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<R(C::*)(T...) const, TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
/// Partial specialisation for R(C::*)(T...)
template <typename C, typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<R(C::*)(T...), TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
/// Partial specialisation for void(*)(R &,T...)
template <typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<void(*)(R&, T...), TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
/// Partial specialisation for void(C::*)(R&,T...) const
template <typename C, typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<void(C::*)(R&,T...) const, TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
/// Partial specialisation for void(C::*)(R&,T...)
template <typename C, typename R, typename... T, typename TNameMap> struct FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<void(C::*)(R&,T...), TNameMap>
using OutputImageType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::OutputImageType;
using FilterType = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::FilterType;
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename functor_filter_details::FunctorFilterSuperclassHelperImpl<R,TNameMap,T...>::InputHasNeighborhood;
* \brief This helper method builds a fully functional FunctorImageFilter from a functor instance
* \tparam Functor can be any operator() (const or non-const) that matches the following:
* - Accepts any number of arguments of T,
* (const) itk::VariableLengthVector<T> (&),(const)
* itk::Neighborhood<T> (&), (const)
* itk::Neighborhood<itk::VariableLengthVector<T>> (&) with T a scalar type
* - returns T or itk::VariableLengthVector<T>, with T a scalar type
* or returns void and has first parameter as output (i.e. T& or itk::VariableLengthVector<T>&)
* The returned filter is ready to use. Inputs can be set through the
* SetVariadicInputs() method (see VariadicInputsImageFilter class for
* details)
* \param[in] the Functor to build the filter from
* \param[in] radius The size of neighborhood to use, if there is any
* itk::Neighborhood<T> in the operator() arguments.
* \return A ready to use OTB filter, which accepts n input image of
* type derived from the operator() arguments, and producing an image
* correpsonding to the operator() return type.
* Note that this function also works with a lambda as Functor,
* provided it returns a scalar type. If your lambda returns a
* VariableLengthVector, see the other NewFunctorFilter implementation.
template <typename Functor, typename TNameMap = void> auto NewFunctorFilter(Functor f, itk::Size<2> radius = {{0,0}});
/** \class FunctorImageFilter
* \brief A generic functor filter templated by its functor
* \tparam TFunction can be any operator() (const or non-const) that matches the following:
* - Accepts any number of arguments of T,
* (const) itk::VariableLengthVector<T> (&),(const)
* itk::Neighborhood<T> (&), (const)
* itk::Neighborhood<itk::VariableLengthVector<T>> (&) with T a scalar type
* - returns T or itk::VariableLengthVector<T>, with T a scalar type
* or returns void and has first parameter as output (i.e. T& or itk::VariableLengthVector<T>&)
* All image types will be deduced from the TFunction operator().
* \sa VariadicInputsImageFilter
* \sa NewFunctorFilter
* \ingroup IntensityImageFilters Multithreaded Streamed
* \ingroup OTBFunctor
template <class TFunction, class TNameMap = void>
class ITK_EXPORT FunctorImageFilter
: public FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<TFunction, TNameMap>::FilterType
// Standard typedefs
using Self = FunctorImageFilter;
using FunctorType = TFunction;
using Pointer = itk::SmartPointer<Self>;
using ConstPointer = itk::SmartPointer<const Self>;
// Superclass through the helper struct
using SuperclassHelper = FunctorFilterSuperclassHelper<TFunction,TNameMap>;
using Superclass = typename SuperclassHelper::FilterType;
using OutputImageType = typename Superclass::OutputImageType;
using OutputImageRegionType = typename OutputImageType::RegionType;
// A tuple of bool of the same size as the number of arguments in
// the functor
using InputHasNeighborhood = typename SuperclassHelper::InputHasNeighborhood;
using InputTypesTupleType = typename Superclass::InputTypesTupleType;
template<size_t I> using InputImageType = typename Superclass::template InputImageType<I>;
using Superclass::NumberOfInputs;
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro(FunctorImageFilter, VariadicInputsImageFilter);
/** Get the functor object.
* \return A non-const reference to the Functor in use. Note that
* this call will call the Modified() function of the filter, which
* will trigger a full output computation upon Update(). For
* inspection only, prefer using GetFunctor()
FunctorType& GetModifiableFunctor()
return m_Functor;
/** Get the functor object.
* \return A const reference to the Functor in use. For a
* modifiable version of the functor, see GetModifiableFunctor().
const FunctorType& GetFunctor() const
return m_Functor;
/// Constructor of functor filter, will copy the functor
FunctorImageFilter(const FunctorType& f, itk::Size<2> radius) : m_Functor(f), m_Radius(radius) {};
FunctorImageFilter(const Self &) = delete;
void operator =(const Self&) = delete;
~FunctorImageFilter() = default;
/// Actual creation of the filter is handled by this free function
friend auto NewFunctorFilter<TFunction,TNameMap>(TFunction f, itk::Size<2> radius);
/** Overload of ThreadedGenerateData */
void ThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType& outputRegionForThread, itk::ThreadIdType threadId) override;
* Pad the input requested region by radius
void GenerateInputRequestedRegion(void) override;
* Will use the OutputSize() method of the functor if output is VectorImage
void GenerateOutputInformation() override;
// The functor member
FunctorType m_Functor;
// Radius if needed
itk::Size<2> m_Radius;
// Actual implementation of NewFunctorFilter free function
template <typename Functor, typename TNameMap> auto NewFunctorFilter(Functor f, itk::Size<2> radius)
using FilterType = FunctorImageFilter<Functor,TNameMap>;
using PointerType = typename FilterType::Pointer;
PointerType p = new FilterType(f,radius);
return p;
* \struct NumberOfOutputBandsDecorator
* \brief This struct allows to forward the operator of template
* parameter, while adding number of ouptut components service.
* Its purpose is to enable the use of lambda or functor witht
* Outputsize() method with FunctorImageFilter.
* It is used internally in NewFunctorFilter version with
* numberOfOutputBands parameter.
template <typename F> struct NumberOfOutputBandsDecorator : public F
constexpr NumberOfOutputBandsDecorator(F t, unsigned int nbComp) : F(t), m_NumberOfOutputBands(nbComp) {}
constexpr size_t OutputSize(...) const
return m_NumberOfOutputBands;
unsigned int m_NumberOfOutputBands;
* brief This helper method builds a fully functional
* FunctorImageFilter from a functor instance which does not provide
* the OutputSize() service, or a lambda, returing a VariableLengthVector
* \param[in] f the Functor to build the filter from
* \param[in] numberOfOutputBands The number of output bands that
* this filter will return
* \param radius The size of neighborhood to use, if there is any
* itk::Neighborhood<T> in the operator() arguments.
* \return A ready to use OTB filter, which accepts n input image of
* type derived from the operator() arguments, and producing an image
* correpsonding to the operator() return type.
* Note that this function also works with a lambda as Functor,
* provided it returns a scalar type. If your lambda returns a
* VariableLengthVector, see the other NewFunctorFilter implementation.
template <typename Functor, typename TNameMap = void> auto NewFunctorFilter(Functor f, unsigned int numberOfOutputBands, itk::Size<2> radius)
using FunctorType = NumberOfOutputBandsDecorator<Functor>;
FunctorType decoratedF(f,numberOfOutputBands);
return NewFunctorFilter<FunctorType,TNameMap>(decoratedF,radius);
}// namespace otb
#include "otbFunctorImageFilter.hxx"