Handle extended filename for DataSource class
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2- Antoine Regimbeau authored
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ protected:
@@ -550,9 +550,8 @@ private:
This branch enable extension filename for OGRDataSource
This feature comes from the issue #1520 (closed)
On the same base as the ExtendedFilenameTo(Writer/Reader)Options we created a new class OGRExtendedFilenameToOptions that handle extended filename for OGRDataSource
A new class has been created :
A Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/include/otbOGRExtendedFilenameToOptions.h
A Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/src/otbOGRExtendedFilenameToOptions.cxx
M Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/src/CMakeLists.txt
It interacts closely with the OGRDataSource class :
M Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/include/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h
M Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/src/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx
A small change in the api has been done : all layer creation/copy need the papszOptions
as argument as a std::vector< std::string >
(empty by default).
In order to be able to use the ExtendedFilenameHelper (the base class for extended filename) it has been moved to OTBCommon module.
A Modules/Core/Common/include/otbExtendedFilenameHelper.h
M Modules/Core/Common/otb-module.cmake
M Modules/Core/Common/src/CMakeLists.txt
A Modules/Core/Common/src/otbExtendedFilenameHelper.cxx
D Modules/IO/ExtendedFilename/include/otbExtendedFilenameHelper.h
M Modules/IO/ExtendedFilename/otb-module.cmake
M Modules/IO/ExtendedFilename/src/CMakeLists.txt
D Modules/IO/ExtendedFilename/src/otbExtendedFilenameHelper.cxx
No changes in application
A test has been created in order to test the new class.
M Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/test/CMakeLists.txt
A Modules/Adapters/GdalAdapters/test/otbOGRExtendedFilenameToOptionsTest.cxx
This branch need real application testing so feel free to test and give feedback!