Feb 1, 2023–Oct 30, 2023
Release 2.0
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Class API docs is wrong
- Support for vsi output files
- Error when passing Path objects as output params
- Small issues remaing with frozen mode
- Add function for automatic OTB install
- Unable to access specific file inside archive
- Update release notes
- Remove code related to subprocessed application listing
- Add pytest-cov
- Build badges are "unknown" except master
- CI documentation step does not ship
- Update or delete outdated comments
- Change write function argument order
- Test packaging since we added pyproject.toml
- Native support of vsicurl inputs
- Format code differently?
- Missing some app default params in App._auto_parameters
- Refac tests
- Restore users ability to set App.name
- Use code formatter
- Refactor Operators
- Broken stuff since 1.5.4 with Output class
- CI trigger is not right
- Allow OTB dotted parameters in kwargs
- Update README.md
- Add more properties : statistics, metadata and any type of non file output in a data property ?
- Add function for coordinates transform X, Y => Row, Col
- Update pyproject.toml to PEP621
- Get image metadata as dict
- Allow accessing pixel values a coordinates