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Remove CommandLineParser submodule

Antoine Regimbeau requested to merge remove_commandlineparser into develop


CommandLineParser is now removed from OTB.


OTB needs to loose weight!

Implementation Details

CommandLineParser was mainly used in test. I replaced it with the appropriate use of argv and argc.


Some test where not executed, for now there are commented, we can decide here to remove them in this MR or create a new MR to reinstate those test with there baselines.
I believe that those are not the only test written but not executed in OTB. Maybe we could clean other tests or reinstate them.

  • otbAngularProjectionSetImageFilter.cxx
  • otbAngularProjectionImageFilter.cxx
  • otbAngularProjectionBinaryImageFilter.cxx
  • otbSparseWvltToAngleMapperListFilter.cxx
  • otbFastICAImageFilter.cxx
  • otbSparseUnmixingImageFilter.cxx

I deleted one test : 0000094-PolygonsVectorization.cxx during a raging fever. Again we can decide to make it great again.


Some example and documentation were updated also, but only one was a bit touchy : Tutorials/SmarterFilteringPipeline.cxx


The copyright owner is CNES and has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement.

Check before merging:

  • All discussions are resolved
  • At least 2 👍 votes from core developers, no 👎 vote.
  • The feature branch is (reasonably) up-to-date with the base branch
  • Dashboard is green
  • Copyright owner has signed the ORFEO ToolBox Contributor License Agreement

Merge request reports
